
Chapter 146 - [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 1 – End

Chapter 146 [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 1

@Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory

Because all the conditions have been met, the Ragna Blade, which was registered as an event skill, was activated.

Sang Hyuk stacked all kinds of amplified abilities and added the multiplied immense force to the two wire lines which he shot forward…… obviously the Ragna Blade triggered.

Ziiing! Kwagwagwagwagwagwagwa!

Once Sang Hyuk released the Ragna Blade, the Ink-Black Dragon was pushed back from the recoil of the titanic forces unleashed!

The Ragna Blade didn’t exactly shoot towards the Reverse One Fleet.

Blow up the Reverse One Fleet using Ragna Blade?

This was not impossible. It may be difficult to obliterate all seven ships but at least it was powerful enough to completely destroy more than 5 of them and wipe out all the enemies on board.

But before saying what was and was not impossible, Sang Hyuk used the Ragna Blade in a different way for other reasons.

First the biggest problem was the death penalty.

If Sang Hyuk cleared all his enemies with ragna blade, his enemies would die…. but just die.

This was already confirmed by several experiments done after Sang Hyuk obtained the Ragna Blade.

The desire to erase everything using ragna blade was really unreasonable so of course the ‘items’ or ‘karma’ they should lose was not lost.

Obviously, the time limit for access due to death was not applied normally, so they were able to connect right after their death without a lag.

It was a bit like a bug, but it was hard to argue that it was a bug from Sang Hyuk’s point of view.

So, if Sang Hyuk obliterates the Reverse One Fleet with ragna blade, the only thing they lose is the Sky-grade Ships.

Of course, losing the Sky-grade ship could be a fatal blow, but due to the nature of Sky-grade Ship, even if it is destroyed, the Keel and skeleton frame of the ship will revert back into the spirit virtual space, so it will take a long time to recover but it won’t disappear completely.

In the end, it means that the only benefit Sang Hyuk could gain was to delay their progress for a very long time.

Of course, Sang Hyuk couldn’t get anything like loot.

Thus it was a vain result, and Sang Hyuk was NOT going to let them off so easily.

Because of that, Sang Hyuk wouldn’t blow up the fleet using ragna blade.

So, this was his choice.

Gurrrrrrrung, Kwagwagwagwagwang!

Sang Hyuk did not aim the ragna blade toward the fleet, but rather at underneath the fleet.

Naturally, the ragna blade pierced the Sky-sea and drilled a hole in the Sky-sea.

A massive hole was made in the sea. Of course, the waters of the Sky-sea would rush in to fill the void immediately, but the important thing was that right now there was a massive void in the Sky-sea underneath the Reverse One Fleet.

It was the same as when he drilled a massive hole through the sea from the underground dungeon.

A miracle that only Ragna Blade which can erase even the system was capable of…. Naturally, right after it was holed the waters of the Sky-sea poured into that unimaginably immense chasm.

Then the Sky-sea fell in.

Of course, the Sky-sea didn’t have sea water like the real sea. This was a milky translucent material similar to sea water, and as the megatons of this material fell into the hole, with a world shaking roar, an immense vortex was made on the sea.


A massive artificial vortex  was created by Sang Hyuk. However, the size and power of the vortex was unimaginably powerful for all that it had created by just a single user.

Actually, it was impossible to believe that anyone could create a natural disaster artificially, but in any case, the reverse fleet was where a huge vortex was created, and all seven large Sky-grade Ships were caught in that vortex.

On the Reverse One Fleet’s side, it was literally a bolt out of the blue. They tried their best to turn the bow of their ships to chase the escaping Ink-Black Dragon.

However, a titanic vortex formed out of nowhere in the sea and they were caught in it, so they naturally panicked.

Especially, the four Sky-grade Ships which were intertwined because of Sang Hyuk, shuddered uncontrollably, failing to remain upright, almost capsizing in the grip of the vortex.

Kwagwagwagwang! Kwagwagwagwagwagwang!

In the process, the Sky-grade Ships collided with each other and suffered major collision damage.

Moreover, the three Sky-grade Ships, which were not entangled, struck each other and there was extensive hull and superstructure damage a multiple locations.

The durability of the hull was cut down so much that it would be difficult to sail properly.

The giant vortex gradually decreased over time, and at the same time the sea stabilized, but the Reverse Fleet suffered devastating, crippling damage.

It was for only a minute that they caught in the vortex but the four Sky-grade Ships which were intertwined, were almost completely wrecked, and the remaining three Sky-grade Ships suffered “merely” crippling damage.

With some luck, Ragna Blade had performed better than Sang Hyuk could have imagined.

Of course, it wasn’t the end of the battle.

In fact, Sang Hyuk, who had stopped his enemy’s fleet dead in the water, was already driving the Ink-Black Dragon back at full speed to the front of the Reverse One Fleet.

“Gye Baek, don’t be frugal with the ammo, keep those Sky-grade Ships under continuous fire with the cannon. And Aspice continue to control Ink-Black Dragon, and just in case there is an enemy who want to board us, please give them a ‘warm’ welcome.”

Sang Hyuk, who has recovered some of the health and vitality consumed by using ragna blade through potions and healing items, gazed with delight at the screaming, wrecked mess he had made of the Reverse One Fleet.

“You, what are you going to do?”

“I… am going to give them a spanking.”

Sang Hyuk smiled at Gye Baek. He did not hesitate to jump straight toward the Reverse Fleet.

The distance from Ink Black Dragon to the Reverse Fleet is approximately 300 meters.

He was currently wearing the Magic Armor Dark Black Wings, so he could fly far enough.

Note that the Ink Black Dragon’s energy emission range was 700 meter in radius, so there was no problem with using the Magic Armor.

Chwaaaak, Phaaat!

Sang Hyuk, who spread the black wings and flew 300 meter in an instant, landed lightly on the enemy’s Sky-grade Ship.


The first Sky-grade Ship that Sang Hyuk rode on was the ship flying the ‘Red Star’ flag.

Sang Hyuk, who crossed by himself casually, which normal users wouldn’t dare to try without using a harpoon gun, looked around.

Naturally, he was surrounded by enemies.

‘Red Blood…stupid Chinese.’ (Ed Notes: We kept the author’s original words, including his slurs.)

Sang Hyuk knew exactly who they were, due to the red star on their guild badges and the enemies’ outfit.

Red Blood was the largest union in China. No, to be precise, it was the largest coalition of guilds in the world.

Xiao Fang, Sang Hyuk’s opponent at the Best One, belonged to the Golden Imperial Soldiers, which was not a part of Red Blood…so actually Red Blood had no contact with the One Guild.

If you wanted to take the first place from the One Guild, you had to fight for it.

The reason Red Blood joined the Reverse One union was simple. The One Guild had to fall for them to be able to take the first place. So they joined the Reverse One coalition, and naturally through that coalition, they became hostile to One Guild, and now they can freely fight and kill each other.

It would have been a limited PvP if it was in Treenark which have lots of restrictions, but because of the weak limited PvP in the Middle Layer, they were in a free PvP state, resulting in red skulls floating over each other’s heads.


“Where did he come from?”

Red Blood users were stunned when the enemy, with a red skull floating over his head, appeared alone, and they all gaped at Sang Hyuk, shocked and bewildered.

Sang Hyuk raised his hands as he looked at those Red Blood users.


Sang Hyuk spoke lightly and at the same time two wires appeared from both of his hands.


One user who invaded the Reverse One Fleet.

In normal cases, it was an intrusion without any reason to be concerned at all. However, for Sang Hyuk, nothing like normal cases existed.


In a single attack, four Red Blood players, who were nearest to Sang Hyuk, had their heads blown off.

Overwhelming speed and damage.

When the Red Blood users who saw four of their colleagues fall without even able to respond, they started to pull out their weapons and tried to stop Sang Hyuk. But Sang Hyuk didn’t care whether they pulled out their weapons or not.

Sang Hyuk was a tiger, no, a dinosaur who jumped into a flock of sheep. Not just any dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

All that was left was the Tyrannosaurus slaughtering the sheep. Baaaaaa!

* * * *

Red Blood did its best to hold out. But it didn’t stop Sang Hyuk from quickly cleaning up the deck and using concealment to flash-step to the east and launch a savage attack.

One shot one kill…. The world’s most fearsome assassin turned Red Blood’s ship into a living hell.

Red Blood’s monarch and also famous ranker, ‘Captain Jojo’, also failed to endure Sang Hyuk’s attack.

Dududuk, kwadududuk!


Jojo looked down at a red wire line which penetrated through his heart without belief.

Blasting the heart means that health become zero….

Jojo’s consciousness began to fade. And since he doesn’t use the ‘Skip Death’, like a ranker, as he faded away, he could just barely make out the face of the enemy who had made him like this.

‘This son of a ……..’

Eventually, Jojo fell to the floor with an expression showing his disbelief at his death.

After taking down Jojo, Sang Hyuk immediately moved to the engine room of Red Blood’s Sky-grade Ship, Red Star One. The best way to terribly ruin a Sky-grade ship was to overload the Magic Armor.

When that happens, the Sky-grade Ship’s durability was cut from zero to minus, so they had to struggle for a long time to recover it.

It was easy to overload the Magic Armor if you know how to do it.

Since Red Star One had been ‘freed’ from control when the helmsman died, so Sang Hyuk was able to manipulate the control pads in the engine room without any problems.

He cranked the engine power to its maximum and open only the energy circuit to the cannon while shutting down all the other circuits.

When it was left like that after 10 to 15 minutes, then the Magic Armor would explode.

Sang Hyuk quickly came out onto the deck after the operation. Before Jojo’s death, he informed other Sky-grade ships about what was happening on his boat, so the other ships were preparing to strike as soon as Sang Hyuk crossed.

Of course, Sang Hyuk was aware of this.

Even if it is Sang Hyuk, using flight without any defense could be dangerous.

So, Sang Hyuk called Gye Baek for a safer solo-crossing.

[Gye Baek, do you see a ship with the flag with a Black Hand printed on it?]

[Yeah, I see it.]

[Then, can you bombard the side of the bow?]

[Of course, it is possible. Exactly after 21 seconds.]

[Please give me a countdown.]

[Okay. I’ll start to count from 10.]

If there is no path, then make your own path.

In fact, Sang Hyuk was able to cross in several ways without Gye Baek’s help. He just chose it because the safest and easiest way to do it was to get the support of the cannon.

[Okay, I’ll start. 10, 9, 8, 7 …. 3, 2, 1! Fire!]


The magic cannonball, fired from the Ink-Black Dragon’s cannon, flew to the Black Market’s Sky-grade Ship. And…….


Gye Baek hit exactly the target he was aiming for.

Gye Baek’s cannon shooting skills were getting better over time. It was originally a good skill, but now only with instinct, he can hit almost 9 out of 10 shots.

Sang Hyuk jumped hard at the moment the magic bullet hits the Sky-grade Ship.


The dark translucent wings spread out behind Sang Hyuk, who wore the Magic Armor! Sang Hyuk, who triggered Black Flight, soared through the air and flew straight into Sky-grade Ship belonging to the Black Market.

Chapter 146 [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 1 – End

Edited by Admiral Userunfriendly

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