
Chapter 6: Bertia (13 years old)

Chapter 6: Bertia (13 years old)

“Today I am happy to be given the chance to meet and study together in this academy with all of you.

There are a lot of students sitting in the lecture hall.

In the midst of all that, a student stood on the stage. Being a 3rd year and somehow got the responsibility of student council president pushed to me, I made a speech in front of everyone.

To finish up the long greeting, I took a breath and glanced over the whole student bodies, and located on the front seat of the girl’s area sat that person.

With a crimson hair tied up, she looked at me with her lapis-blue eyes.

I let out a smile not realizing when her looks became so charming, and her appearance that stood out in the midst of people even without making troubles.

“Welcome to Halm academy, congratulations on your entry”

Putting strength on my stomach so that everyone in the hall could hear my closing speech with the voice that become deeper since a few years ago, a loud applause has been raised.

Bertia. Evil. Nochesse 13 years old

Today my fiancée finally entered the Halm academy middle school section.

“Iyaaa ~ as expected as your highness cecil’s flower. Even if the surrounding ladies are beautiful, she still catches my sight.”( Charles)

After finishing the entrance ceremony, finishing orientation, and giving other required orders to the student, I returned back to the student council room. There Charles. Leonel sat on the sofa and looked at me while smirking.

While still looking over the remaining documents, I looked up to meet his eyes and replied [is that so] while smiling.

I’m sure, he is bringing up bertia just to look at my reaction and tease me on it. Since falling to that tricks won’t bring me any benefits, I just brush it up halfheartedly.

I need to finish up the documents as soon as possible since there is a place that I must go. I have no time to play with him now.

“But, even though I heard from the story, lady bertia is really pretty. O-Ofcourse since it’s brother’s fiancée I won’t do any illicit love. Ah, but since we are on the same class, I should try to befriend my future sister in law.” (Shaun)

Sitting beside Charles, stuffing cakes into his mouth is my younger brother, sean. Turquoise. Alfoster, who just enrolled today was smiling without any ill intent.

To that I replied [I’m sure bertia would be very delighted] to sean with a smile,and his smile turned brighter.

Having a lighter blond hair than me, my brother has the same face features as me, and our smiling expression should be the same…… although recently, certain group of people started to describe his smile as angelic and mine as fiendish.

Why is it though… I can’t understand

“What about Bart, Nert and Gulgan, how do you guys think about her?” (Charles)

Since my response is too shallow, Charles started bringing the talk to Nert who’s hugging his feet while reading book, Bart who’s drinking tea in-front of him, and also Gulgan who’s sitting on his personal table doing paperworks.

“Since It’s someone that the prince choose, I have no right to do something as rude as having comment on her. It’s disturbing my work so don’t talk to me at the moment” (Gulgan)

The first one who replied him is Gulgan.

“Come to think of if, Gulgan is originally from nochesse family right? Haven’t you guys met until today?” (Charles)

“Since I’m from the branch family, I only looked at them from the sides. Since Lady Bertia came from the main family, I don’t have the right to speak with her.

Gulgan with his serious personality, didn’t want to accompany Charles with his talk, never took an eye of from his documents while talking, as if to show that he refuse to participate in the talk anymore.

Charles also noticed that Gulgan with his serious personality would not reply to him anymore so he left him out from the talk and shrug his shoulder.

Gulgan. Dress. Nochesse, and changed to Gulgan Dress Uradil.

After becoming the son of earl Uradil, as Bertia foretold is a highly talented person.

After finishing the talk with Bertia, I made a thorough investigation on him, and found out that it is really a shame to have someone as capable as him buried within the branch family of the nochesse family. Thus after discussing with marquis Nochesse, we sent him to infiltrate earl uradil’s house as an adopted son to watch over things.

Of course this brings a certain amount of risk, so there might be a possibility of him and his family to reject the proposal but…… he and his family happily became my subordinates.

He also said [To think that someone such as me that came from the branch family that couldn’t be called a noble could be selected by your highness to serve you. I shall repay this kindness by swearing my loyalty to you, please leave this matter to me.] while kneeling like a knight with tears flowing. That made me almost avert my eyes. But since in the end things turn out well let’s leave it at there.

Of course even if you rip my mouth open, I won’t say that I’m putting my eyes on him because of bertia’s past memories.

After that, he managed to infiltrate Uradil’s house as it’s adopted son and worked for me in the academy.

His way of thinking is a bit rigid, so he’s still in the middle of his training as a [shadow]

With his sense of purpose to eliminate evil, and loyalty towards me, He’s quick to absorb the teaching thus I should be able to expect a lot of things from him in the future.

What a good loot.

In this matter, I must give my thanks to Bertia.

“Baartzzz, how do you think about her?”(Charles)

A man with a big body as his characteristics – Bart nokins, Charles switch the conversation target to him who’s drinking tea with a cup that looks miniscule compared to his body.

“I’m talking about lady Bertia. It’s the bishojo that stood out in the girl’s group on the entrance ceremony.” (Charles)

…… He’s giving her a good evaluation just because he doesn’t know how she usually behaves.

If he saw how she behaved, I’m sure he would be surprised by the gap of her appearance and personality.

Well, for me the gap is included in my interest.

“Ahhh, the one with crimson hair”(Bart)

“Yeah that one! What do you think about her from your perspective”(Charles)

“She’s a splendid woman”(Bart)

Seeming to imagine bertia’s figure in his head, Bart closed his eyes while nodding. Seeing him…… somehow I have this irritating feeling in my chest.

“I know right? I always thought that you are single minded about martial arts, contrarily you do know your stuff about woman huh”(Charles)

“Of course. That beautiful legs and chest, the line that stretches from both of her arms to wrist, furthermore that waist line. It’s splendid”(Bart)

“Oh my. So your interest lies there. What a youth like viewpoint”(Charles)

Charles smiled with his perverted smile, while shaun’s face turned red.

……Bart, what the hell are you saying right in front of her fiancé?

Seems like he needs to be reeducated.

“Of course! Even though it’s still too early to be used in a fight, she’s still one of the most trained one in the midst of all noble woman. To boot it up, the muscles she trained are perfectly calculated and didn’t make her look macho. It’s nothing but splendid!”(Bart)

…… no, somehow the education he needs is different from what I originally thought.

Mostly about how to interact, approach and thought about females.

He is someone who would be entrusted with my safety. If he made such a rude remark on duty to foreign diplomats it’s not gonna be funny.

This also couldn’t be counted as a compliment if spoken to a man.

I doubt there will be someone who’s happy if his wife is praised as [having superb quality muscles].

Even if there is someone who’s happy I think that it’d be on the minority.

Rather than betting on a bet with almost no chance of winning, and do my best to follow up on his misses, it’s better to lead him back to the proper path.

“Oi oi Bart, No matter how good her proportion is, a noblewoman won’t train until such a degree you know? A normal noblewoman won’t even be doing any exercise.” (Charles)

“No, I’m sure that is a result of training. She must have done quite an amount of running and muscle training.”(Bart)

“That’s why I said it’s impossible. A noblewoman amongst noblewoman such as lady Bertia won’t do such a thing. I don’t mind if you’re assuming or whatnot but don’t say such a thing in front of her alright? She’ll get pissed.”(Charles)

Charles retorted Bart with a wry smile.

Charles may like to make jokes on things, but once you knew him well, he’s the type that’s considerate to others.

That’s why, I’m sure even this advice was because he cares for Bart and try to tell him about the common situation…… I’m sorry to say this, but Bart’s hit the bulls-eye here.

Yeah this is that… Before doing Bart’s reeducation, I should do something on Bertia’s stamina training called diet that I’ve been worrying for quite sometime.

But noblewoman amongst noblewoman huh…………

From the [Envoy] that I sent to her house, to learn the prideful conduct (like a villainess)–This is by any means the evaluation result of her everyday training… Her evaluation of herself seems to be very different from others’ evaluation.

That’s why, if she focuses on it, she would somehow be able to handle the things. But once she relaxed or flustered, her mask would fall in no time.

On the very least, there was not a single time where her mask didn’t fall in front of me.

As a result, people who always hang out with me would know her true nature in no time at all……… I’m looking forward to their reactions.

To hide the smile that uncontrollable began to form, I raised the document in my hand just enough to cover my mouth.

Behind me, Zeno who look over the conversation between Bart and Charles can be seen to be averting his eyes somewhere.

“Hey Nert, don’t just focus on your book and say something”(Charles)

After trying his best to change Bart’s opinion but with no avail, Charles bring the topic to Nert.

Nert who was relieved when the talk was brought into Bart, reluctantly raised his face when called.

“mu… It’s impossible. It’s Bart we’re talking about”(Nert)

“you’re right it’s Bart indeed…”(Charles)

Charles smiled wryly to Nert’s reply.

Bart is the type of guy where no one would have any opinion on his battle potential, but on these kind of noble-social situation,no… he’s hopeless on any social situation.

Furthermore, since he’s quite reckless, once he decided, he wouldn’t bend to anything or anyone.

………… For me, by making use of his honesty me he’ll be very easy to manipulate to do my bidding.

Anyway, since this is the core of his personality, I don’t think it can be changed easily in a situation like this.

This is also understood by Nert and Charles, and that’s why they just leave the talk at [Well it is Bart].

“Then, what do Nert think?”(Charles)

“Hm? About lady Bertia?”(Nert)

“Yeah, if possible I wanted your honest opinion”(Charles)

……Charles, it’s useless even if you send a glance to me. I’m busy checking the documents right now so I don’t have the leisure to give you an interesting reaction.

Won’t he give up just by me almost smiling when we talk about Bertia’s muscle training?

“Uuun, I’m kinda bad with that kind of smart looking people… It feels like I was going to get scolded and it scares me.”(Nert)

………………hmm? Who are they talking about again?

“Ah. She is definitely beautiful, but she also has that cool side, like someone who would speak straight to the point. From my point of view, I don’t mind getting scolded by someone as beautiful as her though”(Charles)

That’s why, who are you guys talking about again?

By the way, I may be scolded by Bertia for quite a number of times, but I think instead of [straight to the point], it’s more like she saying something completely off the point and complaining while crying pattern you know?

Oh, could it be that? Since her eyes are big on top of that having a pointy edge like a cat, it gives people a strict impression?

Or maybe, since recently she’s started being sentient to be [A first rate Villaines], and she started to put her makeup to have a stricter impression.

Yeah, a normal viewpoint is really interesting.

“…… Your highness, it’s about time” (Zeno)

Just as I’m looking at the last set of documents, Zeno came to my side without making a sound and informed me.

So it’s already time.

Looking at the time, it seems that I might not make it if I don’t leave now.

Quickly stamping the last document, I put it on the top of the stack of processed documents.

“Sorry, but I need to take my leave now” (Cecil)

Standing up, I smiled to everyone who’s hyped up while talking about bertia.

“ It’s only half past 2 you know? It’s rare since you always stayed longer for work. Ah, are you going to visit lady Bertia now?”(Charles)

“Yeah, is there any problem?”(Cecil)

Smiling while tilting my head, Charles opened his eyes wide as if to say [Are you kidding me?].

“It’s a given to at least meet my cute fiancée after she had enrolled to the school right? Besides I haven’t directly congratulate her for her enrolment.”(Cecil)

The congratulations I said during my greeting on the hall is directed to the whole student body and not solely to her so I take it as one.

Using my eyes, I asked Zeno to take the pre-prepared congratulatory gift.

“In the first place, you guys also had someone who should be congratulated too right?”

Saying that I looked through every member. Everyone except Gulgan leaked a small [Ah!] while averting their gazes.

This must be the – There is someone who must be congratulated, but I kinda forgot about it— atmosphere.

“I never expect to be reminded of such a thing by your highness. To you who would please every student body despite having a no interest face.” (Charles)

“That’s not true you know? I’ll have interest on someone I thought as interesting.”(Cecil)

“Using [interesting] as standard is so like yourself…”(Charles)

Charles who let out a wry smile slowly raised up both of his hand as if surrendering while shrugging his shoulder, after I replied with a silent smile.

How strange of him to do that when I was just smiling.

“Alright, it’s time for me to go. I’ve made a promise to attend the tea party in the afternoon” (Cecil)

It is a silent tradition for newly enrolled middle school division student to host a tea party in the restaurant on the afternoon of the day of enrolment.

When you reach the high school division, they would host a dance party on the night of the enrolment of graduation day. But there is no such thing for the middle school division so they did this instead.

Nobleman and noblewoman who had the power and connection would prepare and host these event, inviting every acquaintance no matter if they’re new students, or senior students.

The lower class nobles which don’t have the power and connection would use their limited connection to get invited by the higher class nobles.

In regards of two high class nobles, there is no need to explicitly prepare their own event, there is also the option of attending the event of someone of the same class or even higher class to try and deepen their connection.

As a result, by attending or hosting the enrolment day tea party event, using [A chance to create and deepen relationship. Furthermore to be able to get used to the school life earlier] as a pretense, they would flaunt their connection and establish a hierarchy inside the school.

By the way, the member of my party is everyone in the student council except Gulgan.

At the time of enrolment, I still haven’t decided on the candidates for my close aides. By prioritizing the invitation to the nobles that are more influential, I get these members.

Thinking back to those days, it has already been 2 years and it’s kind of nostalgic now…… Well they haven’t changed at all though.

Although they have polished their individual abilities since then, their personality and true nature haven’t changed at all.

Even though they’ve underwent my training, I can’t say I hate these people who didn’t changed their nature.

“Ah wait a second your highness, I’ll come along with you”(Charles)

Charles stopped me when I was leaving the room with Zeno.

What does he mean by going together?

“Why don’t you guys come along too? I think it would be best to greet our master, Prince Cecil’s important person as soon as possible. Besides…… if you have someone to congratulate, I think they should be there too..”(Charles)

Looking at the smirking Charles, I remembered that although it’s quite diluted by now, the duke’s house also has the royal blood running on their blood lines.

That’s why, He should be attracted to fun things, interesting things, and that interest him, similar to my personality.

He might say it’s because he’s my close aides and he could also see his fiancée too…… but in reality he’s just trying to have fun.

Mostly on seeing my reaction upon meeting bertia.

I don’t really mind, I would also love to see their reactions when meeting Bertia.

“I Don’t mind, come to think of if, Nert’s childhood friend…… countess Silica Runea, Bart’s fiancée Cynthia Soneris a daughter of a Margrave enrolled at the same time as Bertia. Maybe they are together at the moment?”(Cecil)

Equipped with looks, brain, charisma, money and status, they are famous for doing their social debut early and build their position their

In short, they are young promising lady.

Bertia being the hot topic today, might not be only because of her looks, it might also be because of them being together with bertia.

“Silica huh… if I don’t congratulate her, would she be angry?”(Nert)

Hearing lady Silica’s name, Nert’s expression started to cloud, closed his books and stood up.

That expression might be gloomy, he might have decided that it would be better to go now rather than facing her alone later.

Somehow, the weak willed and unsociable Nert couldn’t defy his younger childhood friend.

Never mind his personal skills, since he’s so knowledgeable on things, I wish he could have more confident towards himself.

“Speaking of which lady Silica did attend the enrolment ceremony. I was quite surprised when I noticed she enrolled. Since it’s been a long time, I should make my greetings to her.”(Bart)

Bart…… did you forget your fiancée also enrolled this year?

I know your head if filled with martial arts, but this is bad you know?

“Bart…… I won’t judge you but please remember that lady Cynthia also enrolled today. Woman are like marshmallow, if you say things like that, they would get extremely hurt you know?”(Charles)

Charles’ face twitched as he reminded Bart.

But Bart keep repeating [Marshmallow? Extremely hurt] as if not understanding anything so I told him [Congratulations for enrolling. I’m happy to be able to study at the same place as you. Just tell her that and don’t say anything unnecessary understand?]. He happily replied with [I understand, just leave it to me].

Bart is not a bad guy.

If fighting is involved, he would use his wild instinct to bring the situation under control. It can even be said that he’s the best among our peer.

He’s not double faced and I think he’s an interesting guy.

That’s why I made him a candidate for my close aides.

…… But he’s catastrophic when it comes to using his brain.

“Charles, I’ll leave it to you alright?”(Cecil)

“Are you throwing all responsibility to me?”(Charles)

“Since you say you’re tagging along, and you’re inviting him to go too, it’s a given that you follow up on his mistakes”(Cecil)

I gave him my best smile and Charles who’s having fun until earlier, started twitching his cheeks and heaved a sigh.

“Shaun and Gulgan should come along too, it’s better to finish these things in one go.”(Cecil)

Gulgan whose working with a this has nothing to do with me atmosphere, agreed to follow without objecting once I asked him.

Charles complained about how Gulgan’s treatment is different when talking to him but it can’t be helped that he’s not as popular as me.

“Ah this took more time than I expect, if we don’t hurry up we won’t make it it before the party start at 3 pm”(Cecil)

Taking a glance at the time, I hurriedly left the student council room.


“ Hey, good afternoon Bertia”(Cecil)

I found her as soon as I am able to see the garden.

Being on the position of daughter of the prime minister cum marquis cum the fiancée of the crown prince, she’s on a rank that’s only below Shaun. As a proof of that, she was able to host the event at the east wings of the garden, one of the best spot in the school and the member of her event also has quite an influence, thus making her event stand out even more.

By the way, on the way here I asked Shaun why did he not host a tea party, but his reason is apparently [It’s because I want to see elder brother first that’s why my tea party is on 4 pm.] I have a feeling that it borders bro-con, but I hope it’s just my imagination.

Yeah, just leave it as my imagination.

“Y-y-y-y-your highness!? W-Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to come late? Besides, the other conquerable targe…… members of the student council came too?” (Bertia)

Because the whole member of the student council is here, in addition of we being conspicuous she quickly noticed us and greeted us in a hurry while being surprised.

…hm? Why is she startled? Aren’t we supposed to meet here at this time? I didn’t tell her that we’re going to be late.

Could it be she’s startled because all the members of student council suddenly came?

But I feel that it’s not solely because of that.

“You do say amusing things bertia. There’s no way I’ll be late to your enrolment tea party right?”

“no , but ….”

Bertia seems confused and her eyes started to wander around.

She opened her mouth and closed her mouth a few times but there’s no word coming out of them. I’m sure she has something she wanted to ask me.

“It’s been a long time, Your Highness Cecil. I am Joanna. Celtswarren. May I have a word with you?”(Joanna)

Suddenly the noblewoman beside her spoke to me.

……duchess Joanna Celtswarren.

I’m a bit surprised that she was called to Bertia’s tea party event.

Lady Joanna is my classmate, and it’s also Shaun and my second cousin.

Blessed status, talent, and charisma, and to add up that we’re on the same age, she used to be one of my fiancée candidates.

Because of that, although we haven’t done any marriage meeting, we did met a few times.

But in the end, Bertia became my fiancée and she…… now became the one of the fiancée candidate of shaun.

At the end of the day she’s just a [Candidate]. Because shaun is bad with her, there are no further talks of the engagement.

Although political marriage is one of the duty of a royalty, since it’s possible it’s better to announce it when shaun and lady joanna’s relationship became more stable. That’s why now they stopped further arrangement with the pretense of [Period for them to deepen their relationship.]

Well, the time limit is [until they graduated] though.

“It’s been a long time lady Joanna, I don’t mind please speak”(Cecil)

“Then please excuse me. Lady bertia thought that since you’re a busy individual, would not be able to make it to the tea party today and she was quite worried about it earlier. It might be the contradiction of wanting for you to come but also didn’t want you to push yourself. Her restless figure as she looked around for your figure and her surprised figure upon looking at your figure is so cute that….”(Joanna)

“Wa, wait a second lady Joanna, what are ……”(Bertia)

“Your highness, you sure are well loved”(Joanna)

Splendidly ignoring the fluttered lady bertia, Hiding her smiling mouth, she looked like she was having fun…… Ahh… I can feel that she’s having fun looking at bertia’s reaction as she tease her.

“If that is so, I must have used my luck to became her fiancée”(Cecil)

“fufufu… You’re exactly right on that. When I first met her, trying to protect me from the nobles making persistent advances on me, she told them [I have some business with her. Please leave it at there. Don’t you know who I am? I am the future q..q..queen you know! Ce-Cecil hi-highness’s f-f-f-fiancee you know? You have guts to defy me!] with red cheeks and protected me. At the time… lady Bertia is so cute that I might fell for her without noticing.” (Joanna)

“S-Such a thing never happened, I elegantly…” (Bertia)

“It’s because bertia is very easy to be embarrassed. Although, I didn’t know such a thing happened. Please don’t do anything dangerous alright?”(Cecil)

“It’s not dangerous at……”(Bertia)

“Your position as my fiancée won’t protect you from everything you know? Especially if a guy is involved then there is chance that it won’t go as planned. When in danger, either find someone who can deal with it or deal with it with numbers” (Cecil)

Approaching the fluttered and beet red Bertia, I glanced at her face and pat her head.

Helping someone troubled is a praiseworthy act but if there is danger accompanied with it then I can’t overlook it.

Bertia is straight in both good and bad ways, because of that she’s prone to be in danger. That’s the reason, I’d like her to take more precaution when I’m not around.

“Eh… but…. Im a villainess” (Bertia)

“Bertia what’s your answer?”(Cecil)


Trying to say unbelievable excuse, I put pressure on my gaze and looked at her while smiling…… somehow her face turn redder while she’s nodding.

Does she really get it?

“Ah but! There’s nothing to worry anymore! I, during the 2 years that your highness has enrolled here, have made a friend…… I mean henchmen! Have a look at it!”(Bertia)

Turning red, she suddenly realized that she has yet introduced the girls that are sitting beside her on the tea party

“I’ll introduce you! From my right, duchess Joanna Celtswarren, countess Silica Ruena, marchioness Anne kogares. Anne is a senior from the 2nd year, Joanna is on the year as your highness, a 3rd year. All of them is the [Rival noblewoman] you know?!”(Bertia)

Nnn? Did she just nonchalantly mention something using her previous word’s slang?

Furthermore since earlier, she seems keep changing her words from [Friend] to [entourage].

Since there are someone who has the same or higher status than her, isn’t it kind of bad to do that?

No other choice, I need to warn her a little.

After greeting with various noblewoman, and introducing my members, I remonstrated her for a little.

“Bertia, since they are [worthy of being your rival] isn’t calling them henchman rude? They are your dear friends aren’t them?”(Cecil)

“No they are not….. no ehm…. I mean yeah… I’m sorry”(Bertia)

Pointed out by me, she tried to refute me. But in the end she noticed that It’d be bad to say it out and honestly nodded to accept.

I think she’d like to refute me like a true villainess would, but from the second where she are being looked with warm gazes by them, it already failed you know?

Rather than trying hard to do impossible things and lower your value, I think it’s better to just give up on doing that.

“Your highness Cecil, we are [lady bertia cherishing society] so in a sense we are lady bertia’s henchmen, please do not mind us”(Joanna)

“Bertia cherishing society…? Lady Joanna what in the world is that?”(Cecil)

“fufufu……, it’s unofficial so I can’t go into details but just take it as lady Bertia fan’s gathering. They are all either the fan of the book [This is the season! The compilation of capital’s recommended spot!] written by lady Bertia. Or people who fall for her after seeing her trying her best to hide her kindness during the social debut and wanted to look-over her. Or even people who fall for figure when she would cry when things doesn’t work out and still try her best to do it.” (Joanna)

“Eh? Wait a second, what is happening lady Joanna?”(Bertia)

“Looking at lady bertia heals us up right?” (Anne)

“Lady Anne, I’m not such a character…”(Bertia)

“The social world is a place where people only cares about their position. There are more and more people who had ulterior motives approaching me. In the midst of that, lady Bertia who’s not honest to herself despite being gentle is so pure that I feel relieved staying around her.”(Cynthia)

“Even lady Cynthia too?”(Bertia)

“How do I describe it…… I just can’t leave her alone. To let this kid grow up this way without getting tainted, I must protect her! Kind of feeling just suddenly came out.”(Silica)

“That is already on the view point of a mother right!?Lady Silica, We are the same age right?!”(I guess you don’t need me to tell you who says this.)

Bertia was startled for being told such a thing by someone who’s supposed to be her henchmen. The girls looked like they’re having fun looking at bertia’s figure.

Despite having learned etiquette, she would often screw up on these social event. These brilliant and famous noblewoman started to became her ally…… or should I say guardian.

In addition, they became such unconsciously.

“moumoumou! Everyone takes their jokes too far!! Please don’t tease me!”(Bertia)

Bertia, let’s try to notice that when they start to tease you, it already stopped being a [joke].

“Rather than that! Your highness, on your way here did you see a cute girl playing with a white bird?”(Bertia)

Smiling wryly to her that’s forcibly trying to change the topic, I tried to think about what she’s saying

Come to think of it, certainly when coming here, I can see a girl student chasing a white bird on a lawn while smiling and saying [Wait~].

“Hmmmm is it that girl? I saw a female student Whilst chasing a white bird, she would laugh in a high pitch sound like a drug addict. Sometimes she would do shady things like glancing at me and suddenly started talking to the bird. But since I’m almost late to bertia’s tea party, I only asked Gulgan to inform the teacher and came here right after. Is there any problem?”(Cecil)

“D-drug addict!? Don’t you feel attracted or interested to her?”(Bertia)

“I do think that she’s a weird one, and quite dangerous and that. But compared to a girl playing with a bird, a girl who is using a black fox as a scarf is more interesting.”(Cecil)

“H-heroine…… m-meeting event is……” (Bertia)

Finishing my introduction, sitting at the seat prepared right beside her, I can hear her murmuring something with a panic expression.

In reality she would like to hug her head, although since she’s concerned about the surrounding people, she could only hide her face with a fan and try to hold it.

“Oh yeah! The rose! What happened to the rose?”(Bertia)

“As per requested, I prepared it for your congratulatory gift…… Zeno” (Cecil)

Calling out to zeno who’s standing behind me like my shadow, he immediately handed her the rose.

By the way Kuro the spirit like Zeno is standing behind bertia…… mimicking as her maid.

A bishojo around the age of 10 with no expression and black hair.

Wearing a weirdly voluminous frilly dress around knee length, around her head stood 2 fox ear…… I have a feeling that I’d lose a lot of things if I touch it.

Probably those who are not talented in seeing spirit wouldn’t be able to see her ears……… even you can see, you could feel the no touch aura lingering.

“Bertia, congratulations for enrolling. I’m happy that there are more chance to meet you now.”(Cecil)

“Thank you very much your highness……… Wait why is it a potted plant!? Furthermore, Isn’t the blue rose is a legendary class item!!”(Bertia)

Taking my roses by reflex, once she confirmed the flower on her hands, she nearly drop it because of the shock.

I did pluck out all the thorn, and since I also wrapped it up there is low chance of getting hurt, but it doesn’t change that it’s dangerous.

“Hey bertia, hold it carefully. This rose is not natural grown but cultivated by me using a few techniques. As a legendary class item, it might not worth much, but for those who researched to get this color, it is a source of wealth if mass-produced and sold.”(Cecil)

“Just what kind of thing did you made this time”(Bertia)

“Since Bertia like the color, I tried to match the rose to your liking. By the way since I only made this for you, this is a one of a kind item. Don’t drop it or let it wither down alright? Even if you asked for a new one, I couldn’t make it easily.”(Cecil)

“Somehow, I felt my responsibility is huge…”(Bertia)

“Nah, because you own it now, you can do as you like. It’s just that I tried to made it to match your favorite color. If you don’t like it feel free to throw it away.”(Cecil)

“……” (Bertia)

oh? Seems like bertia’s body went rigid as she hugs the pot.

The other’s who’s enjoying the tea party whilst looking at our situation, somehow all of their faces looks strained at the moment…… Recently my surrounding would make those kind of faces, so I don’t really mind it though.

Bertia herself also came to her sense and murmured [The opponent is that android price you know, if you started to care about it you’ll lose]

“…… Ahem. Please excuse my rudeness. By the way your highness, beside this rose, did you bring a normal red roses bouquet and whilst coming here gave it to the girl playing with the white bird?”(Bertia)

“The one that I prepared for your gift is only this. I feel that a normal roses wouldn’t be enough when I made it, do you prefer that one instead?”(Cecil)

I tried to match it with bertia’s favorite color, was it a mistake? I think it was a very beautiful blue color. On top of that it’s a bit dark… like your highness’s eye…… No I didn’t mean that! I mean I like it because it’s a really beautiful color.”(Bertia)

As I expect, she liked that color because it’s my color.

On top of unable to falsify it, her face also started to turn red.

I really think that this is her unique trait.

…… Bertia really made me feel entertained.

“Your highness, then did you give the rose to the white bird girl?”(Bertia)

“I think that it’s a given that I wouldn’t give a present meant for you to a passing by weird girl right?”(Cecil)

“Of course huh……”(Bertia)

Bertia started to stare at the rose pot in her hand.

Even if you stare at it, you won’t find any trace of a stem being pulled out…… Thinking that, her face started to change gradually. First it’s a face of being troubled, Then her face started to warm up like a flower starting to bud. Finally her face brighten up like a rose blooming perfectly.

“…… Well since it’s already a done matter, just for this moment, it’s alright to feel happy right?”(Bertia)

She said it with a small voice, not to be heard by anyone else. Hearing that it gave my body started a weird feeling and my chest tightened up.

After that, the tea party ended. From the story I heard as I sent her back to her dorm, today on the way to bertia’s party, I was supposed to notice the heroine and started to have interest in her. From the banquet of roses that I’m supposed to send bertia, I’ll pluck one out and gave it to her and the [Meeting event] should occur then.

She did complain about me totally her …… but just think about it, it can’t be helped that I have more interest in a girl using a black fox as a scarf rather than a girl playing with a white bird.

In addition, I am already satisfied to be able to see lady Bertia’s face and her interesting reaction, and the slight reaction of the member of student council.

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