
Chapter 41

Chapter 41

The original Korean text uses skillname/location/game terms in this “[” format and I’ve been made aware that the terms have been omitted due to WordPress thinking it’s an HTML tag or something. Coming up with a fix or manually changing all of the chapters in the next day or two.


The twenty-fourth fragment, Carpe Diem

“This is a sudden question, but do you know that the black and white wolves once were the inhabitants of Serenia?” Lord Peerchen asked.

“Well, I only know it a little,” came my reply. I had read it in a book Serenia Library.

This narrow strip of land was the only inhabited area of the vast realm upon which the Magic Empire was built. Other than here, everywhere else was infested by monsters.

Few people had lived here before. When the first lord of the Peerchen family gathered people to settle here, they tried tirelessly to take the land occupied by black and white wolves.

It did not turn out to be easy.

The area of Serenia was exactly split in two between the white and black wolves, and when those pioneers tried to remove them from the area, there were naturally heavy casualties on both sides.

The settlers were talented people, but this had been like a kingdom of the wolves.

A great number of wolves were often moving in at night, feeding on livestock and killing people. Even the powerful were often killed by the numerical superiority of the wolves.

Naturally, the fear of wolves had settled into people’s minds, and some gave up on settling this land, leaving to settle in other places.

The situation improved when the castle was built and then the city walls, but the black wolves and the white wolves, who had been deprived of their homes, joined forces to attack the settlers.

Despite heavy losses, the first Peerchen pushed through the forest and set up a final wall for the future.

That was the process by which Serenia had gained a triple wall.

The black and white wolves were pushed to the south in the process, and so developed a grudge against people.

Afterwards, hunters and herbalists who were caught by the wolves were brutally killed. Their corpses were dragged to the walls, and such images seeped into people’s hearts and minds, breeding only fear. And in the process, the common belief was formed that encountering a black wolf meant death.

But I had said that I only roughly knew, and these words puzzled Peerchen.

Young children grew up listening to old stories from their parents and grandparents. In the process, fear came into their heads, as if being brainwashed. But I seemed to not know such folktales of horror.

“Ah, yes… That’s right.” Peerchen had tilted his head befuddlement at my words, but his face soon cleared up. I knew that the story of Judah’s parents was well known to Peerchen.

As Kaseun had stepped up to be my guardian, Peerchen had to remember.

I had been an orphan since a young age, so there had been no parents to instill fear of the wolves into me. Rather, I was curious about their history.

“Well, if you know, it becomes easier to talk. There are many newly settled inhabitants in Serenia who feel differently. Yet, the fear of the black wolves is far greater than even I thought among the older pioneer families, like my own Peerchen family. Ugly rumors mingled with truth have naturally put fear into all of our minds.”

I understood: It was the same as when we had been afraid of tigers in the past. However, unlike roaming tigers numbering one or two, we had killed over a hundred wolves, and yet hundreds of them had gathered around Requiem at the time of my duel with Korkan.

If you were to make a tally of all the wolves roaming around the southern forest, I’d think there were probably thousands of them.

It wasn’t strange at all that people were afraid of such wolves. Peerchen spoke on.

“It doesn’t matter whether the black wolves or the white wolves won the battle. All that matters is that wolves showed up in the eastern forest. People – adventurers and mercenaries included – were anxious. There are some who will leave here regardless of your actions. Yet the residents shouldn’t be afraid.”


“As a lord, it is my duty to defeat the anxieties and fears of those who inhabit my land. I have a lot of thoughts on the matter. Should I ask Sir Kaseun here to lead a military campaign to subdue the wolves in the eastern forest? Maybe I should go to the mercenary guild or ask some adventurers. As I thought of such methods, you all of a sudden went out and hunted the black wolves.”

Peerchen laughed lightly.

“Haha, do you know how surprised I was at first? A little boy, thirteen years old, has killed black wolves in a forest that even soldiers were reluctant to enter! And not just two or three, but more than a hundred of the beasts. It doesn’t matter what your intentions were in killing them, and that is exactly what I’ve told you earlier.”


“You may merely have been hunting wolves, but through your actions, you have given the inhabitants of Serenia courage and stability. If you continue to hunt black wolves, the terror surrounding them will also fade away. People will think that they were stupid, and so become brave. The hunters will unite into bands and enter the eastern forest as before, while the mercenaries and adventurers will hunt once more, once they see that children can do it. Fortunately, a lot of money is to be made hunting black and white wolves.”

I noticed that the food the maids had placed on the round table was cooling off. Kaseun and Tia waited reluctantly, as the lord was not holding cutlery. I continued to nod at Peerchen’s words while catching glances at the food.

‘Thank you for complimenting me, but I’m hungry.’

“So there is no need to be overwhelmed by the word hero. If you gave people hope and courage, then everyone can call you a hero, regardless of age, gender, status, or ability. I think it quite suits you.”

“Thank you.”

Peerchen looked happy.

“Oh my god, we have talked so long while the food is before us. You must all be hungry. I apologize.”

Peerchen lifted his wine glass into the air. A while after bringing the food, the maid had poured us wine. There was a glass before me as well, and I hesitated because of my age. Anyway, when I saw Kaseun and Tia also lift their glasses, I followed suit.

“I hope it suits your taste, and I hope you enjoy it.”

I lightly bumped my glass with the person next to me and then finally began with the meal I had been waiting for. Before coming here, I had been a bit worried that it would be an uncomfortable affair despite the delicious food, but I had been wrong.

Peerchen was so charming and welcoming that his personality barely suited the position of a lord.

He was a man of skill that made people laugh with his calmness. The meal was ending so quickly that I felt a little disappointed.

“So now, it turns out that you are a young hero. What are you planning to do in the future?” Peerchen asked me.

It was a sudden question, but I replied as lightly as I could.

“Hmm, I think I will continue hunting until I leave Serenia.”

“Leave the city?” Peerchen retorted, seemingly puzzled. I nodded. For him, it might be a sensitive matter for his residents to leave.

“I’m going to leave Serenia after my age ceremony and visit places all over the world. By reading books in the library, I discovered that there are so many countries.”

“Hoh- So we have you until your coming-of-age ceremony?”

“Yes. As I just said, I think I’ll continue hunting.”

“That’s fortunate. I will be grateful if a young hero reduces the number of black wolves.”

A holographic notification popped up before my eyes.

[->Quest has been initiated[->

[->Lord Peerchen’s Request[->

[->The lord is very annoyed by the black wolves expanding into the eastern woods. He hopes you will cull these wolves[->

[—]It’s not a common quest for an individual, so this is an opportunity. If you can hunt the wolves and even defeat their boss, you will be welcomed by the inhabitants of the city as well as the lord[—]

[->This quest is based on the number of wolves you hunt, and it ends when you go to the lord and ask for a reward[->

A very favorable quest has popped up. It wasn’t compulsory, but I figured I had no choice but to accept it. I was going to hunt in the forest until the coming-of-age ceremony anyway, so it’s rather good.

There is not a specific period of completion time there, so it isn’t too much of a hassle.

“Don’t worry. I will definitely reduce the number of wolves until I leave Serenia.”

Peerchen smiled as if satisfied with my words. He told me to wait a moment and soon brought a box to me, saying it was a gift.

What was contained in the elongated wooden chest was a luxurious bastard sword.

“It was given to me by one of the merchant guilds, and it is a special sword. I’ll give it to you, young hero. It’ll last you quite a while.”

I looked at the sword in the box and then immediately closed the lid. I hadn’t checked its stats yet, but I figured it would be a nice blade if the rich merchants had given it to the lord.

“Do not spare the blade. I hope you will use it well without hesitation.”

I was more than willing to. Afterward, Peerchen stated that the meal was over, and asked if we could not simply talk.

Kaseun and Tia’s eyes twinkled when Peerchen said he would be willing to bring out the expensive liquors. Needless to say, I waited as they talked about it.

Peerchen called a maid waiting outside and ordered her to bring something, and soon afterward, she brought the expensive liquor and a generous fruit snack.

The scent of the liquor was very sweet, even to me. I also wanted to try it after some time, but they said it wasn’t possible because I was young, so I could only take a sip.

It was pretty strong, and their faces soon turned red. They started telling funny stories as if they were drunk, and these tales of heroism were fun to hear. Thanks to that, I didn’t know how much time had passed, and the day had turned into night. Peerchen said it would be more comfortable for us to rest at home than at his castle, so he said we could take the carriage and go.

It was a generous offer.

Tia had kept drinking because she said the liquor was delicious. I was worried about her, as her tongue had become all twisted and strangely pronounced words kept popping up, but she seemed able to leave comfortably. I could see she knew she was drunk, so she spoke little. When it was time to go, she seemed to snap awake and stumbled from the table. I hurriedly went to support her when I saw her staggering about.

When we left the dining room, and as we breathed in the cold night air, Tia exhaled in a deep sigh, as if out of breath.

Kaseun told us that we could take the carriage first as if he wanted to drink more and talk with Peerchen. I shook hands with Peerchen and climbed into the carriage, saying that I would see him again when I got the chance.

Tia groaned as she sank onto the soft chair.


“Are you okay, Tia? I didn’t think you’d drink so much.”

I have seen her drinking at times, yet I had never seen her drunk or overdo it. She seemed to have drunk a lot on this night. Her eyes lit up when she looked at me.

“The cute little one doesn’t know how expensive that shawl is. Ah. There’s that shawl! It’s awesome!”

‘Oh, cute?’

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