
Chapter 73 - 68 Puppet Worker Ant i

Chapter 73 - 68 Puppet Worker Ant i

When the sun was about to set, Qin Niu opened his eyes.

He had been cultivating for more than five hours.

His cultivation level had broken through from the Twofold Mortal Realm directly to the Threefold Mortal Realm.

At the Twofold level, what was strengthened were the lungs, since the lungs are the source of all veins and are also called the chief of the lungs.

At the Threefold level, it was his kidneys that were enhanced.

The kidneys, known as the gathering place for essence, had become stronger, and Qin Niu felt an exceptional surge of energy. It seemed like he had endless strength and inexhaustible vitality.

His eyes also became brighter, and his vision seemed to have improved along with it.

Even more astonishing was that he felt his spiritual power was constantly growing. Although it was slow, it was certainly increasing bit by bit.

He remembered something important and quickly checked his lifespan.

Lifespan: 66 years.

Only five years had been added to his life, half of what it was the first time.

Thinking about it, it made sense. The leap from Twofold to Threefold Mortal Realm was too easy.

If one could extend their life by ten years with each slight progression in cultivation, wouldn’t that be too heaven-defying? Would not all the experts at the Tenfold Mortal Realm be able to live past 150 or 160 years?

The life-extending effect of the Everlasting Spring Technique was already much stronger than ordinary cultivation techniques.

He felt the powerful strength within his body and was very satisfied.

He would come here to cultivate under the ancient banyan tree every day.

Seeing that the canopy of the banyan tree was pressing down, Qin Niu hurriedly collected the jars.

The cut he made today was clearly much deeper, but the banyan tree had a strong self-healing ability. Therefore, the banyan tree blood he collected was only slightly more than the day before.

A constant trickle, coming every day to collect so much banyan tree blood, was not bad at all.

If he were to overharvest and kill it, Qin Niu would find it hard to find another such good place for cultivation.

After coming out with his basket on his back, he hurried back with the termites.

It looked like it was going to rain, as the sky was particularly dark today.

Arriving at the ant nest, it was very quiet, only two ordinary soldier ants were guarding the entrance of the nest.

When he left in the morning, he had ordered the Grade Two tiger-striped soldier ant not to attack enemies, but just to defend the nest.

The result seemed quite good.

They were very obedient to Qin Niu, their master.

“Let’s go in quickly!”

Qin Niu released the Ant Queen and Fourth, along with other termites, back into the nest.

Just then, a big-headed termite emerged, its body a pale green color.

When Qin Niu saw it, his eyes couldn’t help but brighten a little.

Wasn’t this the puppet worker ant that he had fed the Thousand Eyes Tree Blood? Now that it was able to crawl out by itself, it seemed to have completed its evolution.

Upon closer inspection, not only had its head grown bigger, but its antennae had also become much longer.

He immediately checked its attributes on the spot.

Puppet Worker Ant: Lifespan 5 years, Special Ability (has a certain probability of controlling other insect species; the lower the level of the controlled, the more likely to succeed).

Judging by the description, it meant it could control insects of a lower level than itself. If it wanted to control insects of a higher level, the stronger the opponent, the higher the failure rate.

This was another special ant species!

And what exactly was that Thousand Eyes Tree called?

Its tree blood actually had such powerful effects; he would have to collect more of its blood next time he had the chance.

Qin Niu even felt a bit of regret for having cut down so many of them.

Because he had never seen this kind of Thousand Eyes Tree anywhere else. They were only found under the Ancient Banyan Tree.

It was possibly a rare species.

“It’s too late today; 1’11 come tomorrow to see your ability,” he said.

Qin Niu found that the soldier ant that also drank Thousand Eyes Tree Blood had not yet completed its evolution.

It seemed that the evolution of the soldier ants was a bit slower.

Just as he exited the mountains, the rain in the sky began to fall.

He quickened his pace to get home.

Miss Wang’s attic window was tightly closed, whereas usually, when Qin Niu walked by underneath, she would stick her head out and greet him with a smile.

Even after being scolded many times by Wang Furen, she remained unrepentantly the same.

As Qin Niu approached his own house’s eaves, he noticed that someone had triggered the mechanism.

When he opened the gate, he saw pancakes wrapped in oil paper placed in a hidden corner.

Just by looking at the delicate wrapping technique, he knew it was the handiwork of his neighbor Wang Wanyan.

He bent down carefully to pick it up, and a piece of paper fluttered down.

A few graceful characters caught his eye.

“Heard you can make money by selling fertilizer, very happy for you. Keep it up!”

There was no signature.

She was a clever girl and knew that Qin Niu was equally clever.

Just one look, and he would know the note was from her.

“Miss Wang really does treat me very well; if she ever encounters any trouble in the future, 1 must take care of her.”

Qin Niu’s strength had grown increasingly stronger, and his confidence was much greater than before.

The only regret he had at the moment was that he still hadn’t managed to breed a Grade Three insect pet.

He hoped to obtain the Insect Master title before the corn harvest was in.

Not only did an Insect Master receive a monthly stipend from the government, but they could also enjoy exemptions on a certain amount of land tax. Labor services were completely waived as well.

Upon locking himself inside his house, he did not restrain himself. Instead, he directly washed his hands and started munching on the pancakes sent by Wang Wanyan.

They tasted quite good.

Though, if one were to speak of nutritional value, bear meat and wolf meat were surely much higher.

This rain had been pouring for three days straight.

And it was the kind of torrential downpour.

This year’s rainfall was a bit too abundant. With three days of heavy rain drenching the earth, it was feared that floods might be triggered, submerging some low-lying areas.

Qin Niu lived in Shuangfeng Village, which, as the name suggested, was situated on high ground.

If Shuangfeng Village were submerged, it would mean that the entirety of Black Tiger City and Jade Stream Town, for the most part, would become an immense ocean.

These days, with the torrential rain and thunder and lightning, Qin Niu was confined to his home, unable to go anywhere.

He was also unable to practice the Everlasting Spring Technique.

He was able to endure loneliness, closing his door and sitting in his home, repeatedly studying the Green Demon Beekeeping Scripture and the Everlasting Spring Technique.

Simply having realized a method to cultivate under the moonlight was certainly not enough!

On rainy days without moonlight, he couldn’t cultivate.

On the fourth day, the heavy rain started to lessen, showing signs of stopping.

Who would have known that come evening, it began to thunder and rain heavily again.

According to Qin Niu’s life experience, a continuous downpour for over five days would unavoidably lead to floods.

If the rain continued for more than ten days in a row, it would undoubtedly spell disaster for mankind.

And sure enough, it came to pass.

It was as if humanity had enraged the Dragon Kings of the oceans, for the rain just didn’t cease.

By the fifth day, it still hadn’t stopped.

Needless to say, a flood was inevitable.

The villagers all huddled in their homes, not willing to venture out.

Occasionally a farmer would go to the fields to check on the water situation and needed to clear the blocked ditches.

Even then, they would leave the house wearing straw raincoats and bamboo hats.

As Qin Niu repeatedly delved into the Everlasting Spring Technique, he unexpectedly had another epiphany.

He was clumsily trying to cultivate based on that newfound understanding, just like the first time he cultivated under the moonlight—it was completely like groping for stones to cross the river.

He sat cross-legged inside his house, eyes on the nose, nose on the heart, focusing his mind on the dantian. Following a thread of cultivation method gleaned from the Everlasting Spring Technique, he slowly breathed in and out.

At first, there was no reward; the air he inhaled was just ordinary, and then he breathed out the waste air from his body.

Gradually, he seemed to feel something..

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