
Chapter 317

The one that was with the other members currently out on the mission to retrieve the members of the Mercenary Club, was a clone he made way before the war happened . The real Hektor hasn’t shown himself ever since he killed his brother-in-law Gabriel . The one who has always shown himself to the outside world was an imperfect clone . The clone had around seventy percent of Hektor’s strength back when he fought Gabriel . Unfortunately the clones could no longer grow and stayed the same no matter how much it aged or trained . The clone also had a perfect copy of Hektor’s memories, and at the beginning in its mind he wasn’t a clone, since he had never seen the original . Still the clone’s intelligence only equals a little bit above half of the original’s intelligence .

The clone might think the reason for its decrease in strength was simply because of the wound inflicted by Gabriel . Also even if the clone figured out it was a clone, it would never jeopardize Hektor’s plan since it shared the same emotions and thoughts as the original .

Hektor didn’t really like his clone to be so imperfect, since that would make figuring out his ruse easier, but the only ones capable of creating a perfect clone have already died . Still Hektor wasn’t that worried, since no one has ever witnessed him going all out . So no one would notice if he had weakened or not . Also in regards to his intelligence, he wasn’t much of a talker, and he mostly kept to himself, only giving out orders every now and again . So with having less interactions with everyone, even if they did somehow force the clone to talk to them in a prolong period of time, they wouldn’t notice anything different . Even Richter who knew Hektor’s true strength wouldn’t notice since he thinks the difference between the strength of ants was insignificant .

Even if Richter did find out about Hektor’s plans, it doesn’t seem like Richter cares, since he hasn’t done anything to counter Hektor, even after all these years . The arrogant Richter might think Hektor’s plans were nothing and it would fail, or it could be that Richter actually approves of his plans . Either way Hektor simply needed to continue onward and finish what he has started .

. . .

’Patricia . . . A world without you is nothing to me . . . My precious sister, let me wipe out those who have guided you to your death . Not only that, I want everyone to experience the pain I have suffered . Only then will my anger be quenched . Surely my beloved sister, you who loved me so much, surely you would understand me . . . Humans are such worthless creatures aren’t they?’

These were the thoughts that filled Hektor’s mind ever since the death of his sister . At first he thought killing Gabriel would satisfy his anger, but it didn’t . He then proceeded to kill everyone involve with his sister’s death . The only one who couldn’t kill at the moment was Richter . Still even after all the deaths the anger never disappeared instead it just grew, it grew so much that he wanted to kill his only nephew as well . Still even after being fooled by Oliver’s fake death, Hektor’s anger didn’t disappear as it still continued to grow, until finally Hektor wanted to wipe out the human race . Surely if no one was left, then his anger would surely be quenched .

He didn’t just want to wipe them out, he wanted to instill fear and despair into everyone’s hearts . The same fear and despair he felt when he lost his sister . Hektor was no longer of sound mind, and as the days go by, the more his sanity deteriorated . At this point he was no longer thinking of anything but destruction .

He went around moving the Shadow Mercenaries base to the nearby smaller countries . Since the start of the all out war, it was easier to move the base without raising too much suspicion from the other members . Seeing as the movement of the base was suppose to be random, and going through the countries outside of the Empire truly felt random, so no one truly noticed that Hektor was controlling the base’s movement . Hektor did this to kidnap the most brilliant scientists of each country and forced them to work for him . He was hiding them at his personal space within HQ which was made for whoever was the current leader of the Shadow Mercenaries . There he supplied the scientist with the equipment they needed, to continue his research . After waiting for so long the research of the biological weapon that would bring despair on humanity was nearing completion .

The only one who noticed Hektor’s plans was Richter and he didn’t bother to stop Hektor, since he could already guess what Hektor was planning . Hektor’s plan if implemented would first affect the northern countries that the Granado Empire didn’t really care to conquer, due to the harsh winters of the north . After that the next to place that would be affected by the weapon Hektor was trying to make, would be the Granado Empire . If everything written in the reports he copied were true, then the destruction of the Granado Empire was almost inevitable .

The subsequent destruction after that wasn’t of much concern to Richter . Since all Richter cared about was the destruction of the Granado Empire, he didn’t really care if the human race survives or not . As long as the cherished wish of the Greyhounds was fulfilled then it everything else really didn’t matter .

After all Richter truly believed in the law of the jungle, which was survival of the fittest . If the human race would die because of what Hektor had planned, then that meant that was the limit of the human race .

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