亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 273 The Warmth Of Family


"Phew, I am back~ Huh? Blake? You\'re done with the crops so early today?"

My mother had finally arrived at home after an hour of going out, safely. We were also done washing the vegetables we just harvested, and Eleanora was cutting some to make a stew. She was an excellent user of any weapon, so giving her a knife made her a great cook. Of course, I had to teach her how to cook a bit, and my mother also helped. She seemed filled with the determination to cook meals for me.

"Yeah mom. Thanks to Eleanora we finished rather quickly today." I said while looking at my Grimoire, where the new Skills I had obtained were showing their effects. Nobody could see the Grimoire except me, so it wasn\'t a bother to have it in front of me.

"Lady Mary, your son poured water over me twice!" Eleanora suddenly spoke. I had never expected her to say that out loud. She had truly changed…

"Eh?! Blake! What with that attitude with your little Spirit? Isn\'t she the cutest? You don\'t have to bully her! …I never thought my calm son would enjoy doing that with their own summon!" My mother immediately began to reprimand me as she sat down in the chair.

"Hohoh, it is mere play from children, Mary. You don\'t have to get so worked over it." My grandmother quickly came to the rescue.

"She said she was nasty because she was covered in dirt so I washed her." I said rather reluctant to apologize for something I cannot really recognize as an offense. "Also, Eleanora, I never thought you would just tell my mother about this…"

"Y-You said I had to be more casual with you…" Said Eleanora while fidgeting her fingers.

"Right… I guess being casual comes with a change of attitude?" I sighed.

"I was really annoyed…" She sighed.

I guess I wasn\'t being careful enough. Instead of acting childish about it, I should simply apologize and promise to not do it again. After all, being in bad terms with her wouldn\'t be beneficial, especially because that would break my heart. And fighting with a broken heart is not good.

"Okay, sorry. I understand. I won\'t do it again." I said, apologizing to her.

In response, Eleanora opened her eyes wide in surprise. I had never seen her so surprised before. Seriously, what\'s wrong with apologizing?

"T-There\'s no need to apologize like that…!" She said slightly embarrassedly.

"No, I have to apologize for it." I said. "Are you okay with forgiving me? I will give you a compensation in the future to make up for it."

"S-Sure! But… c-compensation? Like what?" She wondered. My mother and my grandmother were watching both of us in silence. I quickly decided to move this conversation for another occasion.

"Let\'s talk about this on another occasion… Anyway, mom, I am hungry, can we make lunch?" I asked, quickly changing the topic. Eleanora was still red, she seemed to be thinking things.

"Careful, Blake! Elizabeth and Erika are still there, you know? I never thought I would have such a Casanova son!" My mother said while giggling.

"He\'s really going for three girls at once? Wow… Well, it\'s not like its rare. Isn\'t there a family with a man with four wives?" Asked my grandmother.

,m "What nonsense are you two talking about?" I asked while sighing. I decided to begin cutting meat to cook, and poured water inside a large pot we use to make stew.

"Ohohoh! Youth is really something wonderful and adorable, isn\'t it?" My grandmother giggled, as my mother quickly came to my side to help me cook. Seriously, if these two women weren\'t so obsessed with romance between kids, things would be way more peaceful and less awkward.

"Come on, don\'t be so grumpy!" My mother said while petting my head. "Eleanora! Come here to help too, don\'t stay there, girl."


Eleanora ran to our side and began helping us cook. Now I helped at cooking at a daily basis. I had already told my family about my Cooking Skill, something not even my mother nor grandmother possessed, and everyone quickly realized its amazing healing and boosting capabilities.

My mother even began saying that if the government caught me with such a power they would make me a slave to cook for nobles. So I better not show this power to anybody, suddenly being able to magically turn cooked food into healing items that even boost stats is not something normal at all.

Nonetheless, my family has been enjoying such a food, and my father has been recovering very fast thanks to the food I help prepare, which can restore Health and Mana slightly, and also refill Stamina even quicker.

"So how\'s your father?" My mother asked, as we left the stew boiling in a pot.

"He\'s feeling alright, but he\'s currently napping. I left a wolf watching over him if anything happens." I said.

My Familiars ability was already known by my parents and the locals. But because everyone in the world can summon Spirits, it isn\'t treated as odd for some reason, perhaps because they don\'t know the details such as being able to summon multiple monsters at once and so on. The most speculative villagers simply think I got many spirits and are done with it.

My status as a Priest Apprentice was quickly spread out as well, this sort of status made me slightly untouchable for those that wanted trouble, as they would be messing up with the church. Of course, I am not a Priest Apprentice, but I will gladly use the rumor to my advantage.

"Those wolves you can summon are a real help! Though the boars are stronger… I do wonder if you can cut them for meat though?" My mother wondered. Certain spirits can give meat to the wielder, apparently, just the same as how my mother\'s sheep can create wool and my grandmother\'s goat can grant milk. There are also chicken spirits that lay eggs that can be eaten and so on as well.

"No, they cannot be extracted for materials, if they\'re killed they simply disappear, and they don\'t give anything in exchange. But that might change if I can someday summon something powerful." I said while thinking about the possibilities. "Maybe one day I would even summon a dragon, who knows?"


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