
Chapter 484

Chapter 484: The Marquis of Discord (2)

Andras, the first corpse was also known by another name: \'The Marquis of Discord\'.

His wings, adorned with white feathers, appeared almost holy at first glance. He had the head of a crow, the eyes of an owl, and the lower body of a wolf. In his hand, he held a flaming sword, burning intensely.

A destroyer, perpetually filled with discontent. He loathed anything in a state of harmony, loved discord, and thrived in chaos.


Vikir immediately drew Beelzebub.


[Hahaha— Why are you so wary? There\'s no need for that.]

Andras still had that ever-present smiling face.

[I’ve just revealed my true form to have a genuine conversation. We can\'t talk if we\'re hiding things from each other, can we?]


[We both have our own goals, and they don’t necessarily conflict. So, why not put down the sword for now?]

At this point, Vikir couldn\'t help but feel a sense of disbelief.

This was the first time a demon had revealed its true form without engaging in a fight.

‘…If it were any ordinary demon hunter, they might have been deceived.’

But despite Andras\' courteous demeanor, Vikir wasn’t fooled.

The reason was simple: his memories from before his regression.

The Marquis of Discord.

A fearsome demon that had roamed the battlefield, decapitating countless great heroes of the Human Alliance with terrifying force.

Even though he stood before him with a kind smile, the creature was still fundamentally a demon—a monstrously vile one, at that.

As Vikir pondered these thoughts, Andras sighed as if he were genuinely tired and began to speak.

[This is the first time I’ve revealed my true form and refrained from fighting. But, since I want to talk, I have no choice. I\'m at a disadvantage, after all.]


[So, can we continue our conversation from earlier?]

Andras\' eyes gleamed.

[As I said before… After your death, your past world has become much more stable. I can return you to your original world and even revive some of the people from your memories.]


"There’s no way to revive the dead. Even demons can\'t defy the laws of nature."

Vikir’s demeanor remained resolute.

“Demons are meant to be slain. That is the law.”

A hound hunts; it doesn’t converse with its prey. That was what he had been taught.

“So the conversation ends here, and from now on, only swords would speak.”


Vikir unleashed his full strength from the start, launching a barrage of sword strikes.

The 8th technique of Baskerville. The fangs of Thunder converged into a black sun.


The solid throne shattered like crushed tofu.

For a place where a supreme being had resided for decades, it was a rather anticlimactic end.

[Oh dear. If you’re going this far, I guess there’s no other choice.]

Andras swung his flaming sword.

A slash as fierce as the blazing flames came rushing toward Vikir.


Where Vikir dodged, a deep crack formed, soon melting and oozing away.

The 8th technique of Baskerville and Andras\' flames clashed violently.

The atmosphere shattered, creating glowing cracks of broken mana all around.

[What a pity. Half of what I said was true.]

Andras grinned as he pressed the tip of his sword against Vikir.

Vikir knew well that demons mixed half-truths with half-lies when attempting to tempt someone. It was a basic tactic.

“You demons crossed over into this world primarily to feast on humans. The idea of making a deal with creatures like you is utterly absurd.”

[Is that what you think? I actually believe the opposite.]


Vikir furrowed his brows.

Seeing this, Andras began to speak as if what he was about to say was the most obvious thing in the world.

[Demons can actually bring prosperity to humanity. They can be of great benefit.]


[No, it’s true. You misunderstand our intentions.]

Andras seemed unwilling to give up on persuading Vikir.

[Do you know the animal called ‘chicken’?]


Who wouldn’t know what a chicken is? It’s one of the most familiar domesticated animals to humans.

Andras asked again.

[You humans raise, slaughter, and eat chickens. What do you think chickens feel about that? Do you think they’re happy?]

“That’s impossible.”

[Actually, they might be. Not as individuals, but from the perspective of the species as a whole.]

Andras continued his explanation.

[You see, before humans started breeding them, chickens were much smaller and weaker animals. Had they stayed that way, they likely would’ve gone extinct. Being small and weak, most of them would have been hunted and killed right after hatching.]


[But after humans chose chickens as livestock, their population increased exponentially. They now outnumber any other bird species by a wide margin. From the perspective of the species, wasn’t this an incredibly efficient choice?]

“What are you trying to say?”

Vikir’s blade sliced through the air once more.

Andras dodged and approached Vikir’s ear.

[Humans are also weak and weary creatures, aren\'t they? How many things make human life so painful?]


[War, predators, famine, drought, floods, wildfires, hunger, disease. And then you have to fight, compete, and struggle against each other just to survive… Even if you work yourself to death, it’s hard to secure a home, raise a child, and take care of your aging parents.]


[The person you want to be with is often taken by someone more attractive or wealthier. You have to work tirelessly day and night to achieve good results in the endless exams and evaluations society demands. And even then, does happiness always await at the end of that race? No, it doesn’t.]


[Did you ask to be born into this world? No, you were ‘brought into it’ by your parents. Into this harsh and lonely world. Humans are pitiful creatures, forced into life and then forced into death.]

Andras jumped back and retreated.

He then sat back down on the shattered throne, spreading his arms wide.

[And those lives I mentioned earlier? They’re the lucky ones. Most human infants die right after birth. Do you know the infant mortality rate in the Empire? It’s over 80%. In a world where the average life expectancy barely reaches the mid-thirties, even if a child is born safely, they often end up being passed from orphanage to orphanage. Most of them don’t even live to see ten years old, thanks to war, disease, or hunger. You’ve seen the reality of the orphanage where Dantalian was, haven’t you? Volunteering at orphanages is practically a mandatory course at noble schools.]

A dark aura began to gather around Andras.

Sensing something ominous, Vikir slashed at the aura with his sword.

But the black mist simply swirled with the wind, wrapping even more tightly around Andras\' body.

[Humans are truly pitiful creatures. If you have desires, you should also have the ability to fulfill them. But humans, though intelligent, are only capable of recognizing their own shortcomings. They are sad beings. Lust, hunger, greed, jealousy, anger, sloth, pride… Not a single one of these desires can be fully satisfied, and so they wander through life, trapped in an unequal and absurd society, feeling nothing but inferiority, guilt, and defeat. And the happiness they sometimes feel? It’s nothing more than a temporary relief from all this dissatisfaction.]

Forced into life and forced into death.

Life is hard when you’re young, hard when you’re grown, and even harder when you die. Life is always tough and exhausting.

[And that’s why I propose this.]

Andras grinned as he spoke.

[The vast majority of humans suffer from poverty and starvation, dying before they reach the age of 30, or even 10. Wouldn’t it be better for humans to fall under the care of demons, living as their livestock? Wouldn’t that be a happier existence?]

“Utter nonsense.”

[That’s what you might think. But what about the children suffering in orphanages? Or the ones who never even made it to an orphanage and died in the back alleys? Would they feel the same?]

Andras continued speaking as he parried Vikir’s strikes.

[If humans became livestock for demons, they could enjoy healthy lives that last over a century. They could freely mate with whomever they choose, live well-fed and warm lives, free from disease, war, or hunger. They would achieve self-fulfillment in a world where they could be happy. And when they reach a hundred years old, they would offer their souls to the demons, with their bodies being harvested, just like how chickens are categorized by their growth stages. How is this any different from the ‘salvation’ you humans speak of, or what your gods promise?]

In the thickening darkness, Vikir could feel Andras\' gaze fixed on him, observing.

A red grin split Andras\' face in the shadows.

[Long ago, there was someone who first made this proposal to humans.]


[That was ‘God’.]

Andras chuckled as he spoke.

[Of course, that so-called god was far more wicked than I am. It performed the slaughter while giving none of the promised happiness and peace. It even took humans before they had fully grown. I understand that the harvest has been abundant, so it feels free to do as it pleases. But what I don’t understand is why you humans continue to uphold a one-sided contract that has been violated repeatedly.]

“What do you want me to do about it?”

[What do I want? I want you to recognize that I’m offering a better deal for humanity. And to make this offer possible, I need to find my sibling.]

With those words, Andras’ face morphed into that of the First Crown Prince.

The Emperor’s eldest son, the legitimate heir.

He was desperately searching for his illegitimate half-sibling.

[If you help me, I could make you the head of the entire system—an Emperor, just like the Golding family once was...]

But once again, Vikir firmly rejected Andras’ proposal.

“You’ve picked up some nasty ideas.”


“I’m talking about your twisted logic. It’s reminiscent of the philosophies that were popular during the ancient Warring States period. Ideas that might have made sense in the now-defunct ‘Magical Dominion,’ but no longer hold any weight.”

Vikir raised his sword, pointing it directly at Andras.

“The human desire for progress and the instinct to rise above cannot be confined within a system of livestock. No matter how tightly you try to contain it, it will eventually break free, like a needle piercing through a pocket. That’s what it means to be human.”

The demonic sword, Beelzebub, unleashed a piercing aura from its needle-like tip.


The throne crumbled completely under the impact.

Through the thick cloud of dust, Andras emerged, spreading his wings wide.

"Demons must be slain."

[You\'re hopeless. You just don’t get it, do you?]

Vikir\'s sword and Andras\' blade clashed fiercely in mid-air.

As Vikir deflected the sparks and flames erupting from Andras\' sword, he thought to himself.

‘…It’s fortunate that he doesn’t have Asmodeus with him.’

He remembered how shocked he had been when he first encountered the demonic sword at Nouvellebag.

The demonic sword Asmodeus was currently in the hands of Kirko, which gave him some relief.

Vikir focused all his aura into the tip of Beelzebub.

And at the same time, Andras began gathering a dense, dark energy into his grasp, powerful enough to consume Vikir\'s aura entirely.

[Very well. If you won’t willingly make a contract… I’ll make you beg for one.]

At those words, Vikir tensed up.

Even without a sword, the innate supernatural abilities of a demon were more than enough to pose a significant threat.

And now, Andras, the First Cropse, was preparing to use his unique ability.

[Soon, you’ll be the one begging for a contract.]

It was a moment when the true power of a being that had once stood at the pinnacle among the demons leading the era of destruction was about to be unleashed.

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