
Chapter 35 - 35: Spreading Rumors

Xiao Xi settled into the Han Family residence, and for the following period, things were relatively calm. Despite Mrs. Wang’s attempts to stir up trouble, Su Wenyue was not an easy target. With Xiao Xi’s straightforward and bold personality, she would speak her mind without reservations about things Su Wenyue would find difficult to say directly. As for Mrs. Liu, she currently sided with Su Wenyue, not to mention that Su Wenyue would occasionally give the Eldest girl and second girl little trinkets, and even let Mrs. Liu enjoy some minor benefits from time to time.

Su Wenyue treated Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Wang with two distinctly different approaches. She absolutely refused to let Mrs. Wang take advantage of her. Not to bring up the past life where Mrs. Wang caused her so much suffering, but her eventual downfall was also inseparable from Mrs. Wang’s doings. And then there was Third Child, Han Lin—not a hint of decency in him. So, whether for past revenge or present contempt, Su Wenyue held utmost loathing for this couple.

Although Mrs. Liu was a bit greedy, thankfully she was straightforward by nature and didn’t entertain crooked thoughts. She would speak openly about whatever was on her mind, which, compared to Mrs. Wang’s underhanded tactics of plotting behind one’s back, was significantly more honorable. Moreover, big brother Han Hu was an upright and honest man, respectful to his parents and caring towards his brothers. With Eldest girl and second girl being sensible children, Su Wenyue didn’t want to cause too much strife with Mrs. Liu on their account. If she could keep Mrs. Liu content by allowing her some minor benefits, Su Wenyue was willing to do so. Indeed, it seemed that big brother Han Hu often wore a look of apology toward her.

“Miss, you don’t know how bad Mrs. Wang is, intentionally spreading bad rumors about you in the village, telling others you’re a lazy daughter-in-law, doing nothing at home all day. You don’t work the fields and you don’t even cook, letting the rumors about you fly around the village; luckily, the servant girls overheard it.”

When Su Wenyue heard Xiao Xi report this, she was unsurprised in the slightest. Mrs. Wang had used this same tactic in her previous life. Back then, since she indeed hadn’t done well, Mrs. Wang’s propaganda ensured that Su Wenyue’s reputation in Xinhe Village was tarnished. Sometimes village women and elders would take her as a bad example when teaching their

daughter-in-laws and daughters. The looks she received from the villagers

were full of scorn and disdain, though nobody dared to openly confront her due to the Su Family’s status; they could only spit behind her back.

However, the same tactic wouldn’t work now. Even if Mrs. Wang said such things, not everyone would believe her, they would surely ask Mrs. Yang, Mrs. Liu, or Mrs. Li indirectly. In her previous life, she did indeed perform poorly, even Mrs. Yang, who was biased towards her youngest son, wouldn’t speak in her defense. This life, Mrs. Wang still wanted to employ the same tactic, but upon learning of it, Mrs. Yang would certainly not agree.

Su Wenyue wondered if she should stop these rumors. Should she let them spread further, or…? However, with Xiao Xi, the fiercely loyal little girl around, Su Wenyue probably didn’t need to instruct her as Xiao Xi would have already taken some measures.

“So, our Xiao Xi definitely fought back when she heard those things, didn’t she?” Su Wenyue asked with amusement, looking at a visibly upset Xiao Xi. Even she, the subject of the gossip, wasn’t as angry as Xiao Xi was.

“Of course I did. Our Miss isn’t anything like what they say. Even if she doesn’t work in the fields and stays home, she’s busy enlightening the only treasured grandson of the Han Family, Baofu! The Old Master and Master’s Wife don’t want you to work out in the fields. Teaching the Han Family’s grandson is more important than anything else—what other family’s daughter-in-law has the abilities of our Miss? Not to mention her embroidery skills, but she’s also well-educated. With such abilities, does she need to work the fields? Only a conniving woman like Mrs. Wang, with no abilities and lazy to boot, does less work than others in the fields. She caused trouble the very first day our daughter-in-law entered our home, and even spread malicious gossip behind her back. Truly, her character is utterly unacceptable!”

Xier spoke with passion, and Su Wenyue could easily imagine the scene of Xiao Xi defending her indignantly, causing her to burst into laughter.

“Ah, Xiao Xi, your Miss isn’t as perfect as you make her out to be. Speaking so highly of me isn’t appropriate, ” Su Wenyue said with a grin that was becoming increasingly evident on her face.

“But it’s true, our Miss is the best!” Xiao Xi declared, then looked at Su Wenyue expectantly as if seeking recognition. “Miss, rest assured, Mrs. Wang won’t be rampant for much longer. The last time I went back, I mentioned to the Young Master that Mrs. Wang is up to no good, always causing trouble for you. The Young Master will surely seek justice for you and won’t let Mrs. Wang get away with it.”

“What are you two plotting together, laughing so conspiratorially? Don’t tell me you’ve done something naughty?” Han Yu returned home to find his wife and Xiao Xi chatting and joking together.

Perhaps because Su Wenyue truly took Master Su’s advice to heart in dealing with this man, Han Yu was changing more and more. Although he appeared unchanged on the outside, he was revealing more smiles in private, especially when alone with Su Wenyue. He became increasingly improper, sometimes doing indecent things under the guise of decency, leaving Su Wenyue with no recourse. Unable to resist, she had to allow him to make light of her, and Su Wenyue was coming to understand this man was truly a sly fox with hidden depths.

“No, we were just joking around,” Su Wenyue perhaps felt that Han Yu, being occupied with important matters, wouldn’t want to be bothered with these petty squabbles between women. However, Xiao Xi didn’t share this view; with

Mrs. Wang bullying her Miss like that, she felt it necessary to inform her Uncle.

“Uncle, you have no idea, that Mrs. Wang, my Second Sister-in-law, is so malicious, spreading bad rumors about the Miss throughout the village. She said the Miss is lazy and disrespectful towards the parents-in-law, along with many other unkind words, damaging the Miss’s reputation as a good daughter-in-law. I just couldn’t stand it—my Miss is so kind, nothing like what she says, and her reputation has been ruined by those false claims.” Xiao Xi vigorously complained to Han Yu, without mentioning her own retorts.

Han Yu’s expression turned cold upon hearing Xiao Xi’s words, growing increasingly irritated by his third brother and Sister-in-law’s behavior. They were both shrewd, yet their cunning was never used in the right way, instead, they occupied themselves with sly schemes, especially Mrs. Wang who had targeted his wife from the moment she became a part of the family and persistently harbored ill intentions against her. He needed to think of a way to deal with them.

Han Yu was not some old-fashioned, ceremonial man; he always acted according to his conscience and didn’t care about using whatever means were effective, as long as they worked. Even if it involved his third brother and Sister-in-law, he could tolerate them to an extent, unless they crossed the line. But Mrs. Wang, like a venomous snake, had her eyes set on his wife. Even if his wife could handle it now, there was no guarantee she wouldn’t be caught off guard and bitten one day—this was something he absolutely could not tolerate happening.

The more Han Yu cared for Su Wenyue, the less he could bear someone plotting against her, especially if there was any chance she could be harmed..

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