
Chapter 341: Stepping on Others like a Villain

Chapter 341: Stepping on Others like a Villain

The stairway was crowded. As the mid-pack stopped moving forward, the back-bumpers couldn\'t proceed.

Amidst the traffic jam, Miaomiao used the fellow test-taker heads as stairs. His feet kicked the faces, the shoulders, and the heads to skip the traffic.

Seeing how Miaomiao proceeded forward, many cultivators copied his action. Many people leaped and hopped over each other as they pushed the weaker test-takers down the stairs.





Chaotic brawls ensured. Many hot-blooded youths kicked and punched everyone nearby to forge a path to advance.

In an instant, over a thousand test-takers were disqualified as they fell to the ground. Still, the battle royale continued even though it wasn\'t the main purpose of this trial.

Miaomiao left behind the trails of chaos as he stepped over people\'s heads like a douche. Unfortunately, he couldn\'t keep using the trick for very long as the people above him had already noticed the commotion.

One of the test takers brandished their broadsword unleashed his sword art. He was a 16-year-old 3rd-stage cultivator, who seemed to be another genius from a family or a clan.

"Don\'t ever think that you can step over my head! Die!! Tiger Claw Slash!!"

By swinging his weapon once, three sharp wind blades flew toward Miaomiao.

The latter simply glanced at the oncoming attack and looked away, ignoring the skill.




The wind blades cut through Miaomiao\'s normal robes.

Seeing how the wind blades connected, the youth swordsman laughed, believing that Miaomiao had received a fatal wound, "Hahaha! Take that, trash! This is the ultimate skill of my ancestor, and it synergizes with the Jiangdong White Tiger Sect\'s techniques! Be honored that you had been killed by me. Soon, my name will be-BANG!!"

Before the youth could finish his sentences, Miaomiao\'s left heel planted on his face, broken his nose, and crushed his upper front teeth. As for the assailant, he ignored the damage on his clothes since the weak wind blades only tickled him.

Miaomiao had been fighting foes with element Qi and dao avatars, and his physique had adapted to the extreme punishment. Getting attacked by pitiful essence-based techniques was like getting bitten by an ant.

A strand of fire essence made its way into Miaomiao\'s heel and entered the youth\'s head. After the element Qi entered the victim\'s body, Miaomiao leaped away without looking back.

Mercilessly, he folded his fingers and pressed the button.



The no-name youth\'s body suddenly got incinerated into dust in an instant. Five cultivators nearby got caught in flame, and they jumped off the stairs in a panic.

This was the first time that they experienced the fire element power. Moreover, it was the advanced fire, aka the dragon fire.

Guardians of these test-takers rushed to their children\'s side to save their lives. All of them glared at Miaomiao in resentment.


One of the enraged guardians bellowed and revealed his core pillar avatar of a black panther. He roared and flew toward Miaomiao.


The white tiger illusion also roared at the guardian. The sound wave, coming from the hologram image, shattered the guardian\'s eardrums and eyes. Blood spurted out of the elder\'s orifices from his head as if every blood vessel had been crushed. After suffering from the guardian beast\'s direct attack, he fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

The elders, parents, and guardians of many youths on the stairway shivered in fright. The attack just now shook their mind and eardrums as well. None of them was physically injured, but their mind had been shaken.

[My test is fair and square! Any interference won\'t be tolerated!]

Suddenly, a pillar of blue barrier array covered the entire stairway and the floating mountain island. All disqualified test-takers and non-participants were tossed out of the light pillar.

Now, without the assistance of the adults, the teenagers and the arrogant young masters stopped fighting. Their legs trembled as if they weren\'t confident in making it out alive without their help.

On the other hand, someone among the pack stood out.

Gan Ning, who had been stuck in the middle of the pack, finally found an opportunity to break free. He copied Miaomiao\'s move and began rushing to the front group.

Miaomiao also caught up with Gan Ning. By the time that they had regrouped, both men already reached the 1,100th step.

"I see that you\'re still alive. Where have you been? I didn\'t see you when I woke up."

Gan Ning pouted, "Boss! You\'re terrible! Your precious servant had a lot of trouble trying to push through the fucking useless crowd! How could you jinx that I would be dead?"

Miaomiao snickered as he scanned Gan Ning\'s condition. His yang essence and his physique were still fine even though the current gravity force had increased their weight by 600%.

As for Miaomiao, he didn\'t feel anything or see any illusion. He simply hopped from a stair to another as if they were an ordinary staircase.

"Welp, my bad then. Since you\'re alright, let\'s head up together. We\'ll kick out any moron that gets in our way."

"Hahaha! Of course! No one should block our path! Let\'s goooooo!"

The two hoodlums continued to proceed even though everyone didn\'t dare to move further a step. The gang became the center of attention as they were the only ones moving.

It only took Miaomiao and Gan Ning a few seconds to climb 100 more steps. In front of them, two of the six-man team, who had insulted Miaomiao earlier, had been staring forward in a daze.

These men\'s minds got caught by the hypnosis spell in the array. They couldn\'t even notice their arrival.

"Leave them be. Let\'s move," Miaomiao decided to ignore them.

"Aren\'t we kicking them off the stairs?" Gan Ning wasn\'t satisfied.

"Nah. Pick your targets wisely. Don\'t provoke a strong family. Just kill the weaklings and leave the strong, so we can use them later on."

Gan Ning scratched his head as he didn\'t understand Miaomiao\'s logic, "But why? Are you scared of their family background?"

"Pfft. Scare? Nah, it\'s the opposite. Brats from stronger clans tend to be richer than brats from weak families. You see, killing them now won\'t benefit us anything but causing complications and problems in the future. But if we keep them around and let them grow, their families will definitely spoil them with their wealth, riches, and treasures. We keep the young pigs alive, so we can harvest a lot of meat when they\'re fat enough. You know what I mean?"

Gan Ning widened his eyes and dropped his jaws. Then, he repeatedly nodded.

"Boss! You\'re a genius!"

"I\'m always a genius!"

"That\'s right! You\'re a genius! Hahahahaha!!"

The two villains leaped over the two rich boys and continued climbing. Little did they knew, their conversation was so loud that everyone below him could hear it.

The parents of the two youngsters were fumed with rage. They pointed at Miaomiao and yelled, "Whoever kills that bastard, I\'ll give you 500 essence cores! Whoever has any information about his origins or family whereabouts, I\'ll give you 100 essence cores!"

More people also placed a bounty on Miaomiao\'s head. Even Gan Ning got a price tag for his neck as well.

Zhou Gongjin had been observing Miaomiao and Gan Ning\'s movements from the goal line. Upon hearing that the leading guy treated his fellow cultivators as livestock, he had a bitter smile on his face.

\'That can\'t be good. He\'s no different than that hypocrite fanatic Ling Tianlong. He will end up killing his potential allies instead of nurturing them. This type of selfish cultivator will surely ruin Sun Bofu and Sun Wentai\'s chances of survival. Someone like this can\'t possibly pass the trial even if they have the scent of earth.\'

Zhou Gongjin gave Miaomiao and Gan Ning a pitiful look. He was certain that the guardian beast wouldn\'t let them pass the test.

He kept watching their progress.

At the 1,300th step, they seemed to be unaffected by the hypnosis array or the gravity array.

100 steps later, Gan Ning stopped moving.

"Oh, it starts."

Zhou Gongjin heaved a sigh of relief that Gan Ning would fail soon. As long as Gan Xingba couldn\'t complete this trial, he could coax the guy to switch sides and join Sun Bofu\'s faction later on.

As Zhou Gongjin had been looking forward to seeing this youth fail, Miaomiao suddenly brought out a vial of yellow fluid and sprayed it on Gan Ning\'s face.

The guy snapped back to his senses. Then, he screamed.

"What the fuck is this, boss!? This smells like cat piss!"

Miaomiao burst into laughter, "It INDEED was a cat piss! A finest-grade kitty cat piss!"

"But why!?" Gan Ning wiped his face with his sleeves in disgust.

"You no longer see any weird thing, yes?"

Gan Ning blinked twice and looked around in confusion. Then, he dryly laughed, "Hehe, no. Not anymore."

"Then, we\'re fine. Let\'s keep going."


Zhou Gongjin overheard the conversation. He stared at the men in astonishment.

"Just how? Did they use a beast\'s urine to make it through!?"

As if the host of this test had heard the question, the voice of the tiger echoed in Zhou Gongjin\'s mind.

[That was my descendant\'s urine. I think you shouldn\'t look down on them, especially that guy with the scent of my kin.]

"What!?"? Zhou Gongjin was surprised.

[Humans whom my descendant has acknowledged can never be a bad guy. You should fix your attitude if you want my bloodline, boy.]

"But sir, that man is planning to kill his allies for wealth! A selfish lunatic can\'t be trusted!"

[If we want to talk about selfishness, aren\'t you the selfish one?]


[You completed my test alone despite being aware of the hints.]

"Yes, indeed. But is that enough to classify me as a selfish person!?"

[Look at them. One of them has also figured out the hints, and he is helping his friend with that information. If you weren\'t one of the selfish bastards that you had been branding the others, you should have led several subordinates or friends and shared this information with them to reach here together. Now, tell me who\'s the selfish one, you or him?]


Zhou Gongjin couldn\'t refute. He came here alone to become the guardian beast\'s direct disciple so that he could monopolize the techniques and all inheritance. Meanwhile, Miaomiao earnestly helped his subordinate and tried to make it to the goal together.

Both Zhou Gongjin and Miaomiao might be selfish, but the former was worse.

Realizing the mistake, Zhou Gongjin turned around. He knelt and kowtowed toward the mountain.

"This junior has made a blunder! I beg your forgiveness!"

[Pfft. A blunder? Yes, a blunder. Well, since you have passed my trial and earned the right to become an inner disciple, I shall teach you a few survival tips…]

The tiger paused and stressed his words.

[Never prejudice anyone, including beasts, humans, demons, or immortals. Everyone has good traits and bad traits. Not everything is categorized in black and white. We\'re living in the grey world, child. Learn to adapt, forget, and forgive. I\'ve learned this lesson the hard way after I mistreated my former colleagues. Now, look at me. I\'m currently a slave of a mortal human because I didn\'t have faith in weaker allies and failed to unite them under one flag before I fought against the humans! I fought alone, and I\'m left alone.]


Zhou Gongjin hadn\'t learned this part in his previous life. He opened his eyes wide as it reflected his current self, who never shared critical information and boons with the others.

Zhou Gongjin bit his lower lips and slammed his forehead to the stone ground once more.

"This junior shall keep that in mind!"

[Don\'t repeat my mistake if you want to protect your family that badly.]

The tiger stopped talking to Zhou Gongjin as he had already made his points. The voice ceased.

The time-traveler protagonist took a deep breath and turned around, looking at Miaomiao and Gan Ning once more.

The duo had already passed the leader of the 6-man group and caught up with Zhu Qiao\'s party. Surprisingly, Miaomiao stopped proceeding forward and began talking with the girl group leader.

"Yo, bitches. You think I won\'t recognize you succubi?"

Miaomiao almost ignored the black-cloaked girls on the 1,500th step. However, he could smell the familiar sweet scent of succubi from the girl group.

As someone who had sex with Xu Chu and other succubi with the ancestor\'s bloodline over ten thousand times, Miaomiao\'s nose remembered the nostalgic smell that always stimulated his sexual desire.

Even at the moment, he got a boner.

Miaomiao stared at the four girls, mistaking them as agents from the Xu Clan.

Zhu Qiao stared into Miaomiao\'s eyes and glanced at her system screen, checking the man\'s status information.

Upon seeing the abilities and specialties that Miaomiao had, Zhu Qiao dropped her jaw.

She also heard her system voice.

[You have encountered one of the conquerable targets. Would you like to designate Mao Miaomiao as the primary capture target?]

[A reminder, you can use the dialogue generator system to help you capture the primary target\'s heart, but you will need to spend a liter of yin essence per sentence.]

Name: Mao Miaomiao

Alias: Cao Mao / Xu Miao

Age: 20

Capture Progress: 0%

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Positive Traits: Flexible, Hard-Working, Family Lover, Learner

Neutral Traits: Family-First, Overachieving, Ambitious, Mild Temperament

Negative Traits: Sex-Addicted, Airheaded, Clumsy, Battle Junkie

Love: Sex, His Wives, Xu Chu, Diaochan, NTRing Protagonists

Likes: Murdering or Torturing Weak Foes, Killer Queen, Dion, SIMP Dao Gods, Useful People, His Perverted Orc Children

Dislike: Anonymous Devil, Cliché Villains, Hidden Protagonists

Hate: Xie Tian, Ling Tianlong, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yuan Hua, Yuan Shaoqing, Kishin Douji.

Cultivation Base: Late 4th-stage

Number of Specialties: 6,953

- Dual-Cultivation Technique

- Life Essence Manipulation

- Massive Dantian Capacity

- Incomplete ??????? Bloodline and Physique

- Demonic Transformation

- Fire Dragon Transformation

- Stealth Arts

- Katana-Based Sword Arts

- Demonic Arts

- Close-Range Martial Arts

- Basic Element Qi Conversion

- And 6,942 Others

Wealth and Asset Estimation: Over 5 Million Essence Cores

Details of Miaomiao flooded Zhu Qiao\'s system panel. After she hadn\'t seen him for a while, the former\'s character developed to the point that she almost didn\'t recognize him.

In before, he was a selfish, sex-craving lunatic with barely any good trait. But now, he had so many secrets, including the long list of unique skills and specialties. That didn\'t include the wealth in his spatial rings.

The last line of the status screen, the Wealth and Asset Estimation attracted Zhu Qiao\'s eyes. With over five million essence cores, Miaomiao might even be richer than Yuan Shaoqing.

Zhu Qiao decided to probe Miaomiao by revealing her identity, testing his stance if he had forgotten about the recent incident.

"It\'s been a while, Mao Miaomiao."

Miaomiao raised his eyebrows as he hadn\'t expected to see this pink-haired girl again.

"Zhu Qiao?"

"Yeah, it\'s me. What? Surprise?"

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