
Chapter 685: Abrupt Refusal

Chapter 685: Abrupt Refusal

The king of the realm nodded. "Very well. If you\'ve made up your mind, I certainly won\'t stop you. I have half the jade seal here, and it can allow you to sense the other half automatically. Remember that alien races often have strange and unusual powers. Be cautious, and take whatever manpower you need."

The crown prince announced, "Your majesty, I would like Master Hong\'s support!"

The king of the realm frowned. "Master Hong isn\'t one of my court officials, so you\'ll have to ask his opinion. Master Hong, what say you?"

The king of the realm would be able to command anyone else in court but Zhang Lie—to the king of the realm, Zhang Lie was immensely strong, so strong that even he didn\'t have a good sense of Zhang Lie\'s full capabilities. In fact, he even felt a small prick of danger when he focused his attention on Zhang Lie.

The crown prince turned to Zhang Lie and politely requested, "Master Hong, would you do me the honor of hunting down the jade seal with me?"

"I apologize, but I refuse," Zhang Lie replied instantly, again startling the court officials.

To be frank, if Zhang Lie were willing to dedicate all his resources to the task, the Jinghun wouldn\'t survive for any more than a few days, but the problem was that he didn\'t support the crown prince. If the crown prince were indeed able to recover the jade seal, the king of the realm would likely make him his successor immediately.

If Zhang Lie were to help the crown prince do so, the crown prince would certainly be indebted to him when he became king, but Zhang Lie simply didn\'t care. Compared to supporting the crown prince,

Zhang Lie would much rather support the ninth prince, because that was what he had promised.

When the officials who had thrown their lot in with the crown prince heard Zhang Lie\'s abrupt refusal, they were all quite upset. Was Zhang Lie looking down on the crown prince?

"Who are you to reject the crown prince\'s offer? You should be grateful that he\'s extending you an offer himself!"

"You\'re just an alien—do you really think that we need your help?"

None of the officials who spoke up were present during the royal hunt, because those who were present would surely not have dared speak up. After the royal hunt, even the king of the realm was courteous toward Zhang Lie.

The crown prince, seething with anger, turned and glared at the officials who had spoken to make them shut up. Subsequently, he bowed to Zhang Lie. "Master Hong, thank you for considering my request."

"Are you unwilling to lend your assistance against the wretched Jinghun clan, Master Hong?" the king of the realm asked. He was quite worried about what might happen if the crown prince were to set off alone; if Zhang Lie were accompanying him, he didn\'t have to worry about anything—it would be the Jinghun\'s problem then.

Zhang Lie replied, "I\'m certainly interested in participating, but I believe that the crown prince is acting too rashly."

...he certainly couldn\'t reveal his true thoughts, that he didn\'t want to go because he didn\'t want to see the crown prince become the king of the realm.

Despite the crown prince\'s earlier warning glare, one of the court officials supporting him retorted, "What exactly do you mean? Bringing back the jade seal is the responsibility of royalty—our responsibility! How dare you claim that your cowardice is the crown prince\'s rashness!"

"The crown prince has always thought deeply about his actions, and he\'s never rash when he proposes such plans."

"Refusing an invitation is disrespectful enough, but you\'re besmirching his highness\'s reputation outright!"

Zhang Lie smiled wryly. "Don\'t you think that the Jinghun are anticipating such a chase?"

The ninth prince nodded. "Master\'s words are very reasonable. By now, the Jinghun should have realized that they only possess half the jade seal, and that his majesty can track them with the other half."

Zhang Lie concluded, "It\'s only to be expected that the Jinghun would have a trap waiting for anyone chasing after them."

The king of the realm and the crown prince were both silent.

Finally, the crown prince replied, "In that case, should we allow the thief to leave uncontested, leaving the succession of the throne broken forevermore?"

Zhang Lie shook his head. "No, certainly not—but we don\'t have to rush. Leave the wormholes sealed. The Jinghun only have half the seal, and they\'ll surely want to claim the other half as well. All we need to do is wait—they\'ll certainly find their way back here themselves."

"For how long?" the crown prince asked.

Zhang Lie shrugged. "That\'s difficult to say. At most one or two decades, perhaps?"

The king of the realm called out, "I\'m afraid we cannot leave the jade seal, the emblem of royalty, in the hands of outsiders for so long. Master Hong, state your conditions! What will it take for you to accompany the crown prince on this mission?"

Zhang Lie smiled wryly. "Your majesty, it\'s not that I\'m unwilling to go, but rather that I\'m unable to."

The king of the realm frowned. Was he refusing even to negotiate?

"If you don\'t mind my bluntness, your majesty, I\'m afraid to die!"

The court officials all began to laugh, but the princes and those who had participated in the royal hunt did not. They knew of Zhang Lie\'s abilities—how could he, a man whom even the king of the realm respected, be afraid of death?

The king of the realm sighed. "Fearing death is a natural instinct, and I can hardly compel you to accompany the crown prince."

He understood very well that Zhang Lie\'s \'fear of death\' was simply a euphemism—Zhang Lie believed that the crown prince would end up falling into the Jinghun\'s trap, killing himself and losing his remaining half of the jade seal.

Zhang Lie bowed. "Your majesty, please allow me to speak bluntly. The piece of the jade seal that remains is your biggest advantage, and you shouldn\'t give it up so readily."

"I will take your analysis into account," the king of the realm replied coolly.

"Do you have any suggestions besides waiting?" the crown prince asked Zhang Lie.

"I can help you interrogate the Jindao, your highness."

"Interrogate the Jindao?"

"Indeed—I am certain I can make them speak up!"

The official responsible for the interrogation harrumphed. "Despite all our efforts, we\'ve not been able to get the Jindao to crack. What do you think you can do that we can\'t?"

Zhang Lie didn\'t reveal the extent of his abilities. "I can give it a try, but I can\'t guarantee success. All I\'ll reveal is that I have special abilities."

Zhang Lie was certain that his disaster-grade mistmeld clam soulshard was superior to any technique the aliens had.

The king of the realm nodded. "Very well. Let Master Hong give it a try!"

Subsequently, the court session was overtaken by quite a few uninteresting affairs regarding the reconstruction of the palace and restoration of the capital, followed by countless trifling affairs related to the beast stampede in the capital. Zhang Lie found himself almost falling asleep as he listened to the officials recounting their problems.

After an interminable period of time, when the skies were finally turning dark, did the king of the realm finally dismiss the court.

Zhang Lie vanished immediately, leaving just an afterimage behind.

The king of the realm shook his head with a sigh. "Ninth prince, please stay behind. I have some things that I need to discuss with you."

By the time the ninth prince returned to the palace, Zhang Lie was already asleep. Even so, he woke Zhang Lie up by shaking the bed. "Master, I have a question for you..."

Zhang Lie yawned lazily. "Ask me tomorrow. I\'m far too tired after that dreary session at court."

"Can\'t you go to sleep later, Master?"


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