
Chapter 233 233 Guardian Forest

Wolfe simply called out to bring everyone he needed to him. Inside the Den, a loud shout could be heard through most of the hallways, though the entrances to the rooms deadened the sound quite a bit. It should be enough to bring the people he needed right away, and they could send for anyone who didn\'t hear him.

"Attention, please. Can I get all of the Rank Two Witches and those who are most skilled at plant growth to the dining hall?" He shouted, making the Faerie cover her ears in annoyance.

"There has to be a better way to do that." She muttered.

"Well, for some of them, there is. I could mentally call Cassie, Ella and Mary, but Priya\'s bond with me is still a step behind on verbal communication, and the others with Servant bonds have a long ways to go."

The witches gathered each other, and within a minute, he had a dozen of them gathered for the project.

"Alright, here is the plan. Katerina, our resident Fae Magic expert, intends to make a magical forest to defend the Den\'s entrance. It needs to be very large, so I need a lot of you to help us grow a proper forest in the area around the Den.

What I need to know is if you need to go topside to do it or if we can do it here. If we can do it inside, I will crank up the Mana Gathering Array in the area, and we can sit in direct contact with each other to share my mana flow so that you can work together as one." Wolfe explained.

"Out of all of us, I\'m the strongest with Nature Magic. I will lead the circle if we want to do it in the bedroom, where the Array is." Cook offered.

The witches had no objections to it. If they were casting as a circle, then it didn\'t matter, as they wouldn\'t have to do anything but lend their aura to the leader of the group.

"How much Mana can you offer?" Cook asked as she mentally prepared the image of the forest that she wanted to surround the Den.

"Wait, wait. She\'s not the strongest with Nature Magic. I am." The Faerie complained.

"Can you create the forest? Witch Magic is basically perfectly suited to the job." Wolfe reminded her.

"Fae Forests are legendary. Of course, I can make trees grow." She scoffed.

"We can work together, Witch and Fae magic, to make the forest together. One of the witches needs to lead the circle, though. It doesn\'t work otherwise." Cook offered.

"Deal. We will work together and make an amazing forest. You gather the magic and cast the spell, and I will shape it as it flows out from you. Wolfe, do you really think that you can get enough Mana to do this?" Katerina the Faerie asked.

"Of course. Witches can do great things at Rank Two on their own. With so many of them here, plus you, and my ability to draw mana through everyone else who has a Servant Pact with me, and the Array, I can\'t see it being an issue." Wolfe told her with a wink.

"Got it. There will be mana. Lots of mana. Alright, start from the center and work outward while I shape the spell into a [Fae Forest]. When you are reaching the limits of your abilities, tell me, and I will use the link to make a stronger [Living Forest] enchantment than I can cast on my own to defend us." The small creature declared with an authority that defied her stature.

They moved to the bedroom, and Wolfe turned the mana gathering in the room to its Maximum, five times what the ambient level in the Den was, and then blocked the sensation of his mana usage from the rest of the witches with Servant Bonds who were inside the Den but not the garden, excluding the ones who were in the circle and needed their aura.

Hopefully, he didn\'t cause any issues for the others, but most of them weren\'t casting anything at the moment.

Cook started the process, and all of the auras in the room began to blend while a powerful sense of Witch Magic filled the air and seeped into the stone.

"Wolfe, if you please. The spell is started, and it\'s going smoothly, but we could use as much mana as you can give us." Cook informed him.

Wolfe started with ten percent of what he could transfer to the circle of Witches and then caught Cook as her knees went weak.

"Keep your hands linked, but sit down in a stable position. This is a tenth of what I can give you, and the spell is going to take some time, I think." Wolfe informed the others while Cook fell into a trance, completely focused on the spell.

He couldn\'t tell how the forest was going, but the Fae was looking excited, and the mana transfer was steadily increasing as Cook got used to the sensation and began to draw ever more mana through Wolfe, peaking at half of the maximum sustained mana flow that he could provide her.

After half an hour, Cook\'s eyes shot open, and she stared at the Faerie, who was looking totally wasted at this point, not even slightly glittering with mana dust as she usually did.

"That\'s it. The spells are complete. The forest is created, and the [Living Forest], [Fae Fog], and [Treant Guardians] spells have all been set on the entire forest. A Fae Forest gathers its own mana and purifies the area, so we won\'t have to do anything to maintain it, but we will have to go out to get anyone but the locals." Cook barely whispered before she closed her eyes with a sigh and fell asleep in Wolfe\'s arms.

"Can anyone tell me how the spell went while I put these two to bed?" Wolfe asked.

The witches shook their heads, and Mary whispered her answer with a sense of awe in both her mind and words. "I don\'t think you can have this explained to you. You are going to have to see it. I am reasonably sure that they broke the Frozen Wastes."

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