
Chapter 886 886 Troll The Trolls

Chapter 886 886 Troll The Trolls

So, when Wolfe cast Necrosis on them, and offered their souls a link to the underworld, a chance to escape their eternal torment, there was no resistance at all from the undead army.

In seconds, the hold that the spell had on them was broken, and their allegiance had been converted to Wolfe. The creatures in the distance were enraged, unable to understand how their monsters had been stolen, but their viewing spell was clearly showing them the scene of the giant bone dragon putting his head down for Wolfe to pat him.

The chamber that they were in was only just large enough for all of them to stand, and most of the bones were piled up in layers when they were inactive.

"Everyone, welcome to the team. Let\'s keep moving forward to the portal. Once we reach it, we can leave this place." Wolfe declared.

Before they could go anywhere, the announcer from the start of their trial appeared in the room through a small portal.

"Wait. You cannot take the monsters from the trial zones with you." He shouted.

"Why not? There\'s no rule against it, and they\'re happy to come with me. Why don\'t we just see how this goes?" Wolfe asked with a smirk.

They could alter the trials ahead of them, to make them better balanced for the new strength of the group. But that would probably insult their pride, and from the panic on the announcer\'s face, he had no idea how Wolfe had gained control of the undead, or if he could do that to other sorts of creatures.

Wolfe had considered it, as some of the creatures would have incredible combat power as undead, but he would save that for later, instead of giving the Lower Planes Overlord more time to adjust to his tactics.

The undead led the way out of the room, rattling and banging their blades on their bones as they marched.

"Well, I guess that\'s the right direction." Wolfe chuckled as the undead began to clear the space, and the announcer gave him an exasperated look.

"What are you doing to them? How do you mind control the undead?" The announcer demanded, glaring at Wolfe with both his heads, and flailing all six tentacles for emphasis while pointing with his one humanoid arm.

"You didn\'t know I could do this? Why did you think nobody dies in our version?" Wolfe replied, then winked at the witches and followed the bone dragon out into the next chamber.

That should keep them confused for the immediate future.

The people in the trial instance in Wolfe\'s world didn\'t die because they were in a time loop. If they did die, they would just be sent back to the moment that they entered, alive and well, the same as the slain ferals were returned to life when time reset.

The next room sounded like it was full of monsters, as there was a lot of roaring along with the clanking of bones and swords, but Wolfe couldn\'t tell what was actually going on out there.

The announcer vanished after a few seconds of being ignored, and Wolfe led the group out to the next chamber, where a tense standoff between the undead horde and a large group of what might have been trolls, if they had been a bit more normal looking, was taking place.

The largest of the troll faction seemed to be the leader, with a head like a Venus flytrap set on top of a massively fat body, whose stomach hung past its knees, mercifully sparing Wolfe the necessity of learning whether the creature was male or female. Assuming that it even reproduced that way.

It was screeching at the bone dragon, who roared back at it, holding some sort of conversation about the intrusion on their territory, Wolfe assumed.

The troll grew tentacles, complete with suckers and claws on the end from the base of its neck, and flailed them around like a plant monster would its vines.

Once they noticed Wolfe and the others, the troll faction attacked Wolfe and his party, but the skeletons moved to intercept, causing mass confusion among the trolls, who had no idea what was going on, only that they should kill the intruders.

It was hard-coded into their existence when they were created, and they couldn\'t go against it, but they also weren\'t supposed to attack each other, and the Undead counted as their own team.

That left them with no idea what they were supposed to be doing, so they tried to just push past the undead, knocking the skeletons over, or attacking over their heads to get at Wolfe\'s team.

The whole situation looked like a bad comedy skit, and even the terrified Molly couldn\'t help but smile at the surrounding chaos.

The witches started with their nature magic, and Wolfe created an enhanced Lightning Sprite overhead to send Nether Lightning into the trolls who tried to attack the group.

The Nether Lightning left black streaks in the air where it hit the trolls, and the creatures seemed to turn directly to ash under its influence, wailing in pain and trying to flee.

But the lightning was drawn to them like a magnet, and the skeletons were cheering it on like a game show. The whole scene was insanity, and if you didn\'t know what was going on, it would look like a mad necromancer was invading the Lower Planes.

"Keep moving forward. The trolls are going to flee soon, and then we can keep following the bone dragon through the trials." Wolfe instructed as he made another half dozen Lightning Sprites. If the Fallen Army\'s so-called "Divine One" wanted to put him through a trial, he would show them why it was a bad idea to test a Magi Saint.

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