
Chapter 63: Talking with Lin Yuan

63 Talking with Lin Yuan

"It will soon be Lin Yuan marriage date, has Lin Tang anger appeased?" Jun Hua has stopped learning embroidery intensively. She returned to read her books about tactics and war or the likes of it. She found that her skill is already good enough and she doesn\'t want to keep torturing her hands anymore.

Xia nodded, "More or less. His face no longer dark and he had come to terms with his son getting sent into child institution for 2 years. At least, there will be chance to make a better future latter."

"I wonder how her partner reaction about that news?"

"They continue with the marriage agreement."

"At least, she will get her happy ending," Jun Hua stretched her body lazily. "Let\'s make a visit there before she\'s going to get married."

"Yes Miss."

After notifying the Lin family, Jun Hua arrived at the Lin family residence. She meets with Concubine Sie who\'s still in the charge of the household.

"It\'s good to see you again, Miss Hua," Concubine Sie would never forget how Jun Hua helped them in the past. Although Lin Yuan didn\'t tell her the specifics, she knows that it\'s not an easy feat.

"Concubine Sie, are you alright?"

Compared with close to 2 months ago, Concubine Sie looks thinner and she does not look as energetic as before. She looks happy about her daughter marriage, but there is some unspeakable sadness on her eyes. Jun Hua looks towards the woman once again, but she cannot completely sure about it.

"I\'m just tired. With how Prime Minister Lin has been behaved, I\'m tired."

Tired? Jun Hua feels that there\'s something more than it. Since Concubine Sie doesn\'t want to talk about it, she no longer probes about it.

"How about Concubine Mia?"

"She\'s fine. Prime Minister Lin seems happy with her," answered Concubine Sie. She no longer has any hope on getting into Lin Tang side anymore. All she wants is to retire early and enjoy her life. But with Chun Maora still getting on her nerves, she cannot do it.

"How\'s Lin San?"

"Still as usual, she\'s going to the academy and learning there obediently," Concubine Sie answered.

While they\'re talking, they arrived at Lin Yuan quarter. The servants tell Lin Yuan about Jun Hua arrival. The girl hurriedly come outside and smiled at the other party.

"You look even better than before. How\'s your life on Jun family residence?"

Jun Hua smiled. After bidding farewell to Concubine Sie, the two of them go inside and talked about anything. Lin Yuan is happy for getting married, but she\'s a bit worried about her mother life inside this place. Chun Maora wills still creating endless trouble for her and Lin Yuan is worried about her mother.

Although the two of them are not close, they still can talk about many things. Jun Hua is not really awkward because she had been used with hearing Fan Lanying talking a lot of things. Lin Yuan is telling everything to Jun Hua. She\'s not afraid that the girl will use the information because she knows that Jun Hua won\'t do it.

After a long time talking, she finally stops and looks towards Jun Hua.

"What about you? Have you thought about your marriage partner?"

Jun Hua wants to, but it\'s a bit complicated. With her status as concubine born, she cannot get any man with high status. But with her abilities, her grandfather and uncle would never let her marry ordinary man. Besides, with her reputation of being a useless girl with only pretty face, those who approach her grandfather are only people who are looking for beauties.

She still remembers the scene where her grandfather kicks out those men from the Jun family residence. He won\'t even looks at them at all, so they can only goes back disappointed. Jun Hua herself also doesn\'t want to be with those kinds of men. It\'s better to be married to an ordinary man rather than them.

As for selecting by herself…Jun Hua didn\'t think much about it. She cannot really imagine about it because her mind is busy thinking about other things. Besides, for now she has 2 identities, Jun Hua and Jun Min. It will be hard to change her identity from time to time if she gets married.

"My grandfather is still selecting."

Lin Yuan looks at Jun Hua and smiled. "With your face, there will be a lot of people coming. But I\'m sure that the best one will be the one who can see yourself for who you are."

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan looks outside. "It\'s already noon. You better get going."

"Are you throwing me out?"

"No, I\'m not," Lin Yuan laughed. "It\'s just that I cannot keep you here any longer. After this our path probably won\'t intersect anymore and I hope that you can find your happiness too."

"Thank you," Jun Hua smiled.

"And, you\'re not entirely useless. You\'re really smart, those people will someday see that too and you will definitely shine brilliantly," Lin Yuan said.

Jun Hua nodded. Jun Hua doesn\'t really believe what Lin Yuan said at this time, but when the times come, she will remember it. The first time someone told her that she will achieve big aside from her family is a little girl who she had once helped.

Jun Hua bids her farewell and she walked out. She chooses to meet with Concubine Sie first before going out.

"You\'re leaving, Miss Hua?" Concubine Sie smile softly.

Jun Hua nodded. "It\'s already late. I will be going now."

"Take care of yourself."

"Yes, thank you."

Jun Hua is still thinking about the eyes on Concubine Sie face. It\'s the eyes full of determination. Whatever Concubine Sie planning, it must be something that she cannot tell other people. Just from that one look, Jun Hua knows that it\'s a hard decision she had made.

"Yamin, call Yasha back and told him to protect Concubine Sie."

"Yes Miss."

Xia looks at Jun Hua in confusion. "Why are you helping them?"

Jun Hua shrugged. "I have helped them once and it\'s better to help until the end. Besides, I don\'t want her to lose her mother at young age."

Xia knows that Jun Hua had lost her mother when she\'s young too so she didn\'t say anything. Her Miss is smart, she must know what the consequences of her action be.

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