
Chapter 96: The Rooftop Garden Fight

Chapter 96: The Rooftop Garden Fight

At the rooftop garden of the Ameryn Brothers\' guild building.

Aaron flipped through the newspaper while sipping his morning coffee.

The echoes of pedestrians and carriages acted as background noise while the city slowly woke up.

It had been a slow morning.

He knew what was going to happen last night: the possible assassination of young members of Crimson Hounds.

It was a risky mission and could end horribly, which could lead to a war.

However, he was still able to sleep and wake up rather relaxingly.

The door to the rooftop garden suddenly opened, and Arunn came rushing in with disheveled hair.

Arunn was completely opposite.

He couldn\'t sleep a wink and was visibly anxious.

"They still haven\'t reported in!" Arunn shouted while pacing back and forth. "I told Rae to report back every morning. We haven\'t received a word!"

"Calm down." Aaron said and took a short sip. "It is hard to send a message from the dungeon. I\'m sure we will receive a word soon."

"What if something happened?" Arunn asked.

"The tenth floor is smaller than the floors we\'re used to, but it is still a large place. There is a chance they haven\'t found them yet. Nothing to fret about."

"I guess..." Arunn sat down and enjoyed the morning winds as they blew through his hair.

At that moment, Aaron and Arunn flinched for a split second.

"You felt that?" Aaron asked and dropped his newspaper.

"I did." Arunn said and drew his cutlass from his belt scabbard. "Someone is coming."

In the sky, a black dot appeared.

It was small at first, but it slowly grew in size, and it looked like the black dot was falling towards their rooftop garden.

Aaron and Arunn peered into the distance, trying to make out who or what it was.

"I-It\'s a person..."

The person crashed into the rooftop garden and made the building beneath tremble with the impact.

It was just a little bit, but that caused the building to tip over to the side by only a few inches.

The dust cleared up, and a figure stepped out of the dust cloud.

"You..." Aaron couldn\'t believe his eyes.

"Digby!" Arunn screamed in anger.

Digby patted off the dust from his crimson armor and slowly pulled out his longsword and diamond-shaped shield.

"You shouldn\'t have come here." Aaron said with a venomous tone. "You\'ll die."

"Since he is here, that means..." Arunn grinned hideously. "Rae and others succeeded?"

"I guess they didn\'t succeed in removing all of their memories." Aaron said. "That\'s still fine."

"Digby, are you sure that you want to start this war?" Arunn asked with a grin. "Your father can\'t help you, if you do."

"You two are mistaken." Digby said with a chuckle. "My subordinates are fine, thanks for asking. I can\'t say the same about yours."

"What?!" Aaron cried out. "That\'s impossible!"

"Then why are you here?" Arunn asked with an ugly expression.

"To show what happens when you touch my guild."

Digby leaped forward, landed between the two brothers, and swung his longsword in a wide


It sent the two brothers flying to the ends of the rooftop garden. The impact rocked their bodies, but it looked like they managed to block the attack just in time.

"How arrogant of you." Aaron said angrily. "You think you can just waltz in here and defeat us that easily?"

"This is for Aries!" Arunn rushed in with his cutlass and slashed wildly.

Digby placed his longsword in the path of the cutlass and blocked it.

Blade-to-blade, the sparks flew as the two weapons clashed.

The cutlass in Arunn\'s hand started to change colors. It turned deep purple, with a few tints of red scattered around.

"The Sinful King\'s Blade!"

Arunn\'s cutlass started glowing with an otherworldly light, imbuing it with an ancient power that had been dormant for centuries.


He swung the cutlass around him and then did one final swing that caused a wave of energy to fly out of the blade, heading straight to Digby.

"Super Jump." Digby crouched before leaping high into the air like a spring, narrowly avoiding the wave of energy.

While in the air, he switched the grip on the sword from a standard one-handed hold to a reverse grip and brought it down with all his strength.

Arunn quickly evaded the attack. Digby\'s sword stabbed through the roof and made the building rattle violently.

He quickly pulled out the sword from the ground and then, using his reverse grip, attacked Arunn, but he placed his purple-bladed cutlass against Digby\'s sword, stopping the attack

just in time.

"Watch out, brother!" Aaron screamed as he came in, rushing in with nothing but armor wrapped around his bulky body and gauntlets on his hands.

Arunn grinned, then backflipped into the safety.

Aaron reeled in his fist, and his armored gauntlet changed colors to a faint purple.

"The Fist of Karash!"

Digby swung his shield and smashed it against the gauntlet-covered fist.


A loud, violent wind whipped throughout the rooftop garden and sent all the chairs, tables, and potted plants flying.

"Ah, break through!" Aaron screamed as he hoped that his gauntlet would just punch through

the shield.

However, the shield had turned shades of deep purple. It was coated by Digby\'s powerful


Aaron had weaker Kraft.

It was obvious, and no matter how much he tried, he wouldn\'t be able to destroy either of

Digby\'s weapons!

"Brother!" Arunn headed back to the fight to assist his brother after seeing the failed attack.

"You two... I\'ll say this only once; leave my guild alone."

Digby\'s tone changed.

Aaron\'s eyes widened. Arunn rushed from the side, his cutlass already heading to Digby\'s face.

At that moment, Digby parried the attack loosely to the side, then let go of his main weapon

and grabbed Arunn by the throat.

"Ugh!" Arunn gagged and struggled to break through, but then swung his cutlass and slashed

Digby\'s arm.

However, it was only a small flesh wound.

\'Impossible, I have stronger Kraft than Digby, but I barely made a scratch?!\'

It shocked Arunn to the core.

Digby threw Arunn to the ground with a thunderous force.

Arunn\'s breath escaped his lungs in sharp gasps while the blood started to clog up his throat.

The throw caused a tremendous amount of damage to him.

At that moment, Digby raised his shield and smashed its bottom against Arunn\'s chest,

cracking his ribs.

"A-argh, fuck!" Arunn coughed out in pain.

"Shit!" Aaron swung his fist, only to be blocked by Digby\'s shield.

Digby, using his left hand, pulled out his longsword from the ground and stabbed it through

Aaron\'s kneecap.

Aaron howled in pain.

The two brothers laid down on the ground, both whimpering in pain.

At that moment, the rooftop garden\'s door swung wide open as mercenaries of the Ameryn

Brothers rushed in, weapons drawn.

They heard lots of noises and saw how the building shook violently.

They knew there was a high-level fight going on, but they knew their guild masters were

supposed to be there. They couldn\'t just leave without checking to make sure their leaders

were safe.

However, when they finally arrived and saw the condition of their leaders, they could barely believe their eyes.

Their powerful, resilient guild masters were whimpering on the ground, bleeding and

battered, looking like they had been through a brutal battle.

"I am not going to kill you now." Digby said and sheathed his sword. "However, if I hear that

any of you approach one of my guild members, I will not hesitate to end you." "Aargh..." Aaron held his broken knee and looked up at Digby with hate in his eyes.

"E-enjoy these years..." Arunn laughed through pain and slowly sat back up. "When you\'re old

and frail, we\'ll be there..."

Digby didn\'t answer to them and instead jumped off the building and landed on the roof of the building on the opposite side of the street.

"..." Digby silently walked away with thoughts floating in his mind.

At that moment, a strange explosion rattled the nearby buildings, and it made thousands of pedestrians turn their heads around to see what it was.

"Huh?" Digby looked to the distance and saw a plume of thick, black smoke rising into the air.

It came near the market.

"What happened there..."

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