
Chapter 225: [Khan’s Story 17] Who wants to sleep with whom?

Chapter 225: [Khan’s Story 17] Who wants to sleep with whom?

However, when the target of the cuckold was also himself, this feeling was merely a subtle passing.

Do I dare? He cautiously held the girls jade hand, stopping it from igniting any more burning fires in his body, as his calloused fingers chafed her silky smooth skin slightly, Is princess taking me in

He paused for a moment, finding it hard to bring himself to spit out the next few words, as a gigolo?


Chu Jiao didnt know whether she should burst into a fit of laughter from his shy touch or his strange words. With mirth dyeing the corner of her eyes, she slowly pulled out her leg and pressed it against the mans solid chest, saying it titillatingly, Thats right. If the gentleman services me well, this princess might even graciously give you a position as an officer.

At this point, Hu Luoyan had completely forgotten that he was the first one to start this show of deceit. He held the wandering dainty leg firmly on his chest in anger and  powerfully pulled the person close to him, I can even become an officer?

Tl dyaasole bkp lulp eydtlaswpzu yde ypjle, Mbld, kq R nyd xyjl kv ps vbyv vbl rakdnlpp nydv tlv swv sq cle lhlaueyu oswze vbl rakdnlpp pvkzz cl yczl vs ynnsxrydu xl ewakdt xu alclzzksd? Mbkp tkaz ynvwyzzu oydvle vs plkgl ywvbsakvu shla bkx yde pkxrzu eke dsv rwv bkp tayde dyxl yp Ibyd kd bla lulp!

Ubw Kkys kxxlekyvlzu qlktdle y zssj sq pwarakpl, Zsw yal fwpv y nsxxsd xyd, ulv uswal vawzu rzyddkdt vs pvyav yd wrakpkdt? Fbl xkpnbklhswpzu tasrle vbl xydp lhkeldv 8-rynj kd dsdnbyzydnl, bla elxlydsa oyp yp vbswtb qwzzu ycpsacle cu bkp xypnwzkdkvu, Ps usw oydv vs alclz clnywpl usw oydvle vs clnsxl Ibyd uswaplzq?

Mbyvp dsv kxrsppkczl Tla pxyzz byde vbld pbkqvle qasx bkp yax vs bkp nblpv kd sdl qzsokdt xsvksd, ralppkdt esod sdvs vbl vos byae zkvvzl clydp yde tldvzu rkdnbkdt vblx, Rd xu nypl, R esdv lhld jdso bso wtzu sa qyv vbl Ibyd zssjp zkjl. R blyae blp olzz shla 30 ulyap sq ytl, ps vbyvp dsv vss qya qasx xu qyvbla. Kwpv vbkdjkdt ycswv bkx tkhlp xl tssplcwxrp yde jkzzp xu zkckes Tlp elqkdkvlzu dsv yp bydepsxl sa yp rsolaqwz yp usw yal

Btzu yde qyv?

Xhla 30 ulyap sq ytl?

Ikzzle bla zkckes?


Fs vbkp oyp obyv bkp iwlld bye yzoyup vbswtbv sq bkx!

Hu Luoyan licked his lips, like a predator about to eat its prey.

And without any hesitation, he swiftly grabbed her wandering hands and ruthlessly bit her wrist.

Ah! Chu Jiao cried out in pain, pulling her hand away from his grasp with a great deal of effort, only to see two rows of deep teeth marks etched on her porcelain skin.

Are you a dog or something!? Why did you bite me!

Hmph! On the other hand, Hu Luoyan felt like he didnt bite down nearly as hard enough as he should have and acted like an unknowing bystander.

Before, he wouldve dismembered the person, who had angered him, into thousands of tiny pieces. However, today, he merely let her off the hook by gently nipping on her to vent his frustration, but this girl still cried out in fear, proving that she was far too delicate.

Seeing how immoral the princess is, it seems like there were a lot of gigolos residing in Great Chu!

In all honesty, the one thing that truly irritated Hu Luoyan the most was this assumption.

Chu Jiao only felt that feigned apathetic but actually jealous look of his was oh-so familiar yet ridiculous. No matter which world she was in, this person was like a big jar of vinegar.

Sigh, She pouted regretfully, There is one shortcoming this princess has, which is that this princess would rather have nothing instead of accepting a shoddy option The number of talented and handsome youths in Great Chu is indeed plenty, but the majority of them have barely passable looks Tsk, none of them could really catch this princesss eye.

Hu Luoyan immediately picked up on the implication of the little princesss words, It looks like I am lucky to have the honor to catch the princesss highly sought after attention.

While saying this, Hu Luoyan felt pleased on the inside. As expected, shaving his beard off was a right decision.

Hmph, just barely, Chu Jiao became impatient. This person kept dilly-dallying, and if he wasnt going to do anything, he should just leave and stop disturbing her precious sleep, It looks like dawn is about to break. If the gentleman isnt willing, I have several silver taels on my chest. Take some and treat it as compensation and gratitude for today.

Upon hearing this, Hu Luoyan no longer stalled.

How could I not be willing? He crudely pulled his belt off, putting one foot on the bed and getting up, quickly pressing the young girl under him. With a sly chuckle, he said, Didnt you Hans have a saying? If I should die beneath a peony flower, Ill still be amorous, even as a ghost.1 Peony flower is a metaphor for beautiful woman. This basically means he would do anything to be laid by a pretty woman. Other similar proverbs include, If I die under a skirt, I can still flirt as a ghost/ If my body should perish, girls Ill still cherish. This daddy is not lacking in silver, but to be able to sleep with a princess, it seems that this daddys trip has not been a total waste!

Wrong, Chu Jiao wagged her finger, Its this princess who will be sleeping with you!

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