
Chapter 295 - Cherry: Vcard: Virgin

\'\'Do you know the size of the basketball team?\'\' Leena questioned.

\'\'Of course, I know, Sweetheart. I am a pro basketball player_\'\'

\'\'So, you planned to start a basketball team with our children? I am telling you, Devin, if you teach shameless traits to my son, I will not sit and watch.\'\'

\'\'I am not a pervert like you.\'\' Devin scoffed before adding. \'\'Forgot one more thing. If you make my daughter a shopaholic, I will spank your ass.\'\' He retorted with equal frequency.

\'\'FYI, your daughter is my daughter,\'\' Leena replied.

\'\'FYI, your son is also my son.\'\' Devin stubbornly responded.

Both fought like their usual times until they realized their mistake. Leena instantly shut up, causing Devin to chuckle. \'\'I can\'t believe we are fighting over our imaginary child.\'\' Leena buried her face into Devin\'s nape in embarrassment. \'\'Did you really promise a basketball team?\'\'

\'\'No, Sweetheart. Don\'t listen to your mom\'s words.\'\' Devin chuckled. If he can breathe without getting tortured until their firstborn, he will think of the second. But right now, his only intention is to create a safe world before bringing the little one into this world. Eliminate the enemies is his priority.

\'\'How do you want our children to look, Devin?\'\' Leena asked out of the blue.

\'\'I want_\'\'

\'\'If it is a daughter, I want him to look like me.\'\' Leena didnot give a chance for Devin to speak. \'\'And if it is a son, he will obviously look_\'\'

\'\'Like me.\'\' Devin completed for Leena with a broad smile. \'\'Am I right, Sweetheart?\'\'

\'\'No. You don\'t outshine my features,\'\' Leena denied as if it was a matter of fact. \'\'I want my son to turn into the most handsome kid. For that, he needs to inherit my genes.\'\' Leena stressed

Devin didnot mind Leena\'s blandishments, for he knew of her fantasy world. He only prayed his son doesn\'t inherit Leena\'s narcissism.

Speaking of children, Leena remembered she hadn\'t informed Devin about the unplanned conversation between her mom and mother-in-law. \'\'Devin, if I tell you, my father is not Max, will you believe me?\'\'

\'\'I know you are not his daughter.\'\' 

\'\'What!\'\' Leena screamed at the top of her lungs. \'\'How do you know?\'\'

\'\'Are you trying to tear my eardrums?\'\' Devin calmly asked, closing his ears.

\'\'Sorry, Sorry.\'\' Leena rubbed his ears before she came to the point again. \'\'How did you know that I am not Max\'s daughter?\'\'

\'\'Intuition.\'\' Replied Devin in a one-word answer.

\'\'I thought you knew my father.\'\' With a bitter expression, Leena continued. \'\'I listened to the conversation that happened between mom and aunt Eve,\'\' Leena explained the exchanges that happened in the bedroom between Evelyn, and Heather, including her Francy\'s monkey business on the cruise ship. 

Since Devin was young, he knows Francis. Growing up, he understood that France didnot marry because he has someone in his heart. It was no a surprise to Devin when Leena informed Francis\'s love is his mother-in-law because Devin recently felt the air when the two are around. 

He now has a hunch that Leena is France\'s daughter because an apple doesn\'t fall from a tree. France might have raised Leena, but genes don\'t lie. He will keep quiet because he is not sure of it. \'\'So, now you have taken the job of uniting them?\'\'

\'\'Yeap.\'\' Like a nodding goat, Leena bobbed her head up and down. \'\'I thought my Francy is a virgin but didnot think he already lost his maiden tag. I wonder who could it be?\'\' 

\'\'Don\'t ask him.\'\' Devin reprimanded, knocking Leena\'s head gently. It would be weird for Francis to hear from Leena.

\'\'OKAY!\'\' Stressed Leena. With a yawn, she snuggled closer to Devin without touching his wound. She slowly shut her eyes and drifted to sleep.


Meanwhile, on the other end, Francis impatiently strolled into the garden where his friend was sitting alone enjoying the afternoon snacks. \'\'When did you get free time to enjoy the afternoon snacks?\'\'

\'\'Since my son is sick, I have applied for sick leave.\'\' Replied Fredrick, crunching a granola bar. Fredrick hated it, but he doesn\'t have a choice because he has to fill his stomach. His father made all the family stick to a healthy regime, and he is missing spice foods in his life. 

\'\'You need a reason to escape.\'\' Francis chuckled, taking a seat. \'\'What is so urgent that you wanted to talk?\'\'

\'\'Heather is here,\'\' Fredrick whispered in a low voice.

Francis : \'\' \'\'

\'\'Did you call to tell me this?\'\' Francis\'s voice was calm, but Fredrick heard an inner peril. Not that he minded. 

\'\'What\'s so secretive in it?\'\' Francis questioned. He sees Heather every day in the house, and he doesn\'t understand what his friend is trying to imply here. He canceled an urgent meeting, and after hearing the reason, he wanted to punch Fredrick\'s face.

\'\'Because it\'s a secret,\'\' Fredrick replied with a smile. He called him with a purpose. But Fredrick has no idea how to start. Evelyn told everything that happened on the cruise ship. So, she has assigned a task to Fredrick to check whether Francis knows about the incident with Heather.

Just then, Evelyn entered the lawn and put down a fruit bowl in front of Francis. 

\'\'Bring me something hot and spicy, Evelyn. I am craving,\'\' Francis pleaded in a helpless tone. He and Leena have a sensitive digestive system and can\'t handle drinks and spice foods. Unlike others, both can eat a whole tub of sauerkraut without any complaints but can\'t take very spicy foods. Sometimes, they feel an instantiable craving for unhealthy. The attempt to suppress their urges causes a desire to return to them more forcefully. So, both end up eating or drinking, and the next day, they will think about why they ended up eating and drinking.

\'\'Heather knows you are here,\'\' Evelyn said. \'\'She was the one who added fruits.\'\'

\'\'Fine.\'\' Francis exhaled a deep sigh. He was getting a taste of spicy foods before, but with Heather coming home, it ended. Recently, when Francis had it outside, Heather reprimanded until Francis felt guilty. Francis didnot mind him because he loved it when Heather gets angry at him. At least, they have a conversation to talk. That\'s how he is! A lovesick fool.

\'\'I am going inside,\'\' Evelyn said, and before going, she signaled her husband to complete his assignment first. Evelyn walked a little distance and hid behind the tree since she knew about her husband. She doesn\'t trust him.

\'\'Umm, Francis, d_id you pop any che_rry?\'\' Fredrick eagerly asked. Evelyn wanted Fredrick to ask whether Francis remembers anything that happened on that night. But once knowing his friend enjoyed a one-night stand, Fredrick was shocked! He was only curious about the woman. Scratch his wife\'s questions! He will cook up a story. It\'s not the first time.

Evelyn blinked her eyes once, twice. What is this stupid husband talking about?

\'\'Why do I need to pop a cherry when I can chew and throw the seed?\'\' Francis implied. Pop a cherry? He is not a kid!

\'\'Ah! This man is another cuckoo,\'\' Evelyn muttered, shaking her head.

Fredrick suddenly understood; his friend is a little weak when it comes to romance. Fredrick has to break it into a simple sentence to make his friend understand. \'\'Okay, I will put it this way. Have you ever swiped a V-card?\'\'

\'\'A V- card? I have the world\'s most expensive credit cards?\'\' Francis said proudly. "Why are you asking weird kind of questions today?"

Evelyn: \'\' \'\' 

\'Mr. Francis Hayes! Can you stretch your feet? Let me worship you for having such pure thoughts. Heather is a sucker of romantic novels, and this dunderhead doesn\'t know a cherry slang even. All in all, Evelyn wanted to reprimand her husband. Where is he learning all these slang words?\'

Fredrick wanted to bang his head on the floor. It\'s of no use beating around the bush. He will better get straight to the point. 

\'\'I want to ask a question, France.\'\'

\'\'What is it?\'\'

\'\'A_re you a virgin?\'\'

Francis choked on the fruits he was eating, hearing his friend\'s sudden question.

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