
Chapter 770 770 Explaining A Magic City

Chapter 770 770 Explaining A Magic City

These are our children, though. There will be guards watching you until we\'re satisfied that the incident is over and that you aren\'t planning to harm any of them. But they can also assist you in learning what you need about the culture here.

I will show you the classrooms now, although most of the students have gone home. Then I will get you set up with a room. Do you want one above ground in the trees, or one in the upper underground layers? They\'ve been recently expanded, so they\'re all quite comfortable, and roomy, as they were designed with some of the larger Demon species in mind." Wolfe explained.

"Underground doesn\'t sound so bad. We were used to living in the mage tower back home, and it has no windows, in case of out of control spells. Do you have some sort of protected training room like that here? I see that you\'ve got a tower." The younger mage asked.

"We have a tower, but it\'s for witch rituals, and it hosts one of the two cafeteria restaurants as well as a hub for the elevated walkways. The training rooms are underground, and protected by powerful defensive magics. Unless you brought some friends, it is unlikely that they could be destroyed deliberately, much less by an accident with a single spell.

We also have defensive amulets for the students to wear while they\'re learning. They were retired from active use by the defence force as the need for more powerful magics arose, so we have a bunch of them lying around.

They\'re not particularly impressive by military standards, but for new magic users, they will be more than sufficient." Wolfe explained.

He led the way into the secondary entrance to the underground area, a new entrance near the north wall made for the expanded residential areas that extended underground well past the boundary of the tree wall. They were split into two levels, one that was more shallow, and closer to the surface, giving it a temperature that was more comfortable to human and demihuman occupants, and a second level that was one of the deepest in the city, with temperatures reaching over fifty degrees, where only the Fire Element Demons would be comfortable.

The main hallways were all cut for ten metre tall Demons to pass through, but most of the housing on the upper level was made with six metre ceilings, as the largest of the Wrath Demons all preferred it to be much warmer.

"There are two nice units here, both single bedroom, with the basic apartment layout. Smaller kitchen and living room, good-sized bedroom. I would warn you that most technology still won\'t work properly down here, though they\'re working on mana proofing it, but I doubt that you\'re familiar with the human technologies of this world.

You will learn about them later, but there is no need to get into that tonight. This corridor is guarded at all times, so if you need anything, just ask. There are signs pointing the way to the common areas, the games rooms, the library, the practice rooms and the north public kitchen as well.

Place your hand in the middle of the door, and it will assign itself to you." Wolfe finished.

Hesitantly, they did, and the doors glowed with magic, before settling down again.

"Perfect. Your rooms will only open for you, or the senior town officials." He explained.

"Are you not worried that we will try to sneak out?" The younger mage asked.

"You are six hundred metres from the exit, down a corridor full of Wrath Demons who work for the town security force. You need to pass over ten of their homes to get to the main corridor out, as well as escaping the two guards.

It is possible that you might manage it, but I strongly suspect that your first attempt will prove to be incredibly painful. But if you behave, there is no reason that you won\'t be able to get along. Someone from the guard will be following you around any time that you are out of your rooms, so feel free to ask them if you need anything.

Now, did you want to check out your rooms and get some rest, or did you want to see the rest of the nearby facilities?" Wolfe asked.

"I think that it would be best to get the official tour before we\'re left alone to wander among strangers. At least if they see us with you first, they will know that we\'re not intruders. Plus, did I hear you say that your town has a publicly accessible library?" The old mage asked.

"Yes. It is quite the facility. We make copies of all magical spells, tomes and other literature that we obtain, and put a copy there. If you wish to take a copy to your room, it is customary to either make a new one, or if you can\'t do that, to pay one of the witches to make you a copy of your own, so the Library copies don\'t go missing."

The mages smiled. "Knowledge is the lifeblood of our existence. Ever since our world developed the cultivation technique, we have been working on new spells to increase the ways that magic can be used in our daily lives.

For example, if we could come up with the right spell, we could replace those lanterns on the walls with magical lights, and have cleaner air and safer hallways."

The Elven Prince smirked, and Wolfe tried not to laugh.

"The lights are already magical. The firelight is just for the ambience, we have proper bright lights in the rooms that need it. We put the fires in the lanterns to keep larger species and flying creatures from accidentally burning themselves." Wolfe informed them.

The twins gestured around them. "Nothing that you see is nonmagical. The walls and floors of the hallways are an elaborate bit of magic to give the appearance of a luxurious stone building, but we didn\'t actually use Earth Magic to create them. That way, we can just tweak the spell and renovate the entire complex in seconds. It lets us decorate for parties, change themes with the seasons, and even just customize areas based on user preferences.

I know that the head chef in the main kitchen changes her floor tiles at least once a month, and there was talk of having them on a daily rotation so that you could tell what day of the week it was just by walking in the room."

The mages looked around, then poked the wall in confusion, unable to see through the spells.

"You get used to it. Even the trees outside are magically grown, and they use nature magic to shape the wooden buildings and create the furniture. The gardens are pretty incredible as well, since we\'re under a Fae Forest. I don\'t know what you eat at home, but you will get used to the high mana foods here quickly enough." Chloe added, shaking out her pale white wings as she relaxed and prepared for her shift to end after these two were settled in for the night.

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