
Chapter 314 - Mother They Lost

Chapter 314 - Mother They Lost

His mind went to think about various possibilities and he didn\'t like any of that. His wife\'s panicked look is not helping either.

"We\'ll have to return, Joel…" Jerlina said sucking in her breath and rubbing his chest. She was hurting and she knew how much this news would hurt Joel.

"I\'m sorry, Joel… Daisy passed away…" Jerlina saw him stagger back and she hugged him.

Jeremy stood frozen. He could feel that his shirt is getting wet on his chest and he understood that he should be comforting his wife but he couldn\'t move.

"It\'s impossible," he mumbled, gathering himself and he started to pat her shoulder. "Are you sure?"

She was fine! We talked to her some hours ago! How could she be dead?

"She…" Jerlina couldn\'t control her tears. "She slipped in some stairs… There was no one around and… Joel… They found her dead and Bobby was informed…"

Jerlina went on with the details but Jeremy could not think straight.

Jerlina pulled herself and prepared to leave. She was moving around while Jeremy was sitting on the couch with his hand on his forehead.

Jeremy blanked out for a long time while Jerlina took care of everything. From asking their jet to be ready, to cleaning up the house… she did it all.

While she was packing, Jeremy joined her and helped her. She smelled beer on him and she let out a sigh.

"I am sorry I was no help…"

"It\'s fine, Joel… Daisy, she…" Thinking of Daisy\'s smile made her cry some more. But she controlled herself.

For now, we have to be there!

"What are you doing?" she asked him scrolling through his phone.

"I am calling Bobby. We have to find out if there is something more to Daisy\'s death. How could she…" Jeremy\'s eyes reddened once more.

"Don\'t," Jerlina got his phone from him. "Let him grieve. The last thing he needs right now is for him to doubt if his mother was-" she took a deep breath. "If you want to investigate, ask someone smart and keep it a secret," Jerlina told him.

When her father died, a lot of people consoled her and some people were asking her if she was sure that her stepmother has nothing to do with it. They all seemed honest and caring towards her but for her at that time of grievance, it all seemed annoying and superficial care.

When you are faced with the sudden death of someone close to you, your mind will be filled with various questions especially "why?". You\'ll keep on asking yourself "Why?" and will try to find the answer to that question. It is a normal process in the grieving process.

But oftentimes you won\'t get a valid answer. Sometimes you\'ll have to accept it just like swallowing a big, bitter pill.

Shit happens!

But Jeremy\'s doubt has validity considering their backgrounds and the recent happenings in Peyton. It is better to investigate it in case someone with vengeance against them is at large.

"You\'re right," Jeremy leaned on her and her hand reached to his head. She patted his head as he supported his entire weight on her until he calmed down a bit.

"I am sorry for being useless in such a situation," he said as he packed the luggage in the rental car.

He felt like he was tied and he couldn\'t even fathom the loss of Daisy. She is such a… She was an amazing person filled with love. She was healthy and it was too early for her to leave the land of the living. His heart broke even thinking about it.

He could see that Jerlina is heartbroken too but she could function. He knew she is functioning because she needs to because he is acting like an imbecile.

"What are you saying?" Jerlina knitted her brows.

She is feeling pain for the loss although she knew Daisy for only a short amount of time. Even in that short time, Daisy gave her many amazing memories. She could only imagine how much Jeremy will be affected by Daisy\'s death. His pain would be immeasurable.

She\'d be more worried if he acted as if nothing has changed.

"I\'ll drive," she got the keys from his hands.

As they left the town, she saw Bella closing her shop and informed her that they are leaving urgently. Gwen invited her for a Bingo night the next evening and Jerlina knew it would be improper to leave without informing at least one of the elders in this town.

Bella offered her condolences and asked them to be careful on the road. She also apologized for not having any snacks with her to give them.

Ah… the kindness…

Jerlina with a heavy heart reached the airstrip and their jet was ready. After their luggage was loaded, they took off.

Jerlina leaned on the seat closing her eyes. She couldn\'t sleep a wink and Jeremy was holding her hand throughout the way back.

When they reached Wolford, the road was filled with cars of the people who were there to say condolences to Bobby and his family. Daisy was already taken to the funeral home after the autopsy.

Jerlina and Jeremy sat silently with the other family members and friends of the family. Jerlina offered to cook for and refreshments and Scarlett\'s mom helped her with that. Jerlina also helped Scarlett help with the wake and the funeral arrangements.

She saw many weeping for Daisy. She was a mother to them!

She knows how tough it is and how much help is needed. She still remembered the death of her father and how much she struggled to get through the funeral. Funerals are tough to handle.

They buried her in three days as everyone who needed to be there was already there. Mikhail attended the funeral too.

They opted for a closed casket and a religious ceremony since Daisy\'s family was religious.

Jerlina saw Daisy\'s face once and she couldn\'t handle it. They said her skull cracked and she was alive for some time before she died choking in her blood.

Had she been found earlier, she\'d have survived. And for a kind soul as Daisy, her last moments would have been agonizing.

Too bad she fell in an area with low foot traffic. Her blood-alcohol level was high and she had a sprain in her ankle. There was no evidence of foul play and they closed the case as an accident.

Jerlina took one final glance at the flower arrangements in the Church. People started to assemble and it is time for the service to start.

Sitting in the pew, Jerlina held Jeremy\'s hand and he let out a sigh. The entire congregation was silent in a somber way, remembering Daisy. Just as the service was about to start, they heard the loud clicking noise of heels on the wooden floor of the church.

Everyone\'s head turned towards the source of the sound. It is human nature after all. Jerlina looked to her side as she heard the sound approaching her and a strong scent of perfume assaulted her giving her headache.


Lord give me patience!

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