
66 Chapter 66

[Ten minutes to departure.] Comes the faintly robotic programed announcement from the lander and everyone gets strapped in for the descent.

“Oi, who is the second Mecha pilot? Do they not come out at all?” One of the convicts piloting a Line Mecha asks.

[Tarith’s Rage needs no Mortal Pilot] Nico jokes over the intercom, using the Mecha’s computer to make her voice a deep growl.

A good portion of the infantry makes the symbol to ward off bad luck, while those who served beside her before try not to laugh. They all saw the pilot of Tarith’s Rage only an hour ago, but the chances of anyone associating Nico with her Mecha are pretty low.

“You know how it is, you bring the learning systems to combat one too many times and they start liking it. You just need to offer it a virgin sacrifice now and then. By the way, how IS your luck with the ladies?” Captain Catan teases the soldier.

“Not that bad, I swear it.” The man says, waving away the attention, while everyone around him laughs..

[You’ve had your fun. Game faces on everyone, we have confirmation that our landing zone has been taken by the Rebels. Their presence is currently light, with only one infantry special forces team on location.

There is a road running north to south that crosses the bridge that is our objective. Landing Zone is on the East side of the road. Charlie Company, ensure that bridge survives and secure the houses on the East with Light Mecha Squad 3.

Bravo Company with Squads 1 and 2 will clear the remainder of the village along with Tarith’s Rage. Expect ambushes that are hidden from thermal scans. Reports say you will outnumber them ten to one, but they are a special forces team.] Max interrupts the joking to get everyone ready.


“Hey, Seriously it has been one minute since the ten minute announcement.” A soldier calls, struggling into his harness.

“We have been prioritized. You get used to it.” Captain Catan sighs, wondering if the Abraham Kepler will ever fix the announcement timers. At least they still warn you before every stage.

In truth, the problem is that the launch crew doesn’t bother to update the timer for every lander, they just set it somewhere in the middle and everyone gets it at the same time. The arrival notices bring wrong is deliberate though, their travel estimates given extra time in case of spies on board.

Reports of heavy defensive fire fill Max’s radio as the lander enters the atmosphere, but as the minutes pass, no heavy shaking or sounds of explosions nearby reach through the thin armor of their vessel. It is only in the last few seconds before landing that they start getting fire.

[Enemy anti aircraft and heavy weapons located. Altering search pattern.] Nico announces through the speakers on Tarith’s Rage, continuing the ghost Mecha gag from earlier.

They touch down with a gentle thud, and the pattering of light arms fire against the lander.

[No signs of Heavy weapons in the area yet. Breaching in 3, 2, 1] Nico announces, bracing her shield and charging out the door.

The lander had created a huge cloud of dust, limiting visibility, but only seconds later the heavy weapons start hitting the shield, while Tarith’s Rage keeps running with Squads 1 and 2 of the Light Mecha behind her.

[Light Mecha, spread out when you reach the city, but follow Tarith’s Rage. Do not get caught in an ambush.] Max calls, unleashing his Pulse Laser Battery into the rebel infantry units near the bridge.

The heavy Lasers tear through the infantry and lightly Armored vehicles, clearing the zone in seconds.

[Charlie Company to Stalwart. Suspected munitions bunker at our location. Targeters locked on the entry shack.] Captain Tarsus announces, and Max lobs a Battle Cannon shell at the marked target.

The two Mecha Squads that went west with Tarith’s Rage are in a heavy firefight now with Ion Cannon emplacements, so Max sends a volley of artillery their way, getting instant calls of gratitude over the intercom.

Nico herself has found the Special Forces team’s vehicles, and torn them apart, but the actual members fled at the sight of the rampaging Crusader. Her Ion Destroyer sizzles and crackles with energy as she levels any building that has a heat signature not marked as friendly, unconcerned for the state of the village.

After all, they will be stationed here, which means more incoming attacks, and a very low chance that any of the buildings would survive anyhow.

Max is learning that his conscripted infantrymen are actually much better than expected at their job, taking minimal casualties, despite the attempts at ambushes. Even the light mecha fared well, though they lost one pilot to Ion Cannon fire, and four more mecha are damaged.

[Eastern Sector secure, moving to verify bridge integrity.] Tarsus of Charlie Company calls, followed a few seconds later by the reports of the Mecha Squads.

[City Secure, Commander, no signs of life. We will continue to monitor and search through the night.] Captain Catan announces to finish off the report.

[Lander, hop back to the East 150 meters, in the clearing next to the munitions bunker.] Max instructs, getting their evacuation vehicle moved to a safer spot, since it is still intact and suitable for repair and resupply.

[Get the damaged Mecha to the repair bay and let’s get that trench dug. Cog wheel pattern between the village and the river, continue it down the west and south sides back to the road. Once that is dug, do the same on the East. Leave the road wide open for troop movement, we want enemy troop movements to enter the shooting gallery.]

Nico brings Tarith’s Rage over towards him, looking for a good spot to settle in. Thirty meters from the road, where a collection of grain bins hide her from advancing troops looks like a good spot, and there is a destroyed concrete warehouse there as well, providing some cover from enemies across the river, should they spot her.

Captain Tarsus calls out over the radio that his unit has a great surprise for her. A shovel for Crusader Class industrial Mecha. That allows her to dig first her own hiding spot, then a nice deep bunker for Stalwart.

Crouched down with a tarp and some rubble on top of him, you would never know there was a Crusader Class mecha hidden right by the bridge. Even the majority of his heat signature is blocked by the dirt around him.

But Captain Catan has an even better idea. A burnt out car is placed on top of the carapace of Stalwart and secured with ropes, through holes cut in the tarp.

“Now would you look at that, a Crusader Sized Ghillie suit for urban combat. The car is a nice touch, really adds to the disguise, and explains any strange thermal readings.” Colmar chuckles, double checking the securement.

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