
Chapter 317 - Book 12

In exchange for an ‘Indigo Bay’ star field’s star map, the two elders from Liu clan wishes Qin Yu would satisfy their request, and that was to gain control of the teleportation array on Amber Moon! Instead of taking the long way through competing in the century cycle contest, the duo asked Qin Yu to kill the only opposing power – Yan Gao of the Yan clan. To do this, Qin Yu coyly let the two know, it could only be done by his martial uncle, and the only way to persuade his uncle is with top grade holy elemental stones...


The two elders – Liu Ming Han and the Liu clan’s clan leader, felt a shortness of breath. They were at awe of the powerful forces behind Qin Yu, whilst the same time feeling a little frustrated at heart.

Before even getting into the negotiation stage, the start line was already at top grade holy elemental stones!

It wasn’t one or two, but a matter of how many!?

The ugly expression on their faces betrayed their thoughts. How much was one top grade holy elemental stone worth? How about one million? Of the three great families, how many top grade holy elemental stone could they have, combined?

“Top grade holy elemental stone. A single piece was worth a million.” Ming Han expressed helplessly, “Mister Qin, our family does not have many people requiring such luxurious things as top grade holy elemental stones. We may have many pieces of high grade stones, but as for top grade stones, we have far and few between.” In normal operations, the Liu clan does have an accumulative one hundred million stones worth of assets, but they could not afford to use top grade holy elemental stones. Usually, they expend low grade, middle grades and rarely high grades.

“Mister Liu, what should we do?” Qin Yu sighed exasperatedly, “you have already given me a star map and help me so. I will also give two top grade holy elemental stones to my martial uncle to aid your cause. But of course, the rest is up to you......I dare say, anything less than ten pieces would probably not be worth my martial uncle’s eyes...”

The two elders gave each other an eyeful, unsure of how to proceed. They neither talked nor used voice transfer to discuss anything, they just looked at each other dumbfounded.

Flanking the master’s chair, Zang Yuan stood, partly concealed behind a veneer of sincerity. The man’s mouth was a thin line, not a slightest change in his expression, but underneath that visage, he was laughing so hard that his gut would have hurt. For Qin Yu to give two pieces of top grade holy elemental stone. It would be the same as having something in your right hand and giving it to your left hand. There wouldn’t be any change in ownership, at least not from the insiders’ perspective.

Only now does the elders’ converse using voice transfer. “Grandfather, we need to be more decisive. Think about it, as long as Yan Gao is dead and we acquire help from Jade Sword School, not only this time but on other occasions, we will be able to control the teleportation arrays.” The clan leader was first to jump into the discussion. He knew, for such important matters, only his grandfather’s decree is sufficient.

Like an eager child, the clan leader awaited Ming Han, but the latter was struggling to come to a decision.

Instead of replying, Ming Han looked up from his reverie, “Mister Qin, could please give me estimation of the minimum of which is acceptable?” He paused and continued, “How much top grade holy elemental stone is needed to persuade your martial uncle?” Clearly, he had come to some kind of decision.

“You say how many?” Qin Yu paused with purpose then his brows flexed showing a thoughtful expression, “I know for a fact that my martial uncle is currently refining a hidden treasure and he requires a vast amount of top grade holy elemental stones, but......for how many? I can only guess that with twenty or thirty stones, you can definitely catch his eye. With more than fifty, he would definitely listen, but for certain results, I believe a hundred can definite persuade my martial uncle...” He had precisely calculated this would be the upper limit based on the total assets of the Liu clan. How he would lead them on would depend on his meticulous handling.

Ming Han responded with a nod, “Alright, Mister Qin. Though my family does not own many top grade holy elemental stones, I will retire from here and think about this. Sometime after I will have to trouble Mister Qin again.”

“Don’t mind, don’t mind at all. You have already given me this star map of Indigo Bay star field, how can I not aid you where I can?” Qin Yu smiled. An innocent and honest smile.

With that matter finished, the elders did not loiter, and left the residence promptly.


In the Liu clan’s conference hall.

A rather chubby looking middle-aged man was currently standing ovation then promptly bowed and offered a respectful salutation to Ming Han. “I pay my respects to the great clan master.” The latter inhaled deeply and said in a low tone, “Yun Fan, all these years of operation, our family had entrusted all its common commerce side to you. But now, I have a very important task to give you!”

“Great elder, please give the order.” Liu Yun Fan replied without a shred of hesitation. The man held a high position within the Liu family, his power lie in the fact that the family’s entire business side was under his control.

The patriarch, Ming Han handed Yun Fan, his own spatial storage ring, “In here are numerous high and middle grade holy elemental stones, I would like you to convert them into top grade holy elemental stones.”

The request startled Yun Fan. Normally, a family’s entire wealth was kept with the elders and the patriarch, whose storage rings make up the warehouse of the family. In particular, the Liu family patriarch, whose storage ring contained at least a third of the entire family’s total assets.

“There is about thirty million in here, try your best to exchange these for top grade holy elemental stones. Whatever you can get your hands on then do so. Whatever the results are, it will be as it is.” Ming Han still had not let go of the ring, he held Yun Fan’s hands and articulated each word he said.

By simple conversion, thirty million was equivalent to thirty pieces of top grade holy elemental stones.

Yun Fan did not let his surprise show too much. “Clan patriarch, for such a large amount in such short time frame, I’m afraid that the exchange rate may be low and not in our favour. Normally, anyone with top grade stones find exchanging them too bothersome, while others are too poor to afford them. Even the great experts who have them, loathe in having lower grades in their possession. If we do find some who may want to trade, they will most likely increase their own buying rate. In that case, the exchange rate may be 1 top grade to 110 high grades.” Yun Fan quickly added, “Why don’t we exchange over a longer period of time?”

It may be true that value of different levels of money such as one top grade is equivalent to a hundred high grades, but that is only known as an intrinsic value. If one want to trade them for a higher grade, the seller would have to take a loss at a lower rate, since the buyer would decide the trade rate.

The same could be said about the voice transfer talisman bead; its market value is about a hundred thousand stones, but refining such item is very difficult. Most are obtained from a rare refiner in a distant city. Over the course of the journey from the seller to the buyer, the price would have increased to about three hundred thousand stones.

Ming Han already knew about that deficit, “Make haste. It is alright to suffer some losses, but the most important thing is......convert them into top grade holy elemental stones.” He gave Yun Fan a firm look.

Since the great clan patriarch has spoken, there was nothing more to be said. Yun Fan intoned, “Yun Fan will not fail great patriarch’s expectations,” he extended his hands and respectfully received the huge amount of wealth within the ring.

Ming Han did not doubt the fellow’s loyalty nor did he worry about Yun Fan taking the money for their own gains. The reason being, any individual in charge of the commerce and finance of the family have to take a blood oath of loyalty before being accepted. A blood oath is not to be underestimated, the oath bearers will face heavy penalties if the oath was violated. Violation was incurring heaven’s wrath.

Days passed like river flow.

The entire eastern section of the Liu Feng city was comprised of a peaceful forest and glade. Atop that glade was a secluded and quiet manor, known as the Bamboo Garden. Inside resided Qin Yu and his disciple – Liu Han Shu, both had moved in once Liu clan had given them this new residence.

At the time of granting this manor, Liu clan also gifted an entourage of maids and guards. Like a complete set. They also decreed that no one is not to offend or shame the master of this bamboo garden. This announcement had become the source of many rumours in Liu Feng city. Many had gossiped about the identity of this master of the bamboo garden manor.

Within the Bamboo Garden...

A female attendant was currently leading a group of guests towards the core of the bamboo garden. The group had the same two elders that came before – Liu Ming Han and the clan leader, in the days gone passed. Through a series of circular archways, the group approached a dense bamboo forest with soft tones of light shafting down from above. In a short moment, they had arrived at a clearing, and in the centre of the clearing was a large pond, whose waters rippled slightly with the bobbing of a fishing bait.

The owner of the bait and fishing rod was sitting and quietly fishing.

It was Qin Yu.

A delightful sound passed through his lips, “Ho ho, I’ve got one,” with a deft movement of his hands, the fishing rod rose and a lively looking carp of about one and a half kilos broke through the surface of the pond.

“Ha ha. Mr. Liu, and Liu clan leader. I’ve been sitting here fishing for quite some time, and yet I haven’t even caught one. But the moment you came, a fish took the bait and I caught one. Makes you wonder how mysterious that is, eh?” Qin Yu casually flip the rod aside and dropped the fish into a nearby basket, then stood up from the stone bench. He looked up a smiled a greeting towards his latest visitors.

Ming Han laughed in return, “Luck has come your way Mr. Qin, and there be no stopping it.”

At one side of the pond, a fair bit away, two figures stood. They were precisely, Shuo Yan and Zang Yuan, who was snickering inwardly.

They both had one thought: “A fish has been hooked? Well, now, aren’t there two big fishes eagerly taking the bait?”

Qin Yu stepped forward and gestured politely, “Please sit,” to a round marble table with three marble stools. The moment, he had gestured, a maid stepped forward and set a matching tea set on the table with fresh tea. The three stools were taken by Qin Yu and his two guests.

Qin Yu was the first to take a sip from his tea cup. While drinking, he glanced at the two elders out of the corner of his eyes, then put down the cup and said lightly, “It has been, what, two months since our last meeting? I presume this time, the two elders have come because the preparations, of top grade holy elemental stones, are complete?”

Ming Han confirmed instantly. “The preparations are done.”

Qin Yu nodded and abruptly sighed with helplessness, “I must say, the two elders were quite slow in the up taking. During these passing days, my martial uncle has been busy collecting top grade stones, and as far as I know, he is not far from finished. The gap between have and need is much smaller. I do not know exactly how much my martial uncle has been able to collect, but I must say, if he is finished collecting, then even if you have the top grade stones, it would not sway my martial uncle.” He shrugged as if to articulate this helpless situation.

As he finished, the two elders rosy expression froze and fell.

They can understand that reasoning too. Their honoured guest’s martial uncle was in need of top grade stones to refine a hidden treasure, naturally, the man would seek them as well. Given the prowess of the other’s martial uncle, their collection speed should be quite fast.

“You should know that mere money would not sway my martial uncle, but it was only because I knew my martial uncle needed top grade stones to refine his hidden treasure. And, that was why I informed you two elders of such, but now...” Qin Yu sighed a second time.

Ming Han looked somewhat perplex, and hastily inquired, “And now it can’t be done?”

“Don’t worry, let me ask my martial uncle about it.” Qin Yu immediately took out the voice transfer talisman bead and pretended to use it. He did not actually use it, but it was important to portray that he was to complete the act.

Silence instilled.

All one could heard was the muffled ‘plopping’ of fish splashing in the pond.

And midst the soft ‘rustling’ of brushing bamboo leaves, swaying in the light afternoon breeze.

It was serenity.

However no one at the stone table was enjoying such natural splendour.

The two elders shifted nervously in their seats, but not from stone being uncomfortable but from anxiety. The two breathed in and out in shallow gulps of air, and waited with abated breaths. They stared with nervous anticipation at Qin Yu’s face, trying to decipher any signs of new information between Qin Yu and the martial uncle’s telecommunication.

Time slurred, and it felt like a year had passed, but in reality...

Only a short while had passed...

The first to shatter that silence was Ming Han. “Well, Mr. Qin, what is it? What did your martial uncle say?”

Qin Yu breathed out and said cheerfully, “It’s fortunate. My martial uncle wasted a lot of time collecting ‘Aquamarine Ores’ and did not have the time to collect much top grade holy elemental stones. It seems, there is hope.” He paused to a moment, and asked, “Oh that’s right, how many top grade stones did you bring?”

Ming Han gritted his teeth and exclaimed, “Forty pieces!” These forty pieces was exchanged with the sweat and blood of his family.

Qin Yu did a little whoop of joy inwardly, but on the surface, his face did not even twitch in the slightest. “Oh, just forty pieces? It seems there is only a moderate percentage to sway my martial uncle. On the contrary, my martial uncle cares for me deeply, so with my word, I’m confident my martial uncle would agree.”

While Qin Yu was pumping his fists in joy, Ming Han and the clan leader felt like a thousand needles stabbed into their hearts.

This was forty top grade holy elemental stones!

It was close to half of his entire family’s assets. The forty was scraped together by hastily instructing Yun Fan to exchange many lower grades and the meagre top grades that was originally in the warehouse. Only by summing up all these, did they come to forty pieces!

Qin Yu wore an innocent smile, and advised, “Elders please rest here for a few hours. Right now, it is around noon on the planet my martial uncle is on. And I know for a fact that my martial uncle’s mood is the most pleasant in the evening. Likely, the success rate is much higher than any other time. So elder please wait for a while.”

“As it should be, ha ha, it should be.” When the two elder had heard that the ‘highest success rate is when the martial uncle is most relax, which is in the evening,’ how could they not accept?

Presently, the two elders felt conflicted, “What to do about these forty top grade holy elemental stones?” They had sat on that question for a while now. If they gave these top grade stones to Qin Yu, they were worried the receiver would deceive them and flee. However, they were also worried they would insult Qin Yu, if they didn’t give the forty to Qin Yu.

A casual smile touched Qin Yu’s lips, he already knew why the two was looking so hesitant. “Elders please rest inside. Ha......as for the top grade stones, please hold on to them for the time being. When my martial uncle comes, you can personally hand it to him, this way you wouldn’t feel that I would cheat you of them.” He chuckled at the two elders’ demeanour.

The two elders hurriedly added, “We do not doubt Mr. Qin a bit.”

The elders then retreated to rest indoors. They had been conned into resting in the manor.

And what of Qin Yu himself?

He resumed to fish.

Only this time, he had a rosy and broad smile on his face, while his subordinates – Shuo Yan and Zang Yuan proceeded to howl with laughter and talk amongst themselves using voice transfer.

At around the appointed time, Qin Yu pretended to call his martial uncle with his voice transfer bead. In reality, he was instructing the manor’s maid, “Tell the two elders: it is time. Then tell them to come back here.”

“Yes, sire.” The maid curtsied respectfully.

In a short moment, Ming Han and the clan leader appeared in the clearing.

“How did it go?” Ming Han asked immediately.

Instantly a big grin broke apart on his face. “It is done!”

Ming Han and the clan leader looked at each other and also broke into a hysterical laugh. “Ka ha ha ha...” The two beamed at each other, and exclaimed, “From this day onwards, my family – Liu family, will be the top family in all of Amber Moon!” There wasn’t a trace of pain for using up forty top grade stones from earlier. There was only smiles and looks of joy, brimming full of excitement, but Ming Han did not forget to ask Qin Yu. “Mister Qin Yu, when will your martial uncle arrive?”

Qin Yu was also pleased, but for different reason, “My martial uncle is in the Silver Stream galaxy, and through the voice transfer talisman bead, he had already deciphered the location of Amber Moon. Using ‘greater teleportation’, he will come here immediately. I presume in an hour he will make his appearance.”

“An hour?” The rosy smiles on the elders face broadened to infinity.

If they could kill Yan Gao, then the Yan clan is finished!

“Two elders, I’ve said before, I will personally add another two more top grade holy elemental stones to your tribute. Here, this is the two top grade stones. When my martial uncle arrives, give these two with your forty to him. But, of course, do now say the extra two was from me.” Qin Yu handed two top grade stones to Ming Han.

When the two saw Qin Yu give two top grade stones and say not to tell his martial uncle, they could not help but feel moved. They had never have thought this ‘Mister Qin’ would be such an honourable and valiant person.

“No, this, how can we take this?” Ming Han abruptly refused. While Qin Yu wore a carefully displayed a well-designed angry expression and replied, “If you do not take it, then I would feel that you have not given me any face.”

At this, the two elders had no choice but to take it, but nevertheless felt even more grateful in their hearts for Qin Yu’s honourable personage.

In about an hour’s time...

Qin Yu secretly estimated that the time was nigh, and with a thought ––––––

A figure appeared in the air space above the clearing. The newcomer wore a flowing robe, had a ram-rod back and a stern posture, emanating a brilliant aura. On the newcomer’s back was the pommel and hilt of a magnificent golden long sword. Everyone in clearing could feel the unfathomable power of the newcomer’s gaze like a king looking down on his subjects.

Qin Yu instantly bowed and greeted his martial uncle, “Greetings to martial uncle.”

The two elders looked upwards as they got up from their seats, at Sword Immortal Lan Feng and curtly chanted, “Juniors, Liu Ming Han and Liu Yun Lu greets senior.”

The golden figure of sword immortal Lan Feng swept his cold gaze below to Qin Yu. “Martial nephew, did you say, to kill a level 6 golden sword immortal for forty-two top grade holy elemental stones?” Qin Yu hurriedly glanced at Ming Han and said, “That’s is correct. Mister Liu, please give the said amount of top grade stones to martial uncle.”

Ming Han could already feel the dominating aura from the golden sword immortal in the air space above. He, himself drew in a sharp breath and the prowess of this newcomer, and was certain a individual more powerful than Yan Gao. With poise, he wave his hand in a flourish, and in the air in front, forty-two pieces of top grade holy elemental stones appeared. “This is forty-two top grade stones, senior, please accept this humble gift.”

The golden sword immortal – Lan Feng, accepted and stored that allotted stones, and spoke. “I’ve accepted the forty-two top grade holy elemental stones. As such, I will kill this person you desired to die. Now, tell me about this individual.” The immortal’s cold voice boomed in the ears of all in the clearing.

The two elders was completely focused on the levitating immortal and did not notice the trace of mirth that danced playfully in Qin Yu’s eyes, nor the upward slant of his lips.

The entire forty-two top grade stones were already in his hands, and not one less. With that, he can freely use his immortal sword puppet for the time being......

Not to mention, he was about to go to the Yan clan to kill Yan Gao, whose clan will surly have no less amount of top grade holy elemental stones.

That very thought had brought illusionary fire-wisps to dance in his eyes.

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