
Chapter 344

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Once they were done changing clothes, the two little girls followed Michel to the Nursery . The Nursery was located two floors below Lilitth’s room, the nursery was also on the same floor as Carlo, and Michel’s room .

The twins were awake, and two maids were cradling them . Lilitth who saw her sibling were awake, happily introduced her them to Niki .

"These two are my little brother and sister . The cool-looking guy here is Yuuki, and the cute lovable one over here is Mirai . Yuuki, Mirai, this is onee-chan’s best friend in the whole world Niki . "

As if the twins understood their big sister, both of them looked at Niki with little smiles on their faces .

"Hello Yuuki, Mirai, I hope from here onward we’ll have lots of fun . "

The two little girls started to play with the twins . When Michel saw this scene she almost had a nosebleed . She once again took out her camera and started taking pictures .

’This is such a wonderful day to be alive! It’s a bit sad Carlo isn’t here to appreciate this heaven on earth . . . Well, I guess I’ll just bask in this wonderful moment for the two of us . Well, I’ll just send him these pictures onto his email later . ’

Once Michel was done having that little thought in her head, she then continued to take countless pictures of the adorable scene before her .

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After playing with the twins, the group headed to the dining table where they were treated with a big feast . Niki couldn’t help but get a bit irritated at herself for being overwhelmed by almost everything she saw inside Lilitth’s house .

Moments ago Niki thought she wouldn’t be embarrassed or surprise anymore, yet now that she was surrounded by dozens of maids and butlers watching her eat, made her feel both things at the same time . Still, that didn’t stop her for having a wonderful meal .

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The next thing the girls did after eating was play some video games . Niki who thought she was relatively good at video games, due to her experience of playing with her brother at the arcade every now and then, was dealt a huge blow when Lilitth defeated her effortlessly .

At first, Niki thought Lilitth was only good at fighting games, but she later found out that Lilitth was good at every game . She kept on challenging Lilitth, in different games, but no matter what she did she just couldn’t win . They played up until 22:00 when entered the gaming room and told them to go to sleep .

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Lilitth’s bed was so big that it had space enough for five of her, making it relatively easy for the two little girls to share a bed . Once they changed into their pajamas, the two little girls went straight to bed, and it didn’t take long for them to fall asleep .

Michel who saw the two sleeping soundly went out of the room and headed to the floor below to speak with the maids and butlers .

"Everyone please protect my children, while I deal with the rats scurrying about," Michel spoke while showing a very serious expression, the total opposite of her easy-going look moments ago .

"YES, MA’AM!" The maids and butlers responded with gusto . The head maid then stepped forward and spoke to Michel .

"Madam, you do not need to deal with some rats . We are all perfectly capable of doing that . I hope you reconsider and allow us to do the extermination for you . "

"I know that, but it’s been a while since I moved my body properly . So allow me to have my fun, all you guys need to do is protect my children, and of course our guest . Also, don’t forget to guide the rats towards that area, I don’t want to there to be a mess . "

"Very well madam, if that is your wish, we will do as you command . " The head maid did a curtsy . Seeing that there was nothing more to say Michel left the room .

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Intruder’s POV:

We and my fellow brothers that have been graced with an important mission by the true ruler of Berdonia, Reghinald Berdonia . He has given us the way to finally destroy the Granado Empire, and one of the tools needed to reach that goal was the doll hidden inside the Samaritas home .

It turns out that the Samaritas were a part of the group that goes against our dear leader, and they even stole the doll he created . Now it was our job as his loyal servants to get it back .

Entering the premise wasn’t as hard as we had thought, the security seems to be a bit laxer than we initially anticipated . There were guards dress up as maids and butlers, but their numbers were a bit lacking from what we expected . We easily evaded detection, until finally, we found ourselves inside a huge dark room .

It didn’t make sense, we couldn’t understand what happened and how it happened . It was then I realized that this was a trap, we were being herded into this position . When I was about to escape with my comrades we found ourselves locked inside the room . It was then the lights suddenly turned on, and at the middle of the room were numerous weapons, and at that middle of that was a cool looking beauty . That must be Michel Samarita, also known as the lady with a thousand weapons .

"May I ask what are you doing here?" Michel suddenly spoke, we didn’t bother answering her and instead drew our weapons . It wasn’t part of the plan, but killing Michel Samarita would help are great lord . All of us who were pointing our guns at her were about to shoot, but then the lights were turned off, so without hesitation, I and my comrades, activated our night vision goggles .

The moment the goggles activated, the battle was already over, I saw all my comrades down on the ground dead . Michel was now actually in front of me pointing what looked like a halberd at my face .

"So are you willing to talk now?" The beauty smiled at me making me very soul shiver in fear .

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