
Chapter 250 - 259: Standing Up

In the past few days, Zhai Li had really believed that Lord Han was like those corrupt officials in the Imperial Court. Now it seemed that Lord Han was indeed different—his previous conduct had been a deliberate ruse to deceive the bandits. He had been determined to eradicate them, which was why he had attacked during such torrential rain, when even travel was difficult. Ordinary people couldn’t do this. Zhai Li had previously misunderstood Lord Han as a negligent official who wouldn’t genuinely attack the bandits. He had lost hope in the government soldiers and acted hastily at the first opportunity that presented itself.

For the Bandit Leader to assume the position of Master, he relied not only on cunning but also on the martial arts that won the bandits’ respect. Despite Zhai Li’s family heritage, he was still young—his martial arts were not yet fully mastered and he was no match for a murderer like the Bandit Leader, who had bloodied his hands countless times. Struggling to hold his ground, Zhai Li was caught off guard and took a slice to the shoulder from the Bandit Leader, almost dropping his sword from the pain.

With such ruthless aggression, the Bandit Leader wouldn’t miss such an excellent opportunity. Aiming to take Zhai Li’s life, he roared, “You little brat, daring to cross me before you’ve grown up! I’ll personally finish you today and show you your place in this world!”

Naturally, Zhai Li was not willing to die at the hands of the Bandit Leader. Despite his inferior skills, he parried a few more strikes, but he was ultimately no match. As the large sword drew near, it was suddenly blocked by another sword. Before he could react, Imperial Court soldiers had charged in and began to fight the bandits, with the Bandit Leader now entangled in combat with Lord Han.

Zhai Li had never met Han Yu, but as someone who was interested, he had inquired about Han Yu and quickly recognized him based on those descriptions. Lord Han was indeed a picture of noble elegance with exceptional martial prowess, matching the Bandit Leader blow for blow without falling behind.

In this life, due to the changes brought about by Su Wenyue, Han Yu had a good relationship with his wife’s parents’ home. Before joining the military camp, Master Su personally found an expert to give Han Yu guidance. Thanks to his solid foundation, Han Yu had rapidly improved to his current level. In his previous life, Han Yu was also skilled, but his abilities had slowly increased through battles in the military camp. Otherwise, Han Yu would definitely not have been a match for the Bandit Leader at this time.

After a fierce battle, Han Yu narrowly managed to slay the Bandit Leader with his sword, without a hint of hesitation. A vicious criminal with hands stained with the blood of countless innocents didn’t deserve to live in this world. Capturing him would risk his escape with the help of accomplices in the military camp, potentially becoming a menace once more. In that case, today’s bandit elimination would have been meaningless.

Therefore, when Han Yu struck, he did not hesitate, although killing the Bandit Leader was not conducive to interrogating the insider in the camp as evidence. Han Yu still did what he did.

Even though Han Yu was ambitious and desired to climb the ranks, he possessed a sense of the greater good and morality, understanding how to measure and discern the importance of matters.

Watching the Bandit Leader be slain by Han Yu, Zhai Li finally couldn’t help but sob mournfully, thinking of the relatives who had been harmed by the bandits. Ignoring his own wounds, he once again lifted his sword and joined the fight against the bandits. With the fierceness of his courage and the Bandit Leader no longer his adversary, the remaining minions seemed as easy to Zhai Li as slicing melons and vegetables—he had become almost numb to the killing.

This bandit-suppressing operation proved extraordinarily successful, thanks in part to Zhai Li and his companions’ quest for revenge. Although Han Yu and his men couldn’t avoid injuries, no lives were lost. They returned in the same number they had set out with, all alive to see their fathers and mothers, wives, and children.

The bandits were apprehended or killed as necessary, but the issue of how to deal with the few youths who had fought the bandits was more challenging. To their eyes, these youths were still but children, although they were the reason why they had so smoothly captured the bandits. However, it seemed these youths belonged to the bandits, as they were recognized by them. It was unclear why, despite the great risks, they had turned against the bandits—could there be some underlying story?

“Master, by killing the Bandit Leader, you’ve avenged our grievous loss, and you are also my savior,” Zhai Li said as he kneeled on one knee before Han Yu to show submission. “The Zhai Family has always repaid kindness. Please accept me, Master. I am willing to follow you to the death and serve you!”

The other three youths also expressed their loyalty to Han Yu, just like Zhai Li. They had all escaped together and shared similar fates. Initially focused solely on revenge, they had given no thought to life thereafter. Now that their vendetta was settled, they found themselves at a loss for the future. With Han Yu having shown them kindness, they were all prepared to align themselves with him.

Han Yu had indeed taken an interest in the youths’ abilities from the start, which was why he had joined the battle so quickly—he didn’t want them harmed. These youths had the potential to be molded into something great and would be a great asset if well-utilized. However, because of this, he also knew that the youths were undoubtedly proud in nature and unwilling to easily submit to anyone. So, when he heard Zhai Li was willing to follow him, a flicker of joy unguardedly passed through Han Yu’s eyes. Although it was brief and went unnoticed, Zhai Li still caught it.

Zhai Li had fully expected Han Yu to accept him but was surprised when Han Yu did not immediately confirm his acceptance. Instead, Han Yu looked at them with a deep, searching gaze, as if he could see something different about them.

Each of the four youths had an extraordinary status. They had barely escaped, and if the Thief learned of them, it would surely lead to their pursuit, especially since Han Yu was a figure of the Imperial Court. Even though he seemed different from those corrupt officials, the scrutiny from Han Yu made them uneasy, fearing that any gesture might arouse his suspicion, causing their expressions to become somewhat stiff.

“Who are you, and why have you been among the bandits? What is your purpose?” Han Yu demanded without room for retreat. The desire to nurture talent is natural, and Han Yu needed new talents at this time. Especially after learning of the existence of secret guards in both Sikong Ling’s and the Su Family’s ranks, Han Yu was even more eager to develop his own secret forces. It would be easier to conduct investigations and he wouldn’t have to rely solely on the Su Family. It was not that he lacked gratitude and was eager to distance himself from the Su Family; Han Yu remembered their kindness. But to truly achieve something significant, he needed to stand on his own.

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