亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 297 The Three Idiots


"Usagi, come out."

P O O F!

P O O F!

P O O F!

I summoned three Usagi, the Horned Rabbit Familiar. I realized that horned rabbits might be the perfect collectors of herbs. I had already seen them selectively picking the more tasty weeds and other plants out there. So the Familiar should have the same ability to an extent.

The three large Wild Horned Rabbits looked at me curiously.

"You three find me some Bitter Grass. You know about them, right?" I wondered.

The Rabbits looked at one another and then back at me, nodding. Right after that, they scattered around the forest.

"They\'re quite competent! I wonder if Orcus could also help? I am pretty sure that boars have exceptional smelling sense, as they feed from tubers and roots too." Eleanora replied.

"I am sure they could do it, but Orcus are too big and noticeable. It is better to leave this to the smaller Usagi." I said. "Especially because we have been chased for a while now."

"Indeed… I can\'t believe those three would actually come all the way here just to annoy us." Eleanora sighed.

Indeed. Since we got int the forest that the three guys that Eleanora beat up had been chasing after her. And now, it seems that they had finally stopped chasing us and are simply spying us from afar. I sensed they reacted a bit surprised when I suddenly appeared at her side after Eleanora gave a few turns in the village.

Nonetheless, even after seeing a child with her, they didn\'t seem to be bothered at all. Whatever they might be trying to do is not something we\'ll take kindly. If they try anything remotely funny, they\'ll be regretting this for eternity.

"Why don\'t you come out already? Are you simply satisfied with spying on me?" Eleanora asked boldly, after the Horned Rabbit Familiars scattered around the forest to look for Bitter Weed.

"Tch, she got some good senses."

"Well, we were waiting for the ideal moment, but I guess it\'s not like she stands a chance against all three of us if we go serious."

"Maybe you were able to beat us in the guild because we didn\'t used our spirits, but that\'ll change now."

The three thugs emerged from the bushes; they were indeed those three idiots from before. Fat, scrawny, and a midget, quite the classic and iconic trio. They were even wearing stupid smiles in their faces and all.

"Hoh, you\'re confident." Eleonora said. A mere look into their auras told us they were small fry.

All three of them had Spirit Orbs at Rank 1 Initial Stage, and their Levels shouldn\'t be above 10 either. Also, because of having to level up so slowly, our levels naturally give us more stats than other people so even at equal levels, we\'ll be at an advantage.

Though, I cannot easily discern their Talents or Spirits unless they out loud say what they are or show them to me, but there\'s no way they\'re so stupid to do that.

"We were merely offering you our help and you just hit us in the face."

"That\'s not what a good woman does."

"And you got a kid? Who\'s this brat? Your kid? Are you a widow or something, bitch?"


Eleanora\'s eyes grew sharper as her bloodlust began to explode out of her body in the form of her Blood Aura.

"You dare… offend my lord…?"

She immediately seemed willing to massacre them, but I told her to hold it for now. I wanted to see what they were capable of. We might had found some good… test subjects for a few experiments I want to do.

"Lord? Is this brat a Noble?"

"Then we could rack some good money out of kidnapping him!"

"Okay, that\'s the plan then! Give us the kid!"

Seriously? They assumed I was a noble… That was quite fast. Are they so gullible?

Eleanora quickly pointed her spear at the three men without hesitation.

"Another step and say goodbye to your legs." Eleanora said ruthlessly.

"Hah, as if! Salamander, come out!"

The fat man quickly stepped forwards, suddenly, a flash of red light emerged from his chest and a creature was summoned, a Spirit.

It had the shape of a small Salamander and was covered in flames. It was no bigger than the palm of his hand, but it possessed an admirable amount of magical power.

I see, were they hiding their strength? Or maybe they\'re just weak, but their spirits make up for it? In this world, humans depend too much in their spirits to both do magic and use their power after all.

"Fire Breath!" Laughed the fat man, as he infused Mana into his Fire Salamander Spirit, which then opened its tiny mouth and unleashed a breath of flames.


Eleanora infused her Aether into her spear, a single horizontal swing was enough to slash through the weak spiritual flames and dissipate them into the air. A second after, the fat man fell to his knees.

"H-Huh?" He looked around, finding out it was too fast for him to suddenly fall to his knees due to the lost of Mana. "W-What is- AAGH!"

Blood was dripping out of Eleanora\'s spear, as the fat man\'s two legs rolled over the ground. He fell to the floor because just as she said, he won\'t be able to walk anymore.

"I told you that you won\'t be able to walk anymore. You didn\'t listen." Eleanora sighed.

The other two guys, the scrawny and the midget furiously attacked her from left and right after seeing their friend in such a state. It turns out they had already begun to attack us.

The scrawny guy came from the left and the other from the right. Their magical auras also exuded some sort of elemental power from them. The scrawny guy summoned a large catfish made of blue essence, while the midget came out with a small hawk made of green essence.



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