
Chapter 174 Astral Sea Manifestation

As Arthur\'s determined steps brought him closer to the towering Heavenly Dao Sword, the pressure upon his body and soul intensified.

It was as if the very weight of the universe pressed down upon him.

The invading sword essence energy surged through his veins, surging like a tempest, threatening to engulf him entirely.

The pain was excruciating, each surge of energy feeling like a torrential wave crashing against his body.

But Arthur\'s determination was unwavering, his eyes locked onto the majestic sword before him. With every step he took, his resolve grew stronger, and he pushed through the pain with sheer force of will.

Time seemed to lose its meaning in this realm. Arthur could no longer gauge how long he had been climbing those illusory stairs.

He felt as though he had traversed countless lifetimes, each step bringing him closer to his goal.

And then, finally, he stood before the Heavenly Dao Sword.

It was a breathtaking sight. The sword\'s aura blazed with a magnificent blend of golden and crimson light, radiating power that seemed to transcend the limits of the world.

Arthur\'s breath caught in his throat as he beheld its splendor.

\'I sense an aura that is extremely similar to the Chaos Essence Metal. But it is much stronger than it,\' Arthur noticed.

\'This can only mean one thing...this artifact, naturally created by the essence of the Dao itself is much closer to the truths of the heavens than expected.\'

\'hehe, I really lucked out this time. This little trial had already pushed me to the brink of going beyond the Sword Concept Realm...although...\'

\'My clothing is damaged,\' Arthur noticed that even the Chaos Essence Metal that he had bonded with was filled with scars.

\'But the scars are already disappearing.\'

His clothing, which had borne the scars of the intense energy, began to mend itself, the fabric weaving back together as if time itself had reversed.

At this time his attention was brought to a sensation he felt – a profound approval, as if the sword recognized him, acknowledged him to be worthy.

\'Of course I am,\' he thought.

\'No one would be worthy of you other than me in this universe,\' Arthur grinned.

The sword trembled and Arthur could sense it\'s agreement, making him smile more.

With a steady hand, Arthur reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword.

Arthur\'s grip on the sword\'s hilt tightened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and awe.

As Arthur\'s hand closed around the hilt of the Heavenly Dao Sword, a surge of energy unlike anything he had experienced before coursed through him.

It was as if the sword\'s essence was resonating with his own, creating a powerful connection between them.

But then, an unexpected sensation gripped Arthur from within.

It was an intense hunger, a primal need that surged forth from his Dao Devouring Physique.

It was as if the very essence of the sword was something his body craved.

The sword in his grasp seemed to shudder, a faint vibration that quickly escalated into a panicked tremble.

The sword\'s reaction was startling – it was as if it recognized the threat posed by Arthur\'s Devouring Martial Spirit.

Fear emanated from the sword\'s essence, an almost sentient response that sought to escape Arthur\'s grip.

The hilt twisted within his hand, as though attempting to slip away from his hold.

In that moment, Arthur\'s expression shifted from determination to surprise.

He had not anticipated such a reaction from the Devouring Martial Spirit. He felt a mixture of curiosity and concern – why was his Martial Spirit reacting this way?

Reacting instinctively, Arthur\'s first Martial Spirit, the Devouring Martial Spirit, emerged from within him.

It manifested as a swirling vortex of energy, a representation of his Dao Devouring Physique\'s power.

The moment the Devouring Martial Spirit appeared, the sword\'s reaction escalated further.

It pulsed with an energy that resonated with terror, as if it had encountered something utterly terrifying.

As the sword\'s vibrations intensified, a whirlwind of events occurred.

The sword\'s essence seemed to get pulled towards the Devouring Martial Spirit, drawn as if by an irresistible force. And then, the unexpected occurred – the Heavenly Dao Sword was devoured.

The sword\'s form began to waver and distort, its golden and crimson brilliance folding into itself.

In an instant, it was gone, absorbed into the vortex of Arthur\'s Devouring Martial Spirit.

Shock reverberated through Arthur, Aixen, and Cora who had jus exited the inner world of the Serene Palace Painting.

\'What in the heavens is that Martial Spirit. It\'s even more terrifying than my sister\'s,\' Cora thought in shock.

\'Master...\' Aixen took a trip down memory lane and felt like he was back to the times when Arthur in his past life took him through various adventures.

They stared at the spot where the sword had once been, now empty and void of its previous radiance, as what was left was a dulled and rusty sword hilt.

But what happened next was even more astonishing. Arthur\'s body convulsed, and an agonized scream erupted from his lips.

He fell to his knees, his grip on the hilt released as he clutched his head, his whole being seemingly wracked by an inexplicable torment.

Aixen moved forward, his concern evident. He attempted to cross the distance to Arthur, but he encountered an unseen barrier, a force that prevented his approach.

As Aixen encountered the barrier preventing him from reaching Arthur, a sense of calm washed over him.

He came to a realisation, \'The Soul Gem...\'

He knew that the Soul Gem, that enigmatic artifact intertwined with Arthur\'s fate, was at work.

Its protective response was a reassuring confirmation that Arthur was shielded from any immediate danger.

Cora, observing the situation, turned to Aixen with a mix of curiosity and recognition.

She had encountered the aura of the barrier before, during her ill-fated attempt to manipulate Arthur\'s soul.

The memory carried a touch of humiliation, as her plan had not only failed but had resulted in her becoming bound to be his servant instead.

"What power is that?" she asked, her voice laced with both curiosity and a touch of awe.

She recognized the energy surrounding Arthur as the same that had thwarted her own attempt at manipulation.

Aixen\'s gaze remained fixed on Arthur, his features serene yet solemn. "That, my dear, is a power that lies far beyond your current qualifications to encounter."

Cora\'s brows furrowed at his response, a mixture of frustration and intrigue playing across her expression.

Aixen\'s nonchalant attitude only deepened the mystery surrounding Arthur and his unique abilities.

He turned his attention to her, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Consider yourself privileged to witness it, even from a distance."

Cora huffed, torn between annoyance and fascination. "You enjoy keeping secrets, don\'t you?"

Aixen\'s smile widened. "Secrets are what make life interesting, my dear."

As their banter continued, an unexpected occurrence seized their attention.

Above Arthur, the Soul Gem materialized in a faint, ethereal form. A soft, blue light emanated from it, casting an otherworldly glow.

Aixen\'s gaze shifted to the Soul Gem, his expression contemplative.

He was aware of the artifact\'s sentience and its unique connection to Arthur. But the gem\'s current display was unexpected, even for him.

A beam of light shot forth from the Soul Gem, its azure hue bathing Arthur\'s forehead.

Cora watched with a mix of surprise and curiosity, her instincts telling her that this was something significant for some reason.

As the light enveloped Arthur, a portal materialized above him.

It was something Cora had seen before – a portal of stars and constellations, a celestial gateway that seemed to lead to realms beyond imagination.

Cora\'s voice was tinged with disbelief. "Impossible..."

Aixen\'s features remained composed, yet a glint of intrigue sparkled in his eyes. \'The Soul Gem\'s power is indeed remarkable,\'

He too recognized what that portal meant.

The portal\'s pull was palpable, an irresistible force that seemed to beckon Arthur.

And then a golden glow flew out of Arthur\'s forehead into the portal in an instant.

Cora muttered in astonishment, "Astral Sea Manifestation..."


------------End of Chapter------------


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