
Chapter 139 - Caught

Yang Zi turned and glanced at him in disbelief. She did not see an ounce of shame on his face.

"I am not going back on my words and to show you how serious I am I will introduce you to my friends this Friday. Meet us in C.O. C club around 10:00 pm," Yang Zi said seriously before she walked away. When she got to the end of the stairs, she turned and stared at him.


"You can sleep in the guestroom," Yang Zi said before she walked to her room.

Yifeng smiled when she was no longer at sight.

"I am so close to making her fall in love with me. It\'s just a matter of time before I will hold her in my arms, whispering how much I like her into her ears. I am looking forward to that day," Yifeng thought, smiling happily.

He went back to the couch and sat down, beaming. He later went to her bedroom to check up on them. He was glad to see them asleep, and he was even happier when he did not see her struggling in her sleep. He went back to the sitting room. He texted someone before he lied down and slept.

All the series of dreams he dreamt of were that of Yang Zi and him. What he liked mostt about the drean was that all the events that took place in the dream were happy ones. He was still enjoying his false fantasy in his dreamland when a loud knock on the door woke him up.

He sat up straight on the couch. He rubbed his sleepy eyes with his right hand, listening whether he would hear the knock again. The next thing he heard was the sound of the door opening. Thoughts of hiding came to his mind, but he brushed it off, thinking he did nothing wrong that need him to go into hiding.

Yifeng sprang up when he saw who the intruder was.

"Mrs...Mrs...," Yifeng stammered. His expression shows he wasn\'t expecting her at that hour. Even Mrs Yang who just entered the room was shocked to see him inside her beloved daughter\'s room.

"Good morning, Mrs Yang," the now composed Yifeng greeted. Just then Yang Zi\'s bedroom door creaked open.

"Yifeng, who is at the door?" Yang Zi asked at the top of the stairs. Her mouth dropped open in awe when she saw her mum standing a few distances away from Yifeng.

"Yifeng?" Mrs Yang repeated when she heard Yang Zi called her boss by his name.

"Mum!" Yang Zi exclaimed in shock, hurrying down the stairs. She hugged her mum tightly when she got to where she was standing.

"What is your boss doing here? How come you didn\'t tell me you are a couple now?" Mrs Yang blurted out after Yang Zi let go of her. Yang Zi quickly looked for an excuse to give her mum, but none came to her head the moment she needed it. She looked at Yifeng pleadingly to help her out.

"Mrs Yang, let me explain what happened," Yifeng interjected. Mrs Yang turned to face him.

"Ok, go on then. Let me hear the excuse you will come up with to save her this time around," Mrs Yang said, walking to a couch. She sat down with her legs crossed. Yang Zi and Yifeng also sat down beside each other. The way Mrs Yang sat on the opposite couch facing them seemed like she was interrogating them.

"Last night, Yang Zi got off work late, and I offered to take her home and she agreed. Since it was late, she lent me a place to spend the night," Yifeng lied to Yang Zi\'s defence. Although Mrs Yang did not know the reason he slept over at her place, she knew that Yifeng was lying to cover up for Yang Zi.

"If what you said is the truth, then that means you drove her home with your car, right?" Mrs Yang asked, throwing them suspicious glances.

"Yes, you are correct," Yifeng said firmly, not knowing that he had fallen into Mrs Yang\'s trap.

"If that is the case, then why is Yang Zi\'s car parked at the parking space outside?" Mrs Yang asked, smiling when she saw the astounded expression on their faces. Yang Zi silently prayed that Yang Mi would come outside at that moment.

"That is because.....,"

"Mummy!" Yang Mi who just finished washing up screamed, running down the stairs tying a towel around her body. Yang Zi and Yifeng exhaled in relief, knowing that Mrs Yang\'s attention will be on Yang Mi now.

"Why didn\'t you call mummy yesterday? Do you know how scared and worried I was?" Mrs Yang said, refusing to let her go. Yesterday was the scariest day of her life. She thought something terrible had happened, and Yang Zi was covering it up.

Yang Mi quickly recalled what her elder sister told her last night. She told her not to disclose anything that happened to their mum.

"I am sorry mummy but I completely forgot. Please forgive Mi Er for being so forgetful," Yang Mi said adorably. She was so scared yesterday when the scary-looking men hurled her and her driver into the black car. Mr Leng fought back fiercely, but they were too many for one person to handle, so they overpowered him in no time. She was even more terrified when they put her inside the frosty glass fish tank. She had prayed fervently for her sister to come and rescue her. Although her prayers were not answered immediately, she was so happy when someone pulled her out of the cold water.

"Don\'t you ever do that again if you don\'t want mummy to have a heart attack, Ok?" Mrs Yang cautioned, pulling out of her embrace to stare at her. Yifeng and Yang Zi just watched them talk in silence. Yang Zi was so relieved that Yang Mi stuck to what she said.

"I promise," Yang Mi said smiling. Yang Mi was too preoccupied talking to her mummy to notice Yifeng, but she rushed to hug him when she set her eyes on him.

"Good morning, Brother Feng. You look so handsome despite just waking up," Yang Mi said playfully pecking Yifeng on his cheeks. Yang Zi and Mrs Yang smiled, seeing how naughty Yang Mi was acting.

"You look pretty too, baby. I almost didn\'t recognise you earlier," Yifeng joked, pulling her cheeks gently. They kept talking on for a long time. It was when Yang Zi checked her phone and realised what the time was that she sprang up to her feet.

"Goddamn it. I am late for work," Yang Zi exclaimed, turning to head upstairs.

"You don\'t have to bother about work or have you forgotten the promise we made to Mi Er?" Yifeng said signalling her to say yes. He was sure that Mrs Yang would suspect that something happened yesterday if he did not come with a valid reason Yang Zi took a day off.

"Brother Feng, did we have any appointments today? I can\'t recall it," Little Yang Mi said innocently.

"Oh, yeah, I remember it now. Brother Feng and mum promised to take me out today. How could I forget that so soon," Yang Mi lied, hitting her head gently for being so forgetful? The reason she suddenly corrected herself was when Yang Zi gave her their signal. That signal meant she should make up an excuse.

While they were doing all this, they did not notice that Mrs Yang was staring at them with keen interest.

"Really? What about school? Aren\'t you supposed to be in school today?" Mrs Yang threw the question at Yang Mi. Yang Mi instantly bites her nails not knowing what excuse to give again.

"I have already informed her class teacher about it so she is free today," Yang Zi came to Yang Mi\'s rescue. Yang Zi knew that her mum would keep on interrogating them if she didn\'t look for an excuse to separate her from Yifeng.

"Yifeng, aren\'t you going to wash up? And what about you, Mi Er, aren\'t going to dress up? Do you want Brother Feng to tell you you look ugly, dressed like this?" Yang Zi asked sharply.

"Mum, is right. I should go up the stairs and dress up beautifully in a way that Brother Feng will love it," Yang Mi said, instantly racing up the stairs.

"Zi Er, I have asked you this question before but you ignored it but let me ask again. Why do you keep calling him Yifeng instead of the usual boss you always address him as? Do you have a thing for him now?" Mrs Yang asked curiously.

"Mum, Yifeng and I are just good friends, nothing else," Yang Zi replied instantly.

"And you are Ok with that knowing that he has romantic feelings for you?" Mrs Yang asked, staring at the both of them.

"Yes, I am even the one who brought up the idea, and he said he is Ok with it," Yang Zi replied care freely.

"I thought you are smart Zi Er but how come you are so dense with matters of the heart. To put it in a simpler sentence, it means you are a fool..."

"Mum..." They shouted in unison. Even Yifeng was shocked when he realised that the word mum just slipped out of his mouth.

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