
Chapter 72 - Skewed Numbers

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Denise pulled up to a very old building that looked very odd among the decent-looking buildings right next to it.

"Are you sure this is the building you want to go to?" Denice asked Charlus. Charlus nodded.


"I think there are some... shady things going inside. Illegal fighting rings and the sort.." Denise whispered to Charlus. Charlus nodded.

"Yeah, then this must be the place. My friend asked me to meet up here." Charlus got off the car.

"Have a great day." He wished Denise and entered the building.

The minute he entered the building, he encountered two huge men.

"You can\'t enter." One of the hunks told Charlus.

"It\'s alright. I know someone inside. I think she\'s a fighter." Charlus told the hunk.

"Haha. Did you look at yourself? The fighters inside are so strong they wouldn\'t be friends with wimps like you." The other hunk laughed at Charlus.

"I am very offended. Now, if you excuse me I have to meet her." Charlus tried to squeeze through the hunks but the hunks did not move.

"Fuck off before I get pissed," Charlus warned the two men blocking his path.

"What did you say to me?" One of the men got offended.

[Phil Sparks Lvl 23]

[Emmet Larson Lvl 24]

Charlus caught the incoming punch from Phil Sparks. He squeezed tightly, breaking the man\'s hand.

"AAHH!" Phil screamed loudly. Charlus let go and kicked him off to the side. Phil went flying to the wall.

Emmet gulped. He looked with fear. He waited for Charlus to do something.

Charlus smiled at Emmet. "Well, can you show me the way to the nearest fighting ring?"

"Yes sir. I will do it immediately." Emmet immediately showed Charlus the way to the nearest fighting ring. It was on the second floor.

Charlus entered a dim-lit arena. He looked around and saw a huge crowd cheering the fighters. There were a few hundred spectators.

Charlus whistled. "Wow. I didn\'t think that fights had this much of an audience."

"Sir. This is just a weekday. The fighters are relatively less known. Our more famous fighters rake in tens of thousands of viewers."

Charlus was surprised. "But can you fit all those people in one arena?"

"Those fights aren\'t held here. They are held at another venue. It\'s a lot bigger but the tickets are pricer too."

"Tickets?" Charlus was surprised. He wouldn\'t pay to watch a fight.

"Yes sir. $20 to enter this arena. $100 for the bigger arena."

"A hundred fucking dollars?!" Charlus was astonished. That would mean a fight would bring the organizers a million bucks. Charlus couldn\'t even comprehend those numbers.

"So is there one going on right now?"

"No. Only on Saturday nights."

"Interesting. So how do we get on that fight?" Charlus was intrigued.

"You have to win 17 continuous fights at these arenas. It\'s very hard."

Charlus smiled.

"Where do I register?"


Charlus faced a brawny man. There were barely any viewers. Maybe a dozen people.

Charlus looked at the bookie. 

"Can I bet on myself?"

The bookie nodded. "Current odds are 1:3. Charlus took out a huge stack.

"3 Grand. On me."

Charlus turned towards his opponent.

"Are you looking down on me?" Charlus\' opponent asked Charlus. Charlus ignored him and looked at the referee.


Charlus saw his opponent charging towards him. Charlus simply punched down the man in his head when he came near to Charlus.

The man was punched to the ground. The referee was stunned, as were the viewers. One of the viewers even got up and whistled. He had bet a couple of dollars on Charlus and he had won.

Charlus bowed to the audience. He then looked at the referee.

"Could you give me my match quickly from next time? I don\'t need rest. From tomorrow you can give me like 5 matches a day over 2 hours or something."

Charlus said this and then walked away. He collected his earnings from the shocked bookie and then went to the waiting room to freshen up. This was going to be all his quota for the day. He was planning on spending the rest of his time sightseeing. He might look for Lucie too. 

Charlus decided that he should first visit the streets of LA. He took a cab there. Before going there, he first pulled a stop for the local apple store.

Charlus went into the store. He marvelled at how simple and otherworldly the store was. It was too much tech for Charlus to process. Charlus looked around until he laid his eyes on the item that resembled his current iPhone the most - the iPhone SE.

Charlus looked at the price. It was listed at $449. Charlus used it for a while and found it similar to his current iPhone. He was about to take it but someone stopped him.

"Sir, would you like to take a look at the latest iPhone 13? It has 2 times more battery life than the iPhone SE and is many times more powerful. It is undoubtedly one of the best phones on the market."

Normally, looking at the iPhone 5 in Charlus\' hand and they would recommend the SE. But Charlus was a teen. No teen would say no to the iPhone 13 if they could afford it. It was the latest piece of tech right?

Charlus hesitated.

"It might be too much for me. What if I can\'t use it properly?"

The attendant gave an answer. 

"Siri has developed massively from the previous iPhone 12. It is now able to help users seamlessly use the iPhone 13. Would you like to try it out, sir?"

Charlus shrugged. "Why not?"

The iPhone 13 was a whole 60 grams heavier than his current phone. Users would usually show great discomfort. But when a person could bench 4000 pounds (1800 kgs), it didn\'t really matter.

Charlus left the store with a brand new phone. For a hundred dollar tip, the attendant even helped him transfer all his data into the new phone.


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