
65 Chapter 65

The next morning Max gathers everyone who is going to be under his command to go over their drop plans for this mission.

The upper brass have sent a fine collection of soldiers here under his command. Bravo Company has been reinforced to 500 men, including the group from the prisoner recruitment led by Colmar.

Originally Bravo Company was going to be brought up to a full thousand men, but that was deemed too imbalanced, so half of the allotted recruits were moved to Charlie Company under Captain Tarsus.

They also gained two more 10 man wings of Light Mecha. One of them was a wing from the 42nd Armored, and a group of ten line Mecha were from the prisoners. According to Max’s information these guys got life in prison for an attempt to hack the central banking net and make their families rich. It would have been an impressive feat, had they succeeded.

All the deployment orders are signed by General Tennant, so Max can see that their teacher is still looking out for them, even if he has much more important things to do in battle than babysit new pilots.

“Welcome everyone. I am Captain Max of Stalwart, your mission Commander. Tonight, as you all know, we will be dropping on to KSF129, a highly populated agricultural world. Most of us haven’t worked together before but I don’t believe that will be an issue..

Our objective is to take an hold a small village at the foot of a strategic bridge. Heavy Mecha Support aboard Abraham Kepler is seriously limited after the Battle of Belmont, with over a third of our Crusaders still waiting on repairs.

That means your heavy support will be myself and Tarith’s Rage. However, the lack of heavy mecha left us some extra space in the landers, and we have been cleared to bring some vehicles for our infantry contingent.

All four of Bravo Company’s anti aircraft platforms are coming with us. We will also be bringing two supply trailers and one trenching machine.

Trench warfare might be outdated, but it is still better than standing in the open waiting to get shot. Especially for the Light Mecha who make such wonderful targets.

Drop time is now in 10 hours and 17 minutes. When we load for deployment, Tarith’s Rage will load closest to the doors with a heavy shield, in case of immediate hostile fire. Light Mecha will be immediately behind her with infantry on the flanks.

Spread out and take the village. I will be in Stalwart on rear guard and serving as long range artillery. Does anyone not understand their orders?”

The infantry all grunts their confirmation and the Pilots Salute with their fist to chest.

“Very good. See you all here in 8 hours and 15 minutes. Trust me when I say the two hour buffer is required, Abraham Kepler loves to arrive early. Dismissed.”

Max heads to the supply trailer to see what they managed to get, given the limited supplies aboard, having come straight from another battle without a full resupply. Most of the items in the first trailer are rations, clothing and kit. But below that is a large amount of Battle Cannon ammunition. The second trailer seems to be full of light mecha weapons at first, Ion Cannons to be exact.

“Nico, what is up with this wagon?” Max calls, bringing her and Corporal Fritz of the repair bays over.

“Do you like it? During a long Battle, a lot of Mecha get damaged, so I brought spare weapons that can be recharged off of the Crusaders or the lander. These ones also have a double purpose feature, they can be tripod mounted and used as heavy weapons emplacements by the infantry. An extra twenty Ion Cannons, as well as the new pattern Plasma Cannons that Bravo Company obtained should really help us out.” Nico explains.

“There are rations for 45 days, as well as two water purification machines. If the lander survived it can also filter some from the humidity in the air. That’s the very best we could manage, so your unit should be as ready as they can be to spend a lot of time at that bridge.” Corporal Fritz adds.

Max will admit, the extra heavy weapons are a blessing, and he is sure the infantry also grabbed everything they could.

At this point in the battle, there are no established lines, which is why they have been sent to control a bridge. Blocking enemy movement will help contain them in to regions where they can be eliminated. Plus, only after containment is established can command start truly pushing the enemy out of populated areas.

All of the Mecha and vehicles are being loaded now, so Max heads to his dorm to get a few more hours sleep before returning to the lander.

As expected, the Abraham Kepler is early. Right as Max’s alarm goes off the two hour to drop warning rings through the ship. He instructed all his men to be at the lander in one hour, so they should still have been prepared and ready in time.

The Special Forces Cadets are all in the mess hall looking glum when Max arrives to grab a bite before departure, and Ibanez waves him over, attempting a cheerful face.

“I hear you’ve got a strategic deployment again, and Command of two companies, plus a light mecha escort?” The big pilot asks.

“Yeah, and mostly convicts as well. But they seem pretty decent, I don’t think they are eager to go back.” Max laughs.

“Lucky bugger. We are all stuck here with the reserves. Our units took too heavy of casualties, so we sit here waiting on repairs and healing here while everyone else heads to the planet.”

“Plus, reserves always get sent to the worst, most overrun hellholes on the planet when they do get sent.” Russo points out.

He is totally right, that is the point of reserves, to go where things are worst and reinforce the unit that was already there. If they weren’t losing men and mecha they wouldn’t need the reserves.

They all chat a bit while Max finishes eating, then it is time to load up. Most of the unit made it there before him, and with fifteen minutes to the scheduled time he set, which is now under an hour before launch, only thirty men are not in place.

They all turn up in a group, five minutes late and escorted by Captain Tarsus, who found them still playing cards in their barracks.

“That is everyone. Head count complete. All mecha check good. All supplies loaded and locked for drop.” Corporal Fritz informs them before closing the doors.

“Private, hold out your hand for me.” Nico demands of the closest soldier, who sneers and extends his arm.

Nico pulls a small stick from her pocket with a smile and snacks his hand with it. At first Max thinks it might be a taser, given her history of extreme behavior, but the other soldiers begin laughing when they see it.

When Nico releases his hand, Max can see what it was. A rubber stamp in the shape of a gold star.

“Since you needed motivation, there you go. One Gold star for attendance. Hands out boys, or I’ll stamp it on your forehead.”

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