
157 Chapter 157

It seemed like his terror had taken on a physical form and was virtually making it impossible for him to move his legs. It wasn\'t like he didn\'t want to move. He was consciously making serious attempts to move backwards.

However, with each passing moment, it appeared that he had completely lost control of his legs. Zavier was appalled! What could he do?! The lady\'s eyes were still persistently scanning her surrounding. And any second now, it was very likely that her eyes would land on the unfortunate Zavier. If he wasn\'t trying so hard to move right now, Zavier would have probably passed out from mental exhaustion and shame. That would have been significantly better than trying to endure this shame and fear!

Tense as hell, Zavier focrced himself to focus. It was a difficult thing to do since his heart was beating so loudly in his ears that he couldn\'t hear anything else at all. Still, Zavier fought to remain calm. He had no other option, he had to get out, and he had to get out now! There was simply no way around it. So, after reminding himself what was at stake, Zavier exploded with a fresh surge of mental energy, and it immediately translated to the physical.

And so, with nothing but sheer will, Zavier triumphed over his brief neurosis. His legs immediately responded, and Zavier found himself able to move yet again as normal. But there was no time for rejoicing. There would be time enough for that in the future if he eventually survived this. Because he was brimming with so much energy now, Zavier temporarily forgot that he was supposed to be as stealthy as possible.

Out of nervousness, Zavier\'s first step backwards landed him into another big trouble. In a bid to escape hurriedly, he had unwilling gotten his pants stuck on some thickets in the bush. Zavier almost cursed out to the high heavens! What was this?! From frying pan to fire?! It seemed like Zavier had been hexed or something.

With the threat of being discovered still looming over his head, and with the steady reminder that time was not on his side, Zavier threw caution to the wind and tried to violently yank off his trousers from the thicket where his trousers had been trapped. That was when the goblin of bad luck intervened once again; Zavier tripped on his own feet and came down crashing hard on the earth.

Even before Zavier touched down on the ground, in those few insignificant milliseconds, he knew that he was well and truly screwed. So when the lady\'s high pitched scream came, he wasn\'t surprised. He wasn\'t surprised at all.

Zavier crashed onto the ground with an embarrassingly loud thud. It seemed like his clumsiness had awakened the entire forest. It might have just been in his head, but in that moment, he felt like the entire forest was laughing at him. Even the ominous hooting of the owls seemed to mock him. He looked up and saw the overbearing trees that seemed to bear down on him with menacing gloom.

It was worse than a nightmare. It was the kind of situation a person would find himself and wish it was a dream. This was no fucking dream, this was real. The shame was real, the gripping terror was real, and the embrassing sight below Zavier\'s waist was very real. In his hurry to escape, it turned out that his sudden fall wasn\'t the most shameful thing. In a bid to outrun retribution, Zavier\'s pants that had been caught in the thicket got shredded.

But his shredded pants wasn\'t the worst thing yet.

As if there was some mischievous entity somewhere controlling his fate, Zavier looked down at his pants, and discovered the most horrifying sight; his hard dick was out in the open! Zavier\'s mind tumbled in and out like a band of atoms stampeding in an enclosed space! It was a disaster.

Like the ultimate evidence of his own perverse actions, his horny dick stood brazenly out in the open, as if unashamed of its nakedness in the face of the late night breeze.

The stupid organ didn\'t seem to care about the fact that its owner was in the most embarrassing situation any teenage boy would ever find himself. Sure, everybody got horny every once in a while. It was human nature and couldn\'t be helped. But to be here at this hour of the night, in the middle of a forest, pants down with a rock hard erection out in the open- this was a disaster!!

How could he ever explain himself?

Zavier died a thousand times in that moment as he imagined what his life would be like If word of this ever got out. He could feel his own brain cringe as he thought of how the stories would be spinned just for entertainment purposes. He had been caught pants down wanking in the middle of a forest to a couple\'s make out session. Or maybe, they would take it a step further and accuse him of bestiality, saying that he had been caught blowing one off with a bunny.

There would be no coming back from that- ever! He might as well just pack his bags and skip town immediately. Probably need to change his name and go bald or something. Anything to keep the burning stigma away from him and get a fresh start. Zavier vowed in that moment that if he were to somehow escape this situation unscathed, he would be a good person for the rest of his life.

But of course, that would mean he would have to get out of this situation- if he could. He raised his head from his own naked cock and found the couple staring at him, the man\'s eyes were dark with anger and flashed dangerously like lightning. If he could summon thunder at will, there was no doubt that Zavier would have been a pile of ashes already.

Being on the receiving end of the couple\'s judgemental looks was too much for Zavier to bear. His own nakedness drove the final nail into the coffin. It was fucking embarrassing that his exposed dick was still hard despite the shocking awkwardness of the situation at hand. Embarrassed to helplessness, Zavier opened his mouth to say something.

He hadn\'t the slightes idea what he wanted to say. His brain was basically fried from shock. And because his psychomotor skills were jumbled, what came out of his mouth sounded like the ravings of a deranged lunatic. Zavier stammered out incoherent sentences and incomprehensible words. His eyes were wide with terror, and the guilt on his face made it seem like he was a rat caught in a snare, and was at the mercy of its captor.

Zavier\'s own fear had totally clouded his judgement, painting an entirely different picture altogether that was way different from reality. Actually, he had fallen prey to the illusion his mind was concocting due to the paralyzing guilt that had ridden his heart and infested his mind. The couple had appeared like fire breathing dragons before Zavier in his moment of shame. But in reality, they were as embarrassed as Zavier, maybe even more so.

They had caught Zavier pants down with his dick out in but a fleeting moment. But they had spent the past twenty to thirty minutes shagging shamelessly out in the open, spreading their legs, and grunting like pigs. All this while, totally unaware that they were being watched. It was a shocking revelation. To think that in their moment of vulnerability, they had been watched...well, they weren\'t too pleased about it. But they were also ashamed.

But of course, Zavier didn\'t know that. Laying on the floor, shamefaced, with his strong hard dick standing unabashedly in the face of the couple, he continued to stammer in derilium. Unknown to him, it made no difference to the couple. After a few embarrassing seconds, the man grabbed the lady by the arm and hastily made away in the darkness.

It was actually a funny sight. The lady\'s face was basically still wet with the man\'s heavy secretion. And as she hopped after the man dragging her, it was clear that her skirt was still drenched with her own squirt. But, naturally, none of it mattered in that moment. While a third party might have been judged it as a hilarious sight, to the two of them, it wasn\'t even remotely funny at all. The hurriedly made their way away from the location in panic.

In their great haste, the unfortunate couple didn\'t even pause to consider the fact that maybe the boy they had seen hadn\'t been the only creep around. They were too wrapped up in the dense fog of their own shame to consider anything of the sort. Well, it didn\'t mean anything at that point. They breezed past the middle aged man right next to them and passed him. This was a bit weird since the lady was obviously a perceptive mage.

In his state of shock, when Zavier saw that the man and the woman had turned away from him, he was overcome with a sense of relief. The feeling was akin to that of a runner who had finally quenched his thirst with a glass of cold water. Still a bit fuzzy from his own dose of shame, Zavier\'s mind did not know how to interpret the couple\'s abrupt take off. Zavier had been expecting a serious shakedown.

Or that the very least, a very intense rebuke. It was the least he deserved after he had literally been caught with his pants down.

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