
Chapter 1366 Greenheart City

The Greenheart city of the Emerald Kingdom was its capital. Located around the center of the kingdom, it was one of the biggest cities in all of the empire.

Also, being located right next to the Beast Paradise as well as the fact that it had the Hundred Blossom Valley, it was also one of the main hubs where alchemists gathered to learn and share their craft with others.

Alex arrived outside of the city on a rather fast-flying boat that was used by the army on which he was escorted. After learning that he did not wish to use the teleportation formation and instead wanted to fly all the way here, the Crown Prince himself had ordered the men to send him here this way.

Alex landed outside of the city with 3 members of the army walking with him. 2 of them were of lower status, but one was a general who was made to guard Alex and the two Elders that had come with him.

"This is the Greenheart City, your majesty," the general said as they walked through the grassy land before arriving on the rocky path.

The general had introduced himself as General Fan of the Tail Legion, so Alex didn\'t really know what his full name was. Also, as a member of the Tail Legion, he was nothing but someone waiting to be put to use, and he finally was.

Alex looked around at the people that lined up to enter the heavily guarded capital of the Emerald Kingdom. He saw a few people looking at him and then pointing at him to show their friends and families.

"Sigh, I should have worn a different face for this exact reason," Alex thought as he was worried that the information about his arrival would quickly spread.

He had left his face as it was so that his cousin could know that he was here, but that still made him feel annoyed as he didn\'t wish to be treated as a King, but rather a normal person that would walk by this place.

Unfortunately, such a thing would never have been possible in the very first place.

As Alex walked toward Greenheart City, he saw a group of people that walked toward him.

"Wait, I thought they weren\'t supposed to know about my arrival," Alex turned to the general and asked.

"Hmm, his royal highness must have notified them of your arrival," the general said. "It\'s a good thing, your majesty. It\'s hard to tell what sort of problems we would face on our own. Having the King\'s help is very welcomed."

Alex sighed and put on a smile as he met with the king.

"Your Majesty, you\'re finally here," the jovial giant king of the Emerald Kingdom, Jin Xiaojian spoke up. "I had hoped you would come earlier, but this is fine as well."

"Greetings, King Jin," Alex greeted. "I\'m sorry for not letting you know I was coming earlier. It must\'ve been troublesome to find out at the last moment."

"Nonsense," the King said with a mighty laugh. "We have been prepared to receive you for the past 3 months since we knew you would come for the Endless Shadow Abyss."

Alex nodded. "That is part of the reason why I am here," he said.

"Hehe, you don\'t have to tell me the other reason, your majesty. I\'ve already been notified about it," the King said. "She will come to the city soon for the Abyss\'s opening, so you can meet with her then."

Alex questioned what he was talking about for a second before realizing it. \'Talia\' he thought. \'The prince must\'ve told him about her.\'

That was a little troublesome now that Alex thought about it. He hadn\'t really planned on talking to this girl if possible, but it seemed now he had to, even if for appearance\'s sake.

It would\'ve been so much easier had the Dragon Emperor and his family not been so shady with their past actions. But, asking an Emperor of any sort to not be shady would be an impossible task.

One only had to look at how they had to survive in the family to become the Emperor before realizing what had shaped them to be what they were at the moment. 

"I am looking forward to meeting her," Alex quickly replied to the King, who simply laughed out loud. 

"I\'m sure you\'ll find her delightful. Everyone in my Kingdom likes her, from old to poor. There is no one that will tell you that she isn\'t the perfect match," the man said. 

Alex smiled. "We\'ll see," he said.

"Let us leave then, your majesty," he said and took Alex in.

Alex got onto a carriage that was previously prepared for him. Nearly 10 men rode in that carriage and Alex started speaking with the king while looking around at him city.

The Greenheart City looked a lot more… natural than the Dragon Capital appeared to be. It didn\'t look overly planned and instead what a city would come to be if people just settled in one place over time.

The buildings looked more or less similar to what he\'d seen from the architecture of the Eastern Continent, only a lot greener as trees and plants were planted all across the sidepaths, giving the city a natural feel.

From what he could gather, it seemed that everything had been like this ever since the days of the Fang Kingdom that was there before this one.

After looking at the city, he closely looked at the king and his retainers. The King himself was at the upper realms of the Saint Soul realm, but his retainers were strong with both having above Saint Transformation 3rd realm cultivation base.

That was quite surprising to Alex to see a King that wasn\'t that strong. But then… neither was he, so he didn\'t bother asking.

Instead, he asked about how the king came to become a king.

"We were chosen from a young group of talents and put on the throne by the Emperor himself after the near-rebellion last time," the King said.

"I see," Alex said. He had learned about that info already, but he wanted to learn more. 

"How does that work exactly? If you don\'t mind me asking," Alex said. "As in, is there a time period for how long you can be a king or is it forever?"

"It\'s… technically forever," the King said.

"Technically?" Alex asked. 

"Yes," the king said. "There are a few instances where I will have to let go of the throne. Mostly 3 main ones."

"First, if the emperor wants me removed from the throne, I get removed. Well, I can\'t do anything about that one but just leave."

"Second, if I myself want to no longer be a King, I can step down from the throne, in which instance the Emperor will find someone else to replace me," the King said.

"Finally, if I were to ever wish to have kids, I will have to leave the throne as well," the King said. "We all swore an oath about all of this and there\'s really no way out of this."

Alex was a little surprised about that. "I can understand the first two, but… kids? Why?" 

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