
Chapter 85 - Enlightenment

Charlus decided to follow the patients. He wanted to see them anyway. He had to be cruel sometimes for his own sake. He made the choice. He followed the doctors quickly, evading the people in the way.

Charlus saw many times where people were stopped but he was able to slip in. Charlus was able to get to the place where he was able to view the operating table from outside. He definitely wouldn\'t be able to get into the operation theatre though.

Charlus watched as the doctors tried to save their patients. Charlus decided to sit down.

What was he trying to do? If they died, what would Charlus really do? Would he suddenly become stronger just because he saw them die?

Charlus sighed. He decided to just leave the hospital. He didn\'t even know what he was doing.

Charlus started leaving when he suddenly felt a huge pressure on his body. Charlus collapsed onto the ground. He looked at the operating theatre where he saw a vague figure forming.

Charlus was lying on the floor and he saw the figure becoming more distinct. He saw more clearly. 

It was a huge cloaked figure with three sets of wings protruding from its back. It had a huge scythe and was aiming it at the neck of the patient on the bed. It swung down, and Charlus heard a sudden increase in sound from inside the theatre. 

Charlus saw the figure turn towards Charlus. The figure completely vanished, but the pressure on Charlus didn\'t decrease. Charlus saw the figure suddenly appear in front of him. 

Charlus felt even more fear than he had ever felt in his life. He peered through the cloak when the figure came near but couldn\'t see anything.

"Thou are the new angel of perpetual wink. Thou haply art not aknown of the predicament of perpetual wink. It is no longer controlled and it is up to the few angels left to try and bring back souls to where they should be.  Grow, young Sirrah.  The more thou grow, the more can help the earth.  Grow, young Sirrah.  For thou are the only person whom can take up the reins of perpetual wink."

[A/N: Perpetual Wink means Death]

"What can I do then? To get stronger? I don\'t want to kill mindlessly." Charlus decided to ask the figure how to become stronger.

"An angel is the only being not punished for killing a soul undeserving of death.  Every soul killed by an angel shall find its way to where it belongs. As for thou, the more thou is near death, the more thou will grow."

Charlus saw the figure disappear and immediately felt the pressure on him disappear. He got up and sat down on a nearby bench. 

What did that mean? Being near death? Did that mean that he was supposed to kill more people? But being near death and killing more people were not the same. 

Charlus suddenly saw a red light rise from the body inside the operation theatre. Charlus saw the light rise up through the operation theatre. He suddenly saw a huge hand appear from the ground that grabbed the red light and took it back into the ground with it.

Charlus suddenly jumped backwards at the suddenness of the hand. He did not know what it was. Charlus saw the doctors come out. He saw one of them talk to a lady to the side.

"I am sorry, but your husband could not make it."

The doctor expected the woman to cry, and she did cry. But not in the way that he expected. She had tears come out of her eyes as she hugged the doctor.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

The woman turned away without even bothering to see her husband and left.

Charlus sighed at all this. He could vaguely understand what happened. That woman would only be this happy if her husband was someone who was very bad, and it made sense that the hand from the ground dragged him back to the ground. 

Charlus stood up and sighed. He finally understood what the figure meant. Charlus now had a goal - becoming as strong as the figure he had encountered. 

Charlus left the hospital. He opened his system screen. He wanted to see if there was anything interesting.

He saw that he was Lvl 171. He couldn\'t comprehend this rapid level increase but he attributed it to Hebe and the mysterious figure that he had met.

Charlus just decided to ask the sky a question, hoping that the system would hear it.

"Like why the hell do you exist? You just give me missions and give me rewards, but you don\'t exactly help me get stronger. I\'m guessing you are god, and this is how you give me missions huh?"

Charlus didn\'t see anything out of the ordinary happen. He sighed. He closed the system screen and went to his car. When he entered the car, Charlus suddenly felt that someone was behind him.

"Don\'t turn back." Charlus heard a cool voice say. He didn\'t turn around, rather he couldn\'t. 

"You have met Hebe. She must have told her that God gave her her missions. She\'s wrong."

Charlus raised his eyebrows. "And you are?"

"I am the Seraphim of Life. I am one of the three Serpahims. The being you met was also a Seraphim."

Charlus was confused. "So you guys work directly for god?"

"No. God is not a single entity. God is a power. The Goddess of Life is an actualised entity of the power of life. The God of Death is an actualised entity of the power of death. They order those who work for them - their angels."

"So the one giving me orders was the God of Death?"

The cold voice sounded again. "You are quite special. You have a piece of what is left of the God of Death. That is what is guiding you. Ask for help and you will receive it."

Charlus was confused. "But why did you respond then? If the person giving me quests is the God of Death then shouldn\'t a Seraphim of Death answer my question?"

The Seraphim answered his question. "The Seraphims of Death do not care about the death of people. The Goddess of Life does, so she sent me. If you die, the Goddess of Life predicted massacres. The Goddess of Life does not want that to happen. She is willing to do anything to make you stronger. Hence she sent me to help you."

"So are you going to train me?"

"I will be adding a small piece of my own power - a power that will allow you to see where hunting grounds and practice grounds are available."

Charlus saw a huge flash of light envelope his car. Once the light disappeared, Charlus turned back but didn\'t see anyone. He opened his system. He saw that everything was now set orderly.




Charlus clicked on [Dungeons].


[Locating nearest dungeon for Tier 3 Power Host]

[Dungeon Located]

[909-1/2 E 49th St]

Charlus looked it up on google maps and found the location. He started his car and went to the location. He wanted to go there quickly. 

Charlus suddenly realised something. School. Charlus stopped his car and turned it around. He quickly sped it back home. He went into the apartment.

Charlus found Hebe there. He went to Hebe.

"Hey, Hebe! I have this question about your descent."

Hebe looked at Charlus. "Sure."

"So do you have any documents regarding your stay here on Earth?" Charlus asked Hebe.

Hebe nodded. She took some documents out of thin air. Charlus noticed that her two pairs of wings were folded and acting as a cushion to her body from the sofa.

"Can you retract your wings?" Charlus asked Hebe while taking the documents from Hebe. He checked them. She had a passport and a residence certificate without a residence written on it.

"Yes." Hebe retracted them and they disappeared, leaving no trace of them.

"Okay. Good. Now you have to keep it that way because normal people do not know that people with powers exist. So no powers at all. Can you do that?"

Hebe nodded.

"Now do you want to go to school, Hebe?" Charlus asked Hebe.

"But I already know everything." Hebe was interested but not sure why Charlus was telling her to go to school.

"It\'s not for learning. You should go to school so you can make friends your age. Okay?" Charlus clarified to Hebe.

"Ohh. Then sure, why not?"

Charlus smiled. "Good, then let\'s get you registered tomorrow."

Charlus was excited. He would finally have some protection near him.

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