
Chapter 791 - Equal Distribution

“Haha, I just got another 10 apostles.”

“Same here.”

The major gods were all overjoyed. Different from the minor gods like Chen Feng, who were busy taking in awakened ones that could be transformed into resonators, the major gods were taking in the truly powerful believers. So what if those minor gods could gather a huge number of believers? A single apostle was equivalent to a hundred normal believers.

Naturally, the major gods did not know that this was the human world, the world that Chen Feng had once belonged to. Of the millions of life-forms here, nearly half of them had become his believers the moment they saw him, the moment he rescued them, with no hesitation whatsoever. These were the firmest of Chen Feng’s believers.

Thus, Chen Feng had no need to fight over believers with these gods. He only needed to focus on integrating into his divine system the half of the life-forms of this planet that had decided to believe in him. That alone would be sufficient.

Shua! Shua!

Chen Feng’s hands grabbed at empty air. Clump after clump of the terrifying power of faith appeared without stop and entered Chen Feng’s body. This was the greatest power of faith to have ever appeared, an amount of faith nobody could surpass, even the Sin God of the past. After all, this was the faith supplied by half of the human world’s life-forms.


Chen Feng sensed the power within him. Was he a minor god? Yes, he was. He was the lowest of gods, but due to the faith he was gathering, the speed he was growing at was unsurpassable. His strength was growing crazily.

Bang! Bang!

With each surge of godly power, Chen Feng could feel a tremendous growth in his strength. So powerful and inconceivable.


He shut his eyes, entering a brand new world. This world belonged to him alone. In this world, faith poured in without stop. After entering this world, it split into three parts. One part was used for Chen Feng’s growth, and the other two parts were transmitted to Spirit and the Misfortune Goddess. The Misfortune Goddess’s consciousness seemed to be on the verge of awakening.

Is she going to awaken soon?

Chen Feng wore a pensive look. Under normal circumstances, he alone would enjoy all the faith. Now, though, due to the fact that the Luck Goddess and Misfortune Goddess were residing within him, part of the faith was being shared with them. However, it did not matter. Since these goddesses had already returned to him, their growth would be equivalent to his growth. At the very least...

Chen Feng’s heart jolted.

Boundless godly power surged out. In addition to his godly power, he still retained his control over the godly powers of misfortune and luck. Indeed, these two were now tied to him.


Faith poured into him crazily. Chen Feng and the two goddesses started growing at a rapid pace. The god realm was the final realm one could reach. Based on Chen Feng’s understanding, the so-called god realm was split into several stages. The first stage was the minor god, the stage he was presently in, the lowest of all gods. Next were the elementary gods, then the journeyman gods, the major gods, and finally, the most powerful of the gods, the gods comparable to existences like the Creation God.

The gods of each subsequent stage were more powerful than the gods of the previous stage. As for the method of increasing one’s stage, it was quite simple: faith. The more believers one had, the more faith one would have. With this, the growth of one’s godly power would increase as well. Only by obtaining believers without stop could one grow.

That was why the minor gods could only struggle for survival amid the major gods and slowly grow. Only after a long time would they have a chance to advance into an elementary god. Next, they would have to continue to slowly grow... This was how gods grew.

The path between minor godhood and major godhood was a long one. As for Chen Feng... He looked at the faith that was frantically surging in. This was an amount of faith that even the Sin God would envy. Even though it was actually only one-third of this amount, as the other two parts were being shared with the Misfortune Goddess and the Luck Goddess, this amount was already sufficient to pump Chen Feng full of godly power.

In a short seven days, Chen Feng had already reached the peak of the minor god stage.


He entered the elementary god stage.

Nearly all the gods were alarmed.


Their eyes went wide with disbelief. Seven days! In only seven days, Chen Feng had entered the elementary god stage? How was this possible? One ought to know that in the past, they had spent a very long time to reach that stage.

“This... Is it because of this world’s believers?”

The gods’ eyes became bloodshot as they looked at the human world. They knew that the believers of this world were all rather intelligent. As such, the faith they provided should be rather powerful as well. However, they had never expected it to be this powerful, powerful enough for Chen Feng to reach the elementary stage in seven short days.

“Since even Chen Feng can advance so quickly, what about us?”

The other minor gods were getting excited.

Including the minor god that had brought Chen Feng into the resonance realm, all the minor gods started frantically spreading their godly power through the human world in the hopes of gaining more recognition from the population there. Chen Feng’s breakthrough had given a lot of gods hope. This was especially true for the gods that had been stuck for way too long.

Naturally, none of them were aware that, during these seven days, although they had all started from scratch in their search for believers, the instant Chen Feng had rescued the human world, he had obtained a huge number of believers. From the start, Chen Feng’s speed of growth had been the fastest of all.

Bang! Bang!

His godly power surging, Chen Feng continued growing. Under the nourishment of that terrifying amount of godly power, Chen Feng continued his rapid growth. In a short 10 days, he reached the peak of the elementary stage. That’s right. He was on the verge of yet another breakthrough. If he continued, he would without a doubt become a journeyman god.


And yet he stopped. He looked at his stage while in contemplation. Ultimately, he decided to put his breakthrough on hold. The moment he proceeded and broke through, he would put all the gods on high alert. It wouldn’t matter if he only broke through a single stage. At most, he would gain some attention. However, if he continued and broke through two stages in a row while all others god had yet to break through even once, they would probably start taking this seriously. The various gods that were all busy gathering believers simply had no idea just how many believers Chen Feng had.

I will stop for now, Chen Feng decided. Ultimately, he sent all the godly power to the two goddesses instead.


Spirit’s strength increased without stop. She had been a major god in the first place. Even though the Luck Goddess’s actual consciousness was already dead, the divine seat was still occupied by her. She had merely lost all strength after inheriting the divine seat.

Now, her godly power was recovering. From minor god, she reached elementary god, then journeyman god... at a speed even faster than Chen Feng’s own. When Chen Feng had been hesitating over his breakthrough earlier, she had already broken through into the journeyman stage. Yet this was just the beginning. The Misfortune Goddess’s consciousness was awakening at a rapid pace as well.

The Misfortune Goddess, whose strength had originally been stuck at the level of an awakened one, had under the nourishment of Chen Feng’s massive supply of faith, finally awakened. The translucent silhouette representing her now appeared lifelike.



The petite silhouette transformed into a physical body. Somewhat regretfully for Chen Feng, the instant she formed her body, her clothes were formed as well.

Cough, cough. Worthy of being a goddess indeed.


Godly power spread out as the Misfortune Goddess fully awakened. As for the stage of her divine seat, it was a major god the moment she awakened. Naturally, she was similar to Spirit; even though her divine seat was that of a major god, her actual body contained a pitiful amount of godly power.

Chen Feng waved his hand, instantly increasing the amount of faith flowing to her. She was directly pushed to the journeyman god stage, at which point Chen Feng adjusted the flow of faith so that both goddesses were receiving an equal amount.


With this, the strength of both goddesses would be balanced. Chen Feng was extremely satisfied with this. As the master of this illusory world, which hosted both the goddesses, he felt like it was necessary to maintain a certain amount of balance. He was of the impression that he was giving them both equal treatment.

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