
Chapter 561

Chapter 561

"Chairman Feng and Mrs. Feng, about the holiday villa we cooperated with Lianmei. The chairman of Lianmei group has been urging. I hope Feng can always go to the resort in person. In addition, several companies are also coveting the resort. If Feng doesn\'t show up all the time, we\'re afraid that the case we won\'t get will be handed over. "

"Yes, I see. You go out first. " After sending everyone away, Feng Xiao sighed powerlessly: "Yaoyao I know that I may have some trouble with you in the future. But, I hope you can try to contact Chenyi. Maybe He will Take your call. "

Will it?

She hasn\'t been in touch with Feng Chenyi since the scandal was exposed. Of course, Feng Chenyi never contacted her. So they fell into the cold war.

Now, she doesn\'t make sure that Feng Chenyi will answer her phone. After all, no matter how many vows and pledges have been made between men and women, only one side of the emotional change will forget the past completely

"Gonggong, I will Try to contact Chenyi. "

"It\'s hard for you, Yao Yao..."

During the lunch break, Gong Xiaoman came to Fengshi to ask Yao Yao to go out for lunch. They chose a western restaurant. On the table full of vegetables, Yao Yao are basically not moving.

"Honey, if you\'re in a bad mood, don\'t go to work. What\'s your strength?"

"Ha ha, I don\'t want to go either. But Chen Yi has disappeared these days, and Feng family has no one to manage. My father-in-law is getting older. I\'m sorry to deny his face. " Yao Yao holds a fork in her hand and gently inserts the food in the dish.

"Are you sick? Your father-in-law? That\'s his father of fengchenyi, OK? He doesn\'t care about his father. You\'re in charge of farts. He doesn\'t care about his own company. How can you show your face for him? Is your heart a little better, too? " Gong Xiaoman knew from the past that Yao Yao was born to be a filial Lord, and he basically responded to the elder\'s request.

"Ha ha, although Chen Yi\'s father, my father-in-law is also my father now..."

"Cut, hum. You see, that bastard of fengchenyi is on holiday with that junior. You are like a fool, who manages the company for him. They are happy outside. In the end, when they come back, they kick you out. Holding the third child to enjoy the splendor and wealth, are you particularly cheap? "

Gong Xiaoman is used to being straightforward. Sometimes, Yao Yao really enjoys Gong Xiaoman\'s ability to wake up.

"Hey, I said, Yao Yao, if that bastard of fengchenyi comes back. Should you divorce him? "

She raised her eyelids powerlessly, looked at Xiaoman, and then lowered her eyes: "maybe."

"Maybe?! Or maybe? You forgive him if he cheated once, and if you forgive him if he cheated again, will he dare to cheat for the third, the fourth and the fifth time? In the future, when you are old, others are still in the same year. By that time, you will have become an abandoned woman! What are you waiting for now? "


She understands that divorce from Feng Chenyi is certain. She just said "maybe" casually. "Ha ha, Xiaoman, I know how to do it. Don\'t worry. "

"Listen, Yao Yao. I can see from your attitude of handling affairs two years ago that you are actually a decisive person! It\'s just that you may be tied up in marriage right now. I know that women are reluctant to divorce once they get married. So, this time, no matter how much he begged you or how much he flattered you, you must not be bound by the word "marriage", so as to be soft hearted. Do you understand? "

It seems that Xiaoman really doesn\'t understand fengchenyi at all. With the style of fengchenyi, how can you come to make peace when you are cheated and exposed?

This is also the place where she used to like fengchenyi. She is free and easy. She doesn\'t drag the mud and water. She doesn\'t like ordinary men. She\'s wrong and still doesn\'t admit her account. Or, she keeps kneeling down to beg her wife for mercy.

She hates this kind of man. At that time, when you begged for mercy, you shouldn\'t have done anything wrong at the beginning!

"I see..."

After telling Gong Xiaoman goodbye, Yao Yao went back to the office.

"I hope you can try to contact Chenyi. Maybe He will Take your call. "

"Maybe He will Take your call. "


She took a deep breath, picked up the landline and pressed the phone number of Feng Chenyi heavily. But

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

It\'s off.

Put the phone down. She knows that there may be a person who can contact fengchenyi, but if that person really contacts fengchenyi, then Her heart is equivalent to a complete death.

Try it. At least I won\'t have any spare thoughts about fengchenyi."Duh Doo... \' “hello?”

On the phone, Xie Zhiqing\'s voice came. Yaoyao gave a breath and said coldly, "Miss Xie, is Chen Yi with you?"

"Well. Miss Luo? Chen Yi is with me. What can I do for you? "

The last straw in her heart was completely crushed, and her eyes suddenly dimmed: "the company now has several cases that he has to come back to deal with."

"Ah? We are on holiday in New Zealand. It may take a few days to get back. Wait a moment. I\'ll ask Chen Yi to answer the phone Husband, husband. Your phone. "

Ah Ha ha


Yao Yao is sitting on the office chair with the phone in her hand, smiling expressionless. The smile looks so desperate.


"Hello?" In the phone, the voice of fengchenyi comes.


She is trying to blame someone else Xie Zhiqing for using tricks, intrigues and tricks. She can\'t blame any more. Because her husband is really with Xie Zhiqing!

No response, Yao Yao slowly hung up the phone.

In fact, she really doesn\'t need Feng Chenyi to answer the phone, but she wants to find a way to get rid of her kindness to Feng Chenyi.

Now, it is the best medicine. Once upon a time, all the kindness and love that Feng Chenyi gave to him, when he picked up the phone, was gone

"Gonggong, I have contacted Chenyi. He and Miss Xie are on holiday in New Zealand. It may not come back for the time being. In addition... "

"He\'s following?! Vacation?! " Hearing this news, Feng Xiaoma stopped Yao Yao\'s words. "That bastard!" Angrily clean the things on the desk.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, don\'t be angry Don\'t be angry... " Yaoyao anxiously dissuades fengxiao.

He waved his hand painfully: "Yaoyao, I\'m sorry, for what Chenyi did today, I There is no voice. " Because he has done the same thing, how can he blame and blame his son? "But For this Lianmei resort, I have been longing for it since I was in office. Because that\'s my wife and Chen Yi\'s mother\'s home. So, I always want to buy it as a souvenir. It\'s just that the government hasn\'t opened up the authorization. Now it\'s finally ready to issue the authorization. So This resort is very important to me. "

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