
Chapter 836: Ancestral Bloodline

Chapter 836: Ancestral Bloodline

It was hard to imagine how many gods and devils once dominated the realm before becoming a part of history.

Was there still any surviving inheritance from that era waiting to be claimed?

Nevertheless, out of the ten types of blood essence he had refined so far, he was undoubtedly surprised by the Dark Fae God Bloodline the most.

It had triggered another piece of knowledge from his fragmented past life memories to surface.

According to Varuna\'s memories, the Dark Fae God Clan was part of the Twelve Guardian Clans that ruled over Chaos. The power and influence of the Twelve Guardian Clans were only below that of the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies.

As such, one could easily understand how astonishing it was to find the Dark Fae God Bloodline among the blood essences within the blood bottle provided by Hecate.

More importantly, where did she acquire the Dark Fae Blood Essence?

Vaan immediately suspected Hecate\'s background once more. He had a strong feeling the Dark Fae Blood Essence and Dark Fae God Bloodline came from her.

After all, there was little difference between the Dark Fairy Clan and the Dark Fae Clan. They were arguably identical and hard to differentiate. Anyone could mistake a Dark Fae for a Dark Fairy and vice-versa.

The only real difference was the length of their history.

Gehenna\'s Dark Fairy Clan could only be considered a newborn compared to an ancient behemoth like the Dark Fae God Clan.

Nevertheless, there was something Vaan didn\'t quite understand immediately.

The Guardian Clans were all blessed by the supreme bloodline of their ancestors. Every member born within these clans would be like heaven\'s chosen compared to the rest of the denizens in Chaos.

They should be blessed with peerless talents and endless resources. Even if one of their members were born with mediocre talents, they would be reformed with the resources and strength of the Guardian Clan.

As such, Hecate shouldn\'t be stuck at Peak Rank 6 Divine Being, even if she was only part of a tiny branch family of the Dark Fae God Clan.

But then again, Vaan couldn\'t be certain.

After all, each Guardian Clan ruled an entire chaosverse to themselves, and their people could be as numerous as the sea of stars in Chaos.

\'Was Lady Hecate\'s branch family expelled from the Dark Fae God Clan due to some past sin of her ancestors?\' Vaan guessed.

Nevertheless, he could only leave Hecate\'s private matter for another time. It wasn\'t right for him to pry if she wasn\'t willing to open up about it.

Shortly after pushing his distracting thoughts to the side, Vaan focused on cultivating the Everlasting Blood Mantra.

If there was no issue with the blood essence, reaching the second stage of rejuvenation should be expected. At this stage, his regeneration would become even stronger, and his youthful appearance would be longer lasting.




Gehenna, Outer Boundary

At the edge of the star realm, an inconspicuous black starship shuttled through a small asteroid field as it left the star realm behind, eventually disappearing into the depths of the dark-reddish void.

Helcan thought he was being discreet by avoiding the use of teleportation arrays and star gates.

However, little did he know Mephistopheles had seen him leaving.

Minutes after Helcan\'s black starship disappeared for another star realm, Mephistopheles emerged from the dark side of a U-shaped asteroid.

He silently glanced in the direction of Helcan\'s departure before shaking his head.

"Helcan, oh, Helcan... Your intentions are so obvious. Who are you trying to fool?" Mephistopheles muttered with amusement.

Helcan had taken off in the direction of the Great Divider.

The Great Divider was an incomparably vast void region that drew the boundary of their chaosverse and the next. There was nothing there except space junk and debris left behind by ancient wars.

Although anything of value from it would have been taken away long ago, it was still frequented by scavengers and pirates who wanted to try their luck.

It was a lawless place of little value-something a Great Devil such as Helcan would find hard to develop a sudden interest in. In other words, the Great Divider wasn\'t his final destination.

Setting the Great Divider as a destination was only meant to serve as a distraction to throw people off in case his secret trip was discovered.

His real destination should be elsewhere.

"Who uses a starship for stellar travels these days when we have teleportation arrays and star gates? Old Mate is clearly up to no good," Mephistopheles commented before squinting his

eyes in thought.

However, he couldn\'t quite figure out where Helcan was ultimately heading.

Suddenly, he pinched his fingers together and used them to issue a soundless whistle to the small asteroid field nearby.

At first, nothing seemed to happen, even after several dozen breaths.

However, two dozen figures clad in darkness soon emerged from the dark shadows on the U- shaped asteroid.

"You summoned us, My Liege?" one of the dark figures asked.

"Great Devil Helcan has left for the Great Divider on a black starship. Track him and report his movements back to me periodically," Mephistopheles commanded with a rare look of


"Yes, My Liege!" the two dozen dark figures answered simultaneously.

Shortly after, the two dozen dark figures sank back into the shadows and erased all traces of their presence. It was unknown whether they were still hiding in the area or truly gone.

The illusive Dark Elf Tribe was generally good at that stuff, and Mephistopheles was lucky to have been able to chance upon them in his territory and employ their service.

"I guess I should also pay Lord Thanatos a visit..." Mephistopheles thought. Sometime later, Mephistopheles arrived at the edge of the Shadowcage Territory\'s Sea of Darkness and announced his visit.

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Silence greeted Mephistopheles after he made sure his arrival was known and heard.

"Lord Thanatos, Mephistopheles seeks an audience!" Mephistopheles repeated loudly,

feeling a little impatient and displeased.

A long sigh was shortly heard from the floating abode above the Sea of Darkness. "Two visits in one day. Today must be my unlucky day. What do you want, Meph?" Thanatos asked impatiently without inviting him inside his floating abode.

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