
Chapter 1 - Prologue

Strong Warning:-

MC\'s POV--> [This first 2-3 chapters is about the first quarter of my sad life and how I got to become who I am, today!]

[Yeah, I know… Most of you want me to get on with my story, but the point is, most of you didn\'t read my synopsis and you are going to skip this prologue again!? How do you expect to understand your MC that way?]

[You have to start learning the English alphabets from \'A\', not start with \'M\', if you know what I mean? Yeah, that is a lazy ass dick move! Oh, you don\'t like my choice of words, well then guess what fuck-face? This novel is Rated 18, you alien avocado!]

Strong Advice:-

[This is my storyteller\'s second book and he is also very new to writing, so cut the boy some slack, alright! Yeah, you aren\'t a genius either, Einstein!]

[So where were we? Oh, right, the strong advice, yeah… So, just basically support him also, okay!? and I am not here to beg for money; no damn way, that is too cliché amongst authors…]

[Me, I am here to \'Demand\' not only for your coins and gifts and power stones and the likes… I am also here for your feedback and comments, and as a matter of fact, you need to drop a comment per every chapter, and I don\'t care if all your lazy ass can write is \'A\' for chapter one and \'B\' for chapter two and so on…]

[But the point is; if I catch you lurking around here, you are gonna get burnt!]

[Yeeaaahhh!!! Hehe he! I am nuts, but guess what? So is my storyteller and everyone else who is going to enjoy this book…]

[So, go get a comfy sofa, ten cases of pizza, or a bucket-load of popcorn, and maybe a little bit of lotion and most definitely your rags, because I don\'t want your guardians cleaning up all the gallons of mayonnaise you have spilled everywhere, even though I know they are all currently high as fuck…]

[Finally, you need to sleep, don\'t get addicted!]

[Come on, it is just a novel and my story teller is snoring out of his butts right now! Phew! Finally, we are done with the warnings and advice, all of a sudden I feel like Martin Luther King Jr.]

"Hey there!" "Yeah I know, you don\'t know who the fuck I am or maybe you do…"

"Funny thing is, I know you still don\'t care, but I am here to make you smile, laugh, cry, infuriated, disgusted but finally dedicated to my story…"

"So, let\'s begin this journey together…"

"Firstly, my name is Ji Dara, but that name is a secret and is not to be used until the third arc of my story… But for now, you can call me; Sam!"

"You see, my story began when I was born in this world which some bipedal, disorganized and naïve group of advanced apes called \'Earth\'…"

"Yeah, I know… I am also one of them, but I like to think of myself as--- \'Special!\'…"

"So, I was born into a family of six; two girls who were the first and second children of my loving and devoted mother and father; that I never truly got to meet…"

"…Then four boys; with only two years separating each and every one of us, making me the lastborn son of my mother, but the \'Seventh Son\' of my father who I really never knew…"

"I didn\'t know him, not because he was wayward even though he had three wives, but because he died before I was clocked one…"

"But don\'t feel bad for me yet, because shit is about to get much, much worse…"

"You see, every form of wealth which my father left for us was embezzled by his brothers and family who were my uncles and aunts back then, all because his death was sudden; and though he left a will, he wasn\'t able to notify his lawyer about it on time…"

"But when his will was finally found, his family who numbered way more than us were able to save enough money to hire a big fat liar of a lawyer who finally found a way to convince the judge that the will was a fake, and thanks to our society which was so corrupt back then, that maggots of crimes were squirming all over the place, the frog-faced judge accepted their claims and guess what?..."

"My mother and six children was plunged from being rich to being- \'Tragically poor!\'"

"But that was not all, we were sent packing from my own father\'s house and into the streets, but as fate would have it, my mother was an adept believer in the saying; \'When life throws you a lemon, make a lemonade out of it\'…"

"I know right… so cliché… But that was not all… she also added;"

"\'Then pick that lemon peel and squirt that peppery water right in that bitch\'s face!\'"

"Yeah… Ha-ha ha… I bet life didn\'t see that one coming…"

"In a nutshell, if my mother was Karma, then yeah, she was a massive, savage and pun-loving bitch!"

"Come on! You weren\'t expecting me to use the B-word so early in this well-mannered story right? Gad! So uncultured!"

"Anyways, back to the story, so my mother gathered her savings and bought us a house where all her hatchlings could lay, and yeah, back then, I was still a fragile hatchling…"

"I mean those annoying ones who would cry over to their mother at the slightest sensation of a breeze…"

"You didn\'t even need to hit me before I start bawling my eyes out, just sneezing around me was enough to get me scared as hell…"

"So, after getting a conducive shelter for her cubs, my lioness of a mother went to her own family..."

"Of course, what were you expecting? Like she fell from the sky, though that sounds nice and badass… But cliché; Nah, we don\'t do that here…"

"She found her beloved uncle who got her a job in an urbanized settlement but with the lowest ranked one either ways…"

"Now I could have told you the secret recipe on how my \'Elon - of a mother\' grew that slip of a salary into a mountainous stack and racks of big cheddar, but that recipe is left for only the most dedicated, loyal and motivating of all my readers, so let\'s get back to the story…"

"Time skip- she created about three to four businesses from her income which was just around two dollars back then and could actually send all her kids to the best university in the country back then… Of course, me included…"

"Funny thing is, I was actually supposed to graduate by the age of 21, since studying Chemistry was a 5 year course back then, but the crippling corruption of our leaders ensured that our teachers, lecturers and professors were owed more than three months of their wages, which eventually led them to initiating a total but segregated period of 3 Year strike..."

"This ensured that I graduated chemistry at the age of 24, and No! I didn\'t come out with good grades, in fact, I was lucky to even graduate at all, and I owe all that thanks to my Creator, because not only did I inherit the full \'Karma-gene\' of my mother, I also found out I was greatly blessed by my Creator..."

"Thus in less than two to three additional years, I was earning much more than most of my lecturers back in school and even more than my professors..."

"So, I would say I came out fine, even after the fucking government and its schooling system sliced hot pepper into my fruit salad; which was my education…"

"So the point of this chapter, is to tell you that, even when life gives you a lemon--- you know the rest…

"Then never allow the world to control or limit you with a simple piece of paper they call degrees or certificates; the world was created in just seven days, or so does my religion believe, but You--- You were created in nine months which means you are 36 times stronger, smarter, and more good-looking than this world which has already been fucked into a coma by these bipedal, advanced apes…"

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