亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 288 Elizabeth's Special Ki Aura


Elizabeth\'s fist quickly reached me, as I put my arms to block her attack. My instincts reacted by themselves this time, her punch was indeed quite strong. Hitting my two crossed arms, I felt the intensity of her small fist create shockwaves into my entire body. Her muscles and bones might not be strong, but thanks to her large quantity of Mana and Ki, she was able to enhance her strength quite a lot, especially by creating that shockwave.


I ended stepping back a few steps, as I opened my eyes widely. Elizabeth was pouting angrily at me because I called her adoptive father an old man. I had done this so many times that I got used to it. I never thought she would get pissed about it. I\'ve called him like that before while she was present, but it seems that just now she let this anger come out of her.

I looked at my arm, finding it had some bruises. She was very strong to leave one like that. Of course, I might had lowered my guard because it was her. If I had activated my Defensive Techniques and Spells, I would had been able to take that fist better.

"Oh?! That was good!" I said.

"Eh?!" Elizabeth quickly realized she had hit me harder than she wanted. "S-Sorry! Did it hurt?"

"A bit, but that was the point of this. Now channel that rage some more, Elizabeth. Remember all those things that have frustrated you and made you angered, and get them out. Channel that anger and point it towards me!" I laughed a bit, as I looked at her reaction.

"What… made me angry?" She wondered. "But I haven\'t… Well… I… I often get angry when Jack leaves his nasty clothes over the floor in his room, and I have to go clean them… Or when Seth leaves his room all messy with books everywhere, and I am the one that has to organize them back… Or when… Ellergest cuts his beard and leaves the white hair all over the bathroom!"

Elizabeth suddenly began to remember small things that irritated her but that she never voiced out. Erdrich looked at her with wide eyes, beginning to think she was slightly not as he had always pictured her, perhaps. And certainly, I was the same.

"How does these things make you feel?" I wondered.

"A-Angry! I want to… I want to tell them to be more careful and to not be so nasty!!!" Elizabeth cried, she was still quite innocent over the things that made her angered, but this anger was good enough for her Ki Aura to explode out of her body, her hair began to wave around by the power of her aura, as she jumped towards me rapidly, her fists suddenly clashing against me several times consecutively.


As her fists were covered in light, they resembled falling stars hitting my body. She was getting faster. The light element she wielded increased her speed the most. I had seen offensive light magic used by experts before, it specialized in speed, even the powerful wielders I fought in my past life all specialized in movement. The moment Elizabeth\'s body was shrouded in this light, she became frighteningly fast.


I blocked her fists while she began running around me. I decided to start attacking her as well to test her evasion, quickly pointing my fist towards her face, but she quickly evaded it by moving down and then moving her fist towards my chin. Oh, that\'s a good move.


However, my palm caught her fist as I quickly decided to grab her entire arm and twist it, quickly stopping her barrage.

"Uagh!" She cried in surprise, quickly snapping out of it.

I let go of her quickly after, as her own Aura seemed to have healed the pain of her arm quickly after. Not only her aura granted speed, but it also enhanced her basic HP regeneration speed and could even heal pain quickly… She was built to be a fighter.

"That was amazing, I never thought you would fight this fiercely." I said.

"Ouch… That hurt a bit but the pain… Eh? It\'s gone?" She wondered, as Elizabeth began touching her arm.

"This is the special effect of your Ki Aura, your Element of Light seems to not only enhance your movement speed greatly, but also your Health Recovery." Elizabeth heard my words, as the pupil of her eyes widened in surprise.

"Wooow! So it is like that, eh? I am built to fight then!" She said while jumping out of the ground and suddenly hugging me. "I-I\'m sorry for hurting you though…"

"Don\'t worry, I also hit you back, this is how sparring works. Did you got a better gist of it?" I asked Elizabeth, as she nodded rapidly.


"Very well then, go rest for the moment, we\'ll spar after I spar with Erdrich."

p "You\'re not tired?"

"Not at all."

"Uwah, you\'re really built different…"

Elizabeth walked back with everybody else who had finished sparring as well, and they received their praises.

"Amazing, I never thought you would be so fast at fighting, Elizabeth!" Erika said.

"That was great, I had never seen a user of Light Magic using their element like that." Chris added.

"I-I wonder if we could share Healing Spells Magic Circle Formulas… I\'ve heard priests are the best at healing." Eric seemed to be interested in something completely different but used this opportunity to ask her.

"Hahaha, thanks! And sure, Eric, I can show them to you!" Elizabeth was happy to have friends near her age. The church only had old men and women, or at most, teens above 17 not interested in children.

Erdrich quickly walked towards me after seeing that match.

"That was interesting, I never thought the little Elizabeth could get so good at fighting…" He said while rubbing his chin. "Okay, let\'s fight then! I want to see what you can show me."

"Alright, come at me."


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