
Chapter 293

Chapter 293

The Gungnir S charged toward the demon creature with great magic energy.

The demon creature opened his red eyes wide. He ducked and charged toward Min Sung.

Despite the Gungnir S flying his way, rather than dodging it, he chose to run toward him face-on.

Min Sung stared at the demon creature with a slight surprise, and at that moment, the demon creature twisted his body to dodge the Gungnir S.

The sword that Min Sung threw was cast with his special skill.

The magic energy surrounding the Gungnir S was so powerful that it spun like a tornado, and it was also capable of changing direction.

The demon creature managed to dodge its first course, but it was unable to overcome the change that would follow.

As soon as the sword failed to hit the demon creature, it immediately turned around, and then...


The demon creature shed blood in an explosive manner.

Min Sung stared down at the remains of the bloody demon creature and looked away.

The soldiers of the Central Institute were frozen in place around Ho Sung Lee’s dead body.

Despite the situation having come to an end, they were frozen in place, they didn’t blink, and their pupils were dilated.

They were completely horrified, and it was understandable.

They were already afraid of devils, so after seeing a devil with advanced abilities, it was no wonder they were much more scared.

How was it possible that a demon creature became more powerful than a regular demon?

And at this rate, if such devils began pouring out of the gate, the situation would be much different from last time.

This was a problem that Min Sung had to contemplate seriously.

After thinking about devils, Min Sung walked over to Ho Sung Lee’s body and looked down at it.

Min Sung experienced mixed feelings.

He had the power to revive him, but that was in Beatrice.

What if that power was gone now that he was back on earth?

And what if that power was only possible within Beatrice?

Such thoughts were enough to make Min Sung’s heart feel heavy.

He didn’t fight the demon creature because he trusted his power of reincarnation.

That was because the demon creature’s abilities were much better than he expected.

It was completely his mistake.

Min Sung stared down at Ho Sung Lee’s body with a stiff face.

He then looked at the soldiers of Central Institute.

They were staring at Ho Sung Lee with devastated eyes.

“Give us some room,” said Min Sung.

The soldiers of Central Institute paid their respects and disappeared.

Min Sung, who was left with Ho Sung Lee’s body alone, took a few deep breaths.

If his power didn’t work, it was possible that Ho Sung Lee would never wake up.

Min Sung slowly lifted his hand and used his reincarnation power.

In contrast to his worries, he was able to use his reincarnation power on earth just as he did in Beatrice.

Ho Sung Lee had his heart ripped up and eaten by a demon creature, but his body began to find life again, and the soul that was hovering around him re-entered his body.


The sound of his body reviving could be heard.

And a moment later...


Ho Sung Lee jolted his eyes wide open and gasped.

Badum, badum, badum!

Ho Sung Lee’s heart began to beat again.

Upon seeing Ho Sung Lee breathe again, Min Sung nodded.

“Huff! Huff! Huff!”

Ho Sung Lee huffed and puffed like crazy. He got up and looked around him.

“W-what happened?” Ho Sung Lee asked.

“The situation’s been handled.”

“Oh, you got him.”

Ho Sung Lee grabbed his throbbing head and wobbled back up.

He knitted his brows and touched his own chest.

“Did I just die and come back to life?”

“Yeah,” replied Min Sung while looking at the gate.

Ho Sung Lee looked back at the fiery gate.

“Demon creature,” Ho Sung Lee mumbled.

He then looked back at Min Sung.

“Sir. That was a demon creature, right? But it seemed different from last time. It’s so much more powerful now.”

Min Sung nodded while glaring at the gate.

It was as Ho Sung Lee said.

The demon creatures were much more powerful.

And Min Sung had no idea what caused that change in ability.

He didn’t see a single clue as to how the demon creatures were able to become so powerful.

There had to be a reason... because everything had a reason in life.

But in this situation, it was hard to figure it out.

What continued to grow and resembled the eye of a dragon was predicted to be a gate, but he couldn’t find out more because he was unable to check the system that was connected.

“This might not be a dungeon gate but a passageway like the Iris Tree...”

Ho Sung Lee mumbled before jolting his eyes open and lifting his head.


In response, Min Sung turned around.

“A demon creature came out of this gate.”


“If this isn’t a dungeon gate, then it’s probably a different passageway like you said. And since a demon creature came out of it, this gate is...!”

Ho Sung Lee gulped while looking at the gate.

“Connected to the Demonic Realm.”

It was highly likely that Ho Sung Lee’s guess was correct.

“Since a demon creature came out, it has something to do with the Demonic Realm and the fact that they became stronger... is probably due to the Dionysus Gods’ influence on the Demonic Realm,” replied Min Sung.

“Dionysus Gods? But they’re not on good terms with the Demonic Realm...”

“But if they had a reason to get involved with the human world, they could use the Demonic realm to their advantage.”

Ho Sung Lee shivered.

“You’re right. Does that mean... the Dionysus Gods began to use their experience points on the Demonic Realm?”

“That’s possible.”

“Then a second devil war could be near.”

“Since many of the devils died already, it’ll take some time before they can form an army again.”

“This is going to be annoying,” Ho Sung Lee remarked with an annoyed face

“This is the last time.”

“I’m sorry?” Ho Sung Lee asked.

Min Sung glared at the gate with cold eyes and opened his mouth.

“I won’t let them have their way anymore. Now that they’re in my world trying to trespass, I’ll end them once and for all.”

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

“If we win against the Demonic Realm, will the Dionysus Gods act themselves?”

“Who knows? We need to focus on the Demonic Realm first. We have to bring down their world completely.”

Ho Sung Lee’s face turned stiff.

“If it takes time for the devils to gather forces, we’ll have to prepare on our end. Why don’t we use our old method...”

“No, we’re abandoning our old method.”

Ho Sung Lee stared at Min Sung with surprised eyes.


“The devils, as well as the one ruling over them, are intelligent. They’ll advance.”

“So you’re saying our old method won’t be good enough, but I can’t think of any other way besides putting up a magic wall like last time.”

“From what we’ve seen in that demon creature, our first line of defense won’t even last a few minutes.”

In Ho Sung Lee’s ears, what Min Sung just said meant that a catastrophe was near.

If that was how Ho Sung Lee felt about it, how would it feel for the other people in the world?

It seemed as though that ever since the gate appeared, mankind was in for a huge crisis.

“Is there another way?” Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung with anticipation.

“We’ll have to think about it.”

The fact that there was no immediate answer felt disappointing, but he also believed that Min Sung would be able to solve it.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and stared at the gate that was burning like the eyes of a devil.

“Ho Sung.”

“Yes, Sir.”

In response to Min Sung’s calling, Ho Sung Lee immediately turned his head and answered.

“Call Commander Kim and tell her to make a barracks here.”

“In front of the gate?”

Min Sung nodded.

“Since one demon creature came, it won’t be surprising if more devils come flooding in. Since what I just said was just a prediction, I need to be here to monitor it. I have to make sure the devils don’t leave this territory.”

“You’re right.”

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and looked up at the sky.

The rain was weak, but it continued to rain, and the ground was wet and muddy.

It wasn’t a good environment.

“It won’t be comfortable. The weather’s horrible.”

“We have no other choice.”

“I’ll make the call.”

Min Sung nodded while Ho Sung Lee immediately made a call to Commander Kim.

He delivered the news and asked for her to set up the barracks.

After the short call, Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung and opened his mouth.

“She’ll send someone right away. Commander Kim is on her way here as well.”

Min Sung bit down on his lip with his eyes fixed on the gate.

It wasn’t difficult to kill one devil.

But once the devils began to come in groups, it would become more difficult.

And if their combat abilities were advanced as well, it was going to be different from before.

His reputation as the Black Slaughterer could come to an end.

Since he felt a strong responsibility to save Earth, this was not an easy situation to be in.

The only one who could stop them was Min Sung Kang.

Dark clouds from the Demonic Realm began to cover the skies above them.


The workers arrived first.

They stared at the gate with their jaws dropped and felt scared, but as soon as Ho Sung Lee instructed them to install the barracks, they proceeded with their work.

Even while working, they continued to glance at the gate.

The gate that showed off a form that they had never seen before, on top of being surrounded by fire and in the shape of a dragon eye, was bound to make them scared.

But they didn’t know.

That even a bigger disaster than the fear that the gate gave off was near.

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