OVERFLOW 樱花未增删翻译中字

Chapter 72

If you have a difficult problem, you willbe uneasy when you face it alone. But when two people are facing it downtogether, at least this uneasiness will be halved. Lin Yu Tong’s anxiousnessconcerning Xiao Wei and Shen Jun was not as it was, but it is somewhatembarrassing. But now that Zhan Yi Fei knows the inside story, he has nothingto worry about, because from start to finish, he was most worried about Zhan YiFei’s mood concerning the issue. As for Xiao Wei and Shen Jun, he thought aboutit and after he thought even if he didn’t do anything, it would be difficultfor these two people to go through it. This is due to the temper of Shen Jun.

Shen Jun is a person with limited ability,limited professional skills, and is not smooth enough to do things. In the lastlife he did not touch the nails for these. Although Xiao Wei is helping in thisworld, it is difficult for his temperament to change unless there is any majorchange. Since the last generation of Shen Jun would be disgusted with him forsome unreasonable rumors, this world will also be dissatisfied with Xiao Weifor this, because Xiao Wei will only do more than he did last time...

In any case, the fact that Shen Jun is a "gigolo"is definitely not something to worry about.

It’s also a coincidence that Shen Jun’s contractedcompany, The Xinghuan Entertainment has been fighting over with The Chu FamilyChufeng Entertainment Company for many years. Chufeng Entertainment has a lotof big names and good treatment. Many stars are rooted here. Some of them havedeveloped very well and eventually started their own entertainment companies.They will always remember to make good friends with their old company whichhelped them. But Xinghuan Entertainment was not. Although XinghuanEntertainment has good training conditions, it has always been known for itsdemands in artists. At first, there were many people who wanted to improvetheir acting abilities, so they looked at the face of a good teacher, but ittook a long time for them to improve. Anyone can’t help but move on.

In recent years, many actors from XinghuanEntertainment have jumped to Chufeng entertainment, and the CEO of the Xinghuanhas been so angry. This CEO is Xiao Wei’s second uncle, Xiao Bo.

After Xiao Wei’s rebirth, she had a“vision” and she gave him a lot of useful news, so Xiao Bo did sign a few verypromising artists before others. Shen Jun is a little recompense from his niece’suseful news.

Although Shen Jun has all kinds ofproblems, it is also a fact that he grew well. As for the acting skills, in thewords of Xiao Wei, no one is born knowing, and there is something to learn.

Gao Wen Liang relayed the information hehad inquired to Lin Yu Tong and finally said: "If you don’t say it, Ireally wouldn’t know that this Xiao Wei is still trying to destroy yourrelationship with Yi Fei. This woman is truly sinister. I heard that the peopleat Xinghuan didn’t know her true relationship with Shen Jun at the beginning.Shen Jun had a good face and Xiao Wei acted like he didn’t know her, so she didn’tpromote him in the company, but recently a female artist who just signed thecontract expressed a good impression on Shen Jun, and it was not once or twice.Xiao Wei was not happy, not only did Xiao Bo not provide resources for theartist, but also disclosed her relationship with Shen Jun.”

Lin Yu Tong surely said: "Then ShenJun is definitely not happy. Even if he does not show it, there must be a flawin his heart. He can see his face bigger than the sky, and the most hatesomeone to reveal his shortness."

Gao Wen Liang said: "You really saidit right, because the little star was frozen out, Shen Jun felt veryembarrassed. He felt that Xiao Wei was hitting his face and preventing hisstardom, so he had some friction with Xiao Wei. Later, Xiao Bo felt that hedidn’t know things well. Yes, he was warned with a few words, Shen Jun is nowhonest. But he thinks that people like him, even if they endure for a while,there will be a day of attack sooner. And he heard that Shen Jun’s old lady wassick at the end of last year, and he took money from Xiao Wei. Shen Jun beganto feel grateful to Xiao Wei. It seems that she said that he would marry herwhen he was sick, but now it seems that everything is still unknown.”

Lin Yu Tong corner of the mouth bent, hereplied back to the sentence: "Yes."

It is really ridiculous to think about it,Shen Jun also told him about it. However, the old lady was good, and Shen Junwas dragged to the derailment on the grounds that "men should take thecause of their careers and wait until they have the ability to give their lovera better life."

It can only be said that in the face of aperson who has opened countless skylights in his heart, even if he wants tostop her from breaking the window and searching for incense, it is impossible.And as far as he knows, compared to women, Shen Jun’s heart is actually piningfor a man, Xiao Wei can tie Shen Jun with fame and fortune for a year or two,but can she tie him to her for a lifetime?

Lin Yu Tong thinks that Xiao Wei shouldopen a candle factory, so that the candle that can be brought back home willenough.

Gao Wen Liang saw Lin Yu Tong beingabsent-minded and he suddenly asked: "Lin Zi, have you ever thought aboutsending out that short story? I think it is quite good, and it is definitelyvery popular to send it out."

LinYu Tong is a writer, he had a short number of chapters then he will be able tosend it to the Internet. He glanced at Gao Wen Liang. "I found that youare getting more and more serious these days. Do you want people around theworld to see you like Brother Xiang?"

Gao Wen Liang shook his legs, "notusing the real name, not set in a modern context, we do not say a few chapters,who can see it ah? I just felt very sorrowful that my story has no follow up."

"Do not cause me troubles, you and YiFei are very different, if that I can write a follow-up it will lead to aheadache, and then more people will ask and I will have little strength once hereads that story, I really cannot write." Lin Yu Tong got up and closedup the notebook and paper and pen on the table.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to hold the thighs."

This semester was in the name of aninternship for a long time outside, and he did not go to school several times.However, it is a good time for him to start his internship again. He has to geta copy of the internship report that can be seen. Besides, the fourth yearmeans he also began to prepare the papers. However, he has not done the business internshipduring this time. He did everything that was not related to his business major,so he still had to find Zhan Yi Fei to help.

I amgoing to write it, and I always write it beautifully.

Zhan Yi Fei was also preparing to find LinYu Tong. When he was with Lin Yu Tong, the villa he bought near the school hadbeen renovated and had been ready for a while. Although it is impossibleto live in there, it is good to see if the decoration effect is all right forfuture use.

When Lin Yu Tong went up the stairs, heturned to face Zhan Yi Fei and he stopped. "Want to go out?"

Zhan Yi Fei took a few steps down and tookLin Yu Tong’s hand. “the eucalyptus garden is finished and decorated. Do youwant to go see it?”

Lin Yu Tong hasn’t been there since hefirst went to see it a few times. He was very curious when he heard of it. Hewent to the garage with Zhan Yi Fei. After getting on the car, he told Zhan YiFei about the internship report, and by the way, he gave him a paper.

“Isn’t there many people who say that theyhave finished the chapter in the internship company? Do you want me to writeup?” Zhan Yi Fei drove out of the garden and immediately raised the speed. Thecar followed by three black A8 speeding ​​up.

"It’s not too good to make it seemcasual, and even if the internship report is free, the papers have to bewritten. The few teachers in our department are very strict people, and theyare fine with tutoring you."

"Then once you have finished yourinternship. Every day, I will be a proper boss, I will not only stamp you. Asfor the thesis, if you don’t have an internship experience, you can’t write itin combination with the actual situation. If you try you will find it hard.”

“I’m not going to tell you to call me towork every day? I will give you at least seven lunches a month, and I will giveyou a snack. Do you make me want to do the tiring work?!"

"Who will make you do tiring work? Youcome at noon to feed me, and I will come to feed you back at night." ZhanYi Fei said with a smile: "Would you like to write ’in response to Mr.Zhan’ in the internship report, the paper will write..."

Onthe snacks that Mr. Zhan likes to eat, ’Okay.’

"Pay attention you, I am talkingseriously."

"I am also very serious."

LinYu Tong didn’t even think about it, and gave Zhan Yi Fei a direct question.

Zhan Yi Fei rubbed Lin Yu Tong’s cheek."Okay, I will definitely give you the internship report and papers beforeyou start school. Can you tell me the topic?"

Lin Yu Tong put his hand on Zhan Yi Feipatted him on the leg. "Sure enough, my farm owner is the most reliable man inthis world. Do you know what I said to my mother that day? She said that shehas a sense of crisis, and she feels that I’m not as good to you as you are tome."

Zhan Yi Fei shook his head with a smile."How do you know that I don’t want to completely control you in this way?Maybe I just want you to be more inseparable from me."

Lin Yu Tong stretched out and said,"If that’s the case, I can’t ask for anything less."

It’s time to talk to the eucalyptus garden.Zhan Yi Fei parked the car in the yard and walked leisurely with Lin Yu Tong onthe tree-lined path, and soon saw the villa main body.

Lin Yu Tong suddenly remembered thesituation when he first came to see this house with Zhan Yi Fei. At that time,he did not expect that he and Zhan Yi Fei would become as close as they aretoday, like brothers, friends, and couples.

"We were originally husband and wife,what is ’like’?" Zhan Yi Fei slightly expressed dissatisfaction in hisheart. "If you make a mistake, your paper will be charged."

"How to charge?"

"One word per one service at night,punctuation mark 50% off."


Lin Yu Tong has calculated in his heart,"Are you sure that you will not be exhausted?"

It is only 365 days a year, even if it iscalled a night service every day and two times a day. Three times, it is also athousand times a year. A paper is counted as 10,000 words. How long does ittake for those 10000 words ten years?


Zhan Yi Fei looked at Lin Yu Tong with alook saying "You are too impure"

"I said that the night service it meansletting you blow my hair or something. Where did your mind want to go?"

Lin Yu Tong believes him. There are ghosts.Since the two people became more and more familiar with each other, they mayhave completely revealed their nature. He is more and more arrogant in frontZhan Yi Fei’s stepmother, and Zhan Yi Fei has fully played the protective bearattribute, when it’s just two people alone together, they can tell a joke.

Zhan Yi Fei took Lin Yu Tong to the masterbedroom on the third floor. "Look at the balcony, do you like it?"

Because Lin Yu Tong said that he doesn’tlike the balcony, the design used here is not the same as the common form ofother balconies. The balcony is not in a place where you can touch the actualbalcony, there is no balcony in the true sense, but only a window, skylight length.The entire ceiling is almost transparent, like the glass flower house. Thewindow is open at the top, it is a smart window, it will follow the temperatureand light and the weather conditions to distinguish the angle to prevent anydiscomfort, or you can manually control it with a remote.

Zhan Yi Fei tried the test for Lin Yu Tongand said with a smile: "Try it here first. If you feel it’s good, we willchange the old house to live in this."

To be honest, Lin Yu Tong felt quitesurprised. He thought that Zhan Yi Fei might change the window, but he didn’texpect it to be such a change. This has to be completely removed from theoriginal ceiling, and I think it is especially troublesome.

Of course, it is also beautiful enough.

Lin Yu Tong looked up for a long time.

Zhan Yi Fei saw that he liked it. Hepressed the remote control and pressed a button. At this time, the room slowlydarkened. The originally transparent glass turned into a dark blue, and therewas a "star" on the top.


Lin Yu Tong looked at him directly, evenforgot to breathe, until he had a pair of hands clinging him gently frombehind...

"When you write a novel, you alwaysinadvertently maintain a posture for a long time, so it is not good for the cervicalspine, if you agree after a few days, I will change your study to this. If youare tired, you can look up for a while." Zhan Yi Fei said, and pressed theremote control again, the stars disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by the crystal clear creek with the fish swimming in the water.


"Like." Lin Yu Tong said:"Can the screen be replaced with something else?"

"Yes, what do you want to change?"

"You." Lin Yu Tong turned andgently licked Zhan Yi Fei’s lips. "The best scenery cannot be written evenin ten thousand words."


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