
Chapter 185: A Strange Dream?

Chapter 185: A Strange Dream?


Frank was suddenly submerged into eternal cosmic beauty.

A world filled with stars, clouds of colorful substances, shining firmaments, galaxies, solar systems, planets, asteroids, meteors, and more…

Within such a beautiful splendor, he found a small galaxy, filled with blue colors and countless shining yellow stars.

When he touched the small galaxy, it suddenly merged with him.

And as he felt a strange power surge through his body, he heard the familiar voice of someone…

Someone he had not heard for very long.

Someone who he had almost forgotten existed…

Someone deep within his memories, deep within himself.

"So you have finally found it, Frank…" said a familiar voice.

Frank suddenly felt a strange feeling of sorrow within his heart, quickly glancing at the source of such a soothing voice.

The figure of a man stood there, glancing at him.

However, he held almost no physical appearance and seemed to be made entirely out of accumulations of countless stars and galaxies in the shape of a man.

Yet, it held eyes, shining, golden eyes, glowing with dazzling dots of light and aquamarine colors…

Noah was paralyzed as he saw this man…

Those eyes…

Those eyes were the same eyes that he remembered one day through his dreams.

Who was this man other than him…?

It was really… him.

The one that he had loved so much, yet one day disappeared from his life and that of his mother.

The man that brought upon a radical change to his life after disappearing, which made his mother get depressed, sick, and alcoholic…

And due to that, his life became more and more terrible, and because Frank was but a child, he could not bear with everything, his mind at that time was slowly collapsing…

Although he had once felt an intense hatred against such a man, he had long forgotten such hate…

Because alongside such hate, there was also an immense sorrow…

Where could that man have gone?

Why did he leave them?

Did he… not loved him and his mother anymore?

Many years had gone by since then, and Frank had matured and grown as a man, however, he still held such lingering feelings deep within his heart.

But why?


"Why are you here…?" asked Frank, as his eyes became to drip with tears.

"Father…" said Frank, finishing his previous words.

The figure of a man-made of stars smiled warmly, with a smile that Frank could not possibly get angry against, the smile of a father who only felt a terrible sorrow and guilt within him, yet felt prideful of his son.

This figure… even without looking exactly like a human… Frank knew who he was…

It was really his father…

He had somehow… appeared within this place.

Frank could only think of this as another of his strange dreams…

But this was not the case…

The man sighed, as he walked towards his son.

Frank was shivering, he did not know what to do.

He wanted to, step back, he did not… wanted to see this man.

He was… angered… but also… terribly sad.

"Don\'t come… near me… You are just… You\'re just a dream…" he muttered.

"A dream? …Maybe, but even as one… I want to… feel once more what it is to hug my son…" said Frank\'s father, as he reached Frank and hugged him.

Frank was hugged by his father, as he felt the warmth and protection of a father hug towards his son.

"I\'ve crossed through endless stars and wondered, yet I have never felt as happy as now, hugging my son…" said Frank\'s father.

"Why… Why are you here? What do you… want? Why are you hugging me? Do you even… love me and mom?! After leaving us… so long ago?!" roared Frank, as he moved away from his father.

Frank\'s father lowered his head, he could not glance back at his son anymore, the guilt was eating his existence away… the lingering existence of his true self.

"I… did it because there was no other way… This universe is vast, my son… Your father is not… a normal person…" said Frank\'s father.

"…What?" asked Frank.

"I suppose it is time to tell you the truth. The truth about who I really am, and who you are… The truth about your powers, and the truth about your destiny…" said Frank\'s father.

"Truth? What… what do you mean by truth?" asked Frank.

"It is time to tell you the truth about what I am…" said Frank\'s father, waving his hands, as the galaxies, stars, and cosmos around them began to move, to rotate around them and then concentrate its light above Frank and his father, generating a figure, it was as if it were a hologram that showed something that resembled a gigantic cloud filled with galaxies inside.

"What… is that?" asked Frank.

"This is the universe you are in. Do you know how outer space is filled with spars that make up galaxies? And then even larger galaxy clusters made of countless galaxies? And then… well, this goes on and on, until you reach this space, the outer void," said Frank\'s father.

"The outer void… What does this has to do with you?" asked Frank.

"I come from the outer void. From far away. I am not… a human. I am what other beings call an Overseer…" said Frank\'s father.

"Overseer?" asked Frank.

Frank did not understand what the meaning of this name was, how can a race be called as someone who sees over others?

"This is what they call us, and our supreme leaders have taken these names as well. We are beings who transcend the boundaries of universes and live freely across them, we possess what they call an Infinite Origin, we can freely travel through any Origin of any World without being suppressed by the world\'s Laws. This is how… I once met your mother as I patrolled through Earth…" said Frank\'s father.

"Y-You… you\'re something like… a god?!" asked Frank.

"No, I believe Gods are below Overseers. Perhaps something higher… We Overseers see countless universes and administrate them, we see if any anomalies break the order of things, and so on… Well, I am one of such anomalies, I decided to not become devoid of my own emotions, and I became a problem for them… a problem they wanted to exterminate…" sighed Frank\'s father.

"Exterminate… who?" asked Frank.

"My own kin. The Overseers. Well, we are all of different kin. Overseer is a wide term, anyone who transcends universes and acquires an Infinite Origin becomes an Overseer… However, it is also possible for Overseers to have children who inherit part of their power and can grow into Overseers… Usually, those that come from mortals to Overseers are very rare, and only the oldest of generations are like this… I am the children of an Overseer, my father, and the one that seeks my destruction as well…" said Frank\'s father.

"W-Wha… what?" asked Frank, too much information was given to him, to the point of making him dizzy.

However, what his father said was the truth, Frank\'s father was born as an Overseer, he was, in fact, the son of one of the Monarchs of the Overseers, and could be said to have a very high authority… however, now that he became a menace and also an anomaly, Overseers seek his death to bring order to the Universes he has touched and altered… And Frank\'s existence, as a Half-Overseer, was also an anomaly that needed to be exterminated.

"I ran away so they could not kill you and your mother… so they could not know about you yet… I sealed your powers as a Half-Overseer so they could not know about you yet… I… I am sorry for… being such a terrible father… There has not been a day since I have not thought about you or your mother… I didn\'t... wanted you to be erased… not… not anymore…" muttered Frank\'s father.

"Sealed my powers…? You… you ran away because they would have killed us if you did not? That\'s… All of this is very confusing but… I can see that your decision makes sense…" sighed Frank.

"Frank… I am glad that you have grown to be such a man…" said Frank\'s father.

"…What do you mean by erased? Can they… simply erase us?" asked Frank.

"Overseers have the power of disintegrating Origins and souls with a single touch. Only other Overseers can fight against an Overseer… any other life form below us is simply left hopeless if the higher-ups decided to erase someone from existence there is no turning back, and that person has been simply given a death sentence… to be disintegrated out of existence…" sighed Frank\'s father.

Frank then began to imagine what it could have been to even go through all of that, what it could have been to be disintegrated as he lived his life, as he was with his mother… simply disappearing without even being given a chance to fight back, without even given the chance to stand for his own life…

His mind began to bubble with new thoughts… about these beings and their horrible hypocrisy.

Why did they think that because they were strong they had the right to manipulate other people\'s lives like that?

Who gave them the right to simply decided what was right or not, what was an anomaly, and what was not?

What gave them the right to decide other people\'s fates based on their own beliefs?!

Frank was bursting with rage!

All of this... All of these problems were because of them!

If his father could have lived happily and peacefully… perhaps he could have a better life.

But because of the Overseers… his entire life was ruined, and he had even risked the chance of being disintegrated because they simply did not like his existence!

Frank\'s father noticed Frank\'s rage, as he realized the several things within his soul, and how strange it had turned.

"Frank… what have you gone through this time?" he sighed.


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