
Chapter 849 - Books and Invitations (Three in One)

Chapter 849: Books and Invitations (Three in One)

In the afternoon, Abel refused Viscount Ebenezer’s offer to send in bodyguards. He wanted to go alone into the wealthiest district of Annual City.

After walking out of the city lord’s estate, the first thing he did was take Black Wind out of his portal beast ring. Its fierce appearance made the gate guards’ eyes flash in admiration. Since the “instantaneous movement” and other combat-use summon creatures were not allowed to be used in the city, having a summoned beast became something that many people would dream of. The orcs, especially. While they were a lot heavier than humans, a beast like Black Wind was the perfect partner if they wanted to go somewhere without walking.

There was also something that Abel didn’t know about. Since the knight occupation was permanently banned on the central continent, there really weren’t that many combat-use mounts left. He was lucky that he was already a rank sixteen wizard. If he didn’t show just how overpowered he was, there would be a lot that he had to do to make sure that the nearby people wouldn’t have thoughts about stealing Black Wind.

As he came to a shop with a book symbol, he jumped down Black Wind and went inside by himself.

A middle-aged man in a torn robe came, “What do you need, sir Wizard?”

“Do you have maps?” Abel asked.

The middle-aged man rushed to speak, “Yes, yes! I’ll find it for you. Here.”

“Only the best ones, okay?” Abel insisted.

“Yes, of course.”

Abel stood in the store and checked the books around him. They were mostly biographies and poems. There weren’t that many that were actually information-based, which was not that shocking to him. It was the same as on the Holy Continent. Knowledge was a royal’s privilege.

One thing stood out very clearly to him. Back on the Holy Continent, knight-based novels would make a lot of appearances in the shops. Some were about knights rescuing princesses, whereas others would be how brave soldiers stood out to save their country. It was not like he didn’t see books that were not related to knights, but mostly they depicted the knights as the so-called antagonists, who the protagonists often killed as a display of heroism. From that, it was easy to tell that knightship was never a thing on the central continent.

“A map for you, sir Wizard!” the middle-aged man came and opened a piece of parchment paper on the table. Abel could see that it was a hand-drawn map of the world. Unlike planet Earth, this map was not drawn very accurately. It also lacked a lot of details. Apart from the Stan Empire, most other places had nothing but their names written on them.

Abel couldn’t help but frown, “So this is the best map that you have?”

The middle-aged man could see Abel’s disappointment, “This is the best that this store has to offer, sir Wizard. If you want something better, you’d have to go to the Wizard Union to purchase the magic maps there.”

Abel shook his head, “Fine. How much gold for this?”

He’s already memorized the details in his head, but the idea of theft seemed quite immoral to him.

“Five gold coins, sir Wizard!” the middle-aged man replied, revealing a partial smile on his face. As a royal who came from a family that lost its influence, the only thing left for him was his ability to read and write—that, and the useless books that he used to open up this book store. The map was drawn by himself. Anything beyond the cost of the parchment paper was profit.

When Abel took out five gold coins from his portal bag, the middle-aged man was a bit hesitant, but he didn’t quite dare to speak.

“What is it?” Abel couldn’t help but ask.

The middle-aged man pointed towards the gold coin, “This is not transferable, sir Wizard. I can’t use it even if you give it to me.”

Abel was a bit dumbfounded by that statement. This was the Holy Continent’s currency that he was using, but he didn’t think it’d make much difference. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that it was made of gold. As valuable as gold was, it wasn’t a free-flowing commodity that could be used anywhere. Also, since it was a crime on the Holy Continent to trade gold that was not according to the standards, it’d make sense that it wasn’t any different here.

“Do you accept this, then?” Abel put back the gold coin and instead had a beginner’s gemstone on the table. The middle-aged man could tell what it was since it was the common trading items for wizards anywhere.

The middle-aged man hesitated, ‘I don’t have that many gold coins for you, sir Wizard.”

It didn’t take long for Abel to give his reply, “Very well. So sorry, then.”

This was a deal, not a chance to give out to the needy. If the middle-aged man couldn’t offer more, he was ready to take his beginner’s gemstone and leave at any point.

“Wait, actually,” the middle-aged man continued after pausing for a bit, “How about you pick some books that you may be interested in?”

Some books were of quite some value. The reason that the middle-aged man was holding them was that, well, he thought that he could still restore his family if he could gain a sum of wealth. Other than that, if he wanted to sell them, he would become just another ordinary person. He didn’t really want that when all that was left for him was his title as a nobleman.

From Abel’s perspective, he was kind of curious to see what the content of these books might be. A few people introduced him to the central continent, but no matter how much the others told him, books, as it turned out, were still more informative than any person he could ask.

The middle-aged man said enthusiastically, “There are a few books that were passed down from my ancestors. Please, sir Wizard, take a look at any that you may find interesting.”

As far as Abel could see, the books in front of him were much more well-decorated than those sold outside the store. They were actually information-based. Actually, most of them belonged to the category of architecture. Whatever family this middle-aged man belonged to, it must’ve had something to do with the city administration.

“Wait!” Abel gasped when he noticed a mana ripple coming out of an extremely thick book. He went to pick it up, and upon opening it, he could see that the inside was filled with very rough scribbles. The content was very messy, almost as if a child’s drawn all over it.

After thinking for a while, he decided to inject some of his mana into the book. The book quickly absorbed, making the fonts disappear in response. What appeared next on the page were branches of hand-drawn herbs. On them were the names of the herbs and the functions that they were supposed to possess.

After flipping towards the end of the book, he could see a few recipes for some herb remedies. While their effects were nothing special, the way that they were created was still quite different from what’s done on the Holy Continent. He could see that it was a book on alchemy. By skimming through the pages, he could see that the most valuable things were the herbs and not the few recipes at the back. If he could figure out the properties of the herbs featured, it might even be possible for him to replace the recipes on the Holy Continent with some of the ingredients that were local to the geography here.

It was actually a quite lucky find. He didn’t think that he would find such a good opportunity so shortly after coming to the central continent. This middle-aged man must’ve had a quite deep family lineage for him to hold a book related to alchemy because even the wizards wouldn’t have much opportunity to do so.

On a side note, now there was still enough time, he could still go to the Alchemist Union to re-verify his identity. He had to be very discrete about it, though. Being a nineteen-year-old advanced wizard was already eye-catching, and he didn’t want to get himself into any more trouble after his last encounter against the rank eighteen advanced wizard. The drastic difference in their prowess was just too much for him to display any more ego. He didn’t think that he was going to act too pridefully before he could step onto the central continent.

“I’ll take this book, then,” Abel took the alchemy-related book into his portal bag. After that, he handed two beginner gemstones over to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was quite shocked to see this. He knew how valuable his book was, but he didn’t think that Abel would be so generous to offer so much to buy it. Two beginner’s gemstones were not the set amount, by the way. He could just ask for more.

From where Abel was coming from, he was just happy to move on. He wanted to find a Wizard Union branch building next, but there wasn’t any in a city of this magnitude. He might have to go to other cities to try looking for Wizard Organization branches. According to what Wizard Giauque told him, the powerful wizards have scattered themselves across the central continent to form different syndicates. These were very highly-valued groups within the Wizard Union. Since there wasn’t any Wizard Union in Annual City, it became very difficult for him to find a place to buy magic maps.

Anyways, he decided to make the material shop his next stop. Most of the things available were sold second-hand, and he wasn’t too pleased with the options. It was to be expected, though. Since there were so many adventurers here, of course, it’d be more profitable to buy and resell ingredients here. He’d have to go elsewhere if he wanted to get the stuff featured in the alchemy book, however.

Next stop, he went to the blacksmith shop in town. He could hear the clanging of the hammer that was very familiar to him. Only advanced blacksmiths could produce those sounds. It was quite a thing to be heard, especially here in a city with relatively small population size.


“So this is Harry Abel? I thought he’s the one who’s killed Fifth and Sixth. Wait, isn’t he also related to Seventh’s death?”

The voice came from Wizard Godwin of the frost wind kin. He was checking the latest news inside a hallroom within Frost City. As a rank eighteen advanced wizard, he and a few advanced wizards that he was good friends with formed a small team together. They were the ones that sent Wizard Cliff over to the Holy Continent in order to get them more training materials.

That was until when someone killed Wizard Cliff several years back. To investigate this, he’s had to send Fifth and Sixth over to the Holy Continent, and surprise, surprise, two rank seventeen advanced wizards died in the Holy Continent, which was supposed to be the safest place there was.

When the team decided to go for their revenge by forming a raid party into the Holy Continent, Wizard Dunn of the lightning kin came to find them. Out of fear for the lightning kin, Wizard Godwin decided not to go over to the Holy Continent. Strangely enough, that’s also the timing in which Abel arrived. He almost couldn’t believe his own eyes.

Old Wizard Emir came to persuade, “Yes, but don’t look for trouble from Abel anymore. I’m old, as you can see. I don’t have the energy to go against the lightning kin that’s backing him.”

Yes, Wizard Emir was old, but he was the sole leader of this team that consisted of only advanced wizards. He was a rank nineteen wizard. If there were more than fifty years left in his life, he would’ve continued to make more progress in his promotion. Still, he was about to retire now, so he didn’t plan on doing too much for the team.

Wizard Godwin tried to be polite, “Yes, leader, I did make a promise to not go find Abel, but that was when he was in the Holy Continent. Now, he’s coming to us. Wouldn’t it be strange if I didn’t do something about it when three of our brethren that fell at his hands?”

As the vice-captain of the team, Wizard Godwin had been taking charge ever since Wizard Emir decided to step down. He wanted the team to be more active within the Ice Frost team, and in order to achieve that, he was planning to do it by boosting their morale. Morale was very important now, especially after how the vibe of the team became sour after their last encounter with Wizard Dunn.

So this time, if they could successfully have their revenge by killing Abel, things would definitely turn for the better. They didn’t have to think about Wizard Dunn because he was on the Holy Continent. Also, as long as Abel didn’t join the lightning kin, there just wouldn’t be that much trouble if they decided to go after him. Of course, they had no idea that Abel had his own identity card now. If Wizard Godwin knew, he would’ve dropped the idea before it came out of his mouth.

Wizard Emir tried to remind, “So you’re planning to go now? Annual City has its own defensive circle, you know.”

Wizard Gowin replied in confidence, “It’s still a small city, you know. I don’t think killing a rank sixteen wizard isn’t going to be that much trouble.”

Wizard Emir shook his head, “Sure, whatever. Just try to live and come back.”

Wizard Emir was really starting to hope that he was younger. He didn’t think that these things mattered that much to him now, especially when there were just so few years left for him. As he closed his eyes, he began to reminisce about the years that he spent in his career.

Wizard Godwin sighed as he left the hall, “What happened to the old captain...? I thought he was more driven than this.”

He was very careful about what’s about to come next. Now that two brothers had died, he decided to bring a rank seventeen Wizard Masin to Annual City. Wizard Masin was the fifth of the team now, by the way. He was the only one available to go after the wizard since the other wizards all had their own thing to do.


As for Abel, he didn’t know that there was going to be trouble coming very soon. After returning to the yard of the city lord’s estate, he met an advanced wizard who wanted to greet him in the meeting room.

Wizard Julian said with a smile, “Wizard Abel! By using the super teleportation circle to the central continent, you have successfully become a member of the Stan Empire. If you would come to join us who are from the Land of the Ice Frost, we’ll make sure that you get the best material that’s available at hand.”

Something about that Julian said didn’t sound right. If everyone that was teleported from Annual City was a member of Stan Empire, then everyone from the eighteen continents to the west would, by that logic, become members of the Stan Empire.

Abel rejected Wizard Julian’s hypocritical smile, “I have my own concerns, Wizard Julian. You’ll have to excuse me!”

“You might be protected by many when you were raised on your previous continent, Wizard Abel, so being an advanced wizard would be considered strong by the standards there. This, however, is the central continent. There are a lot of advanced wizards here and many dangers. I would suggest you find an organization to join if you want to guarantee your wellbeing.”

Despite keeping a straight smile on his face, Wizard Julian was starting to sound quite threatening. Abel couldn’t help but frown at the remark. He wanted to talk to a wizard from the Land of Ice Frost, not some thug who made a living by threatening those with a different opinion.

A wizard came in with a long staff in his hand, “Hey! Hey, you! You from the Land of Ice Frost, you say? Listen, I’m from the Valley of the Raging Flame. Do I need your permission if I want to speak with Wizard Abel here?”

The servants didn’t know what to do. They weren’t in a position to stop an advanced wizard from doing anything, so they just decided to let the advanced wizard come in.”

Wizard Julian started to sound very cold, “That’s not very nice of you, Wizard Carnegie. I thought the Valley of the Raging Flame had more discipline than coming to our turf.”

Wizard Carnegie said tauntingly, “Your turf? You’re saying you own the entire Annual City now? Does that mean you own the Land of the Ice Frost?”

Wizard Julian spoke back, “I think the Valley of the Raging Flame stretches its hand too much, Wizard Carnegie. Wizard Abel was appointed by our elders directly. I would implore you to not cause too much unnecessary trouble for yourself.”

Wizard Carnegie spoke sharply, “Oh, is that so? Our elder also wanted Abel. So what are you going to do about it?”

“Very well,” Wizard Julian smiled, “I challenge you to a duel. The winner will get to decide where Abel is going to do.”

So Abel was a prodigy. The two sides would do whatever they could to win him over. They would try their best to make sure that he joined their organization.

Abel was looking quite dismayed, “I’d like to think that I’m the one to decide, you two. Actually, can you not fight here? Go somewhere else if you want to make a mess.”

It didn’t matter what wizard organization they belonged to. Abel just couldn’t accept the fact that they didn’t consider what he thought.

After hearing what Abel said, Wizard Julian and Wizard Carnegie just stopped arguing and looked at Abel together. They didn’t think that a newcomer would be so blunt towards the representatives of two wizard organizations.

Wizard Carnegie sounded much angrier than Julian, “You think you’re so high and mighty now, don’t you, Wizard Abel? I’ll get this straight for you in case you can’t yourself: if we can’t have you on our side, no one can!”

As soon as he said so, a white light appeared from Abel’s feet towards his head. A golden magic ball appeared right on top of his head. A lightning chain spell rune then appeared in the middle of his two hands. They were already being activated when the other two noticed. This was the city lord’s estate. He was allowed to cast spells in his own room.

“Lightning!” Wizard Carnegie screamed in shock. He didn’t even dare to use his defensive spells because he was literally just too close to Abel. There just wasn’t enough distance for him to escape from the “lightning chain.” He didn’t want to waste his precious items like this. Actually, he was really starting to regret his decisions. If he knew that Abel had the ability to conjure lightning, he would’ve never tried to be so upfront with him.

By the way, he was also a rank sixteen. This was the rank where a lot of things would be assigned to him by the Wizard Organisation. He’d only have the permission to call for his seniors if things became too much to handle. Things like eliminating evil knights, for example. It was the same for Wizard Julian. Most of their time was spent sorting out matters within the Wizard Organisation.

Wizard Carnegie quickly raised his hands, “Put those spells away, Wizard Abel. Please, it was just a misunderstanding!”

Wizard Carnegie didn’t come to make an enemy of Abel. The Valley of the Raging Flame sent him over to form a good relation, one that was good enough to get a new recruit into the organization. He wasn’t ready to see an angry Abel that was ready to attack him at any moment. It was kind of the same with Wizard Julian. Abel’s information showed that he was a genius. He was only a little less than twenty. Since he came from the subcontinents, the two organizations decided to send out men to persuade him into joining their groups.

If there was anything wrong with the way they’ve been trying to win him over. If buying him didn’t work, they would try to threaten his safety. This would usually work if Abel was a regular wizard that came from the subcontinent. It was hard to go against an entire organization in a new land. This was different, though. His power exceeded their imagination. Besides, he was an advanced wizard with the talent to conjure lightning.

Wizard Julian said calmly, “Since you possess the ability to use lightning, Wizard Abel, I suppose I should show more restraint. Yes, that’d be the right thing to do. I have to ask, though, are you really willing to become an enemy of two wizard organizations as soon as you arrive at the central continent?”

Wizard Julian thought differently to Wizard Carnegie. While Wizard Carnegie was afraid of Abel’s talent and current strength, he was more concerned with having to face off a potentially powerful opponent in the future.

Wizard Carnegie tried to make things clear, “Hey, hey! Wizard Julian, you can’t speak on behalf of the Valley of Raging Flame! I’m not dumb, you know. Stop trying to manipulate me with your words!”

He then turned towards Abel, “Wizard Abel, I am very sorry for my attitude towards you then. Please, whether you join the Valley of Raging Flame or not, we’d like to become friends with you.”

Wizard Julian’s face looked even more bitter. He got Wizard Carnegie over to pressure Abel, not have him choose who his favorite was. Actually, he was quite scared of Abel’s lightning spells, too. If it was just him facing Abel, he didn’t think that he would want to stand off against him.

Abel bowed as the spell runes in his hands vanished, “I accept your apology, Wizard Carnie. Here, I wish to be friendly towards the Valley of Raging Flame, too.”

Abel wasn’t afraid of creating enemies, but he knew it was better to make more friends. Wizard Carnie just happened to have a bit of attitude. He had no reasons to get too personal.

Abel’s voice sounded a bit cold, “I just arrived at the central continent, Wizard Julian. I don’t want to make enemies out of any forces, but I’ll get this straight: if anyone tries to treat me like an enemy, I’ll treat them as my enemies.”

It was getting kind of irritating for Abel. He didn’t think that he’d be threatened so many times during the day.

Wizard Julian stood up as he couldn’t care any longer, “Please, Wizard Abel! Consider what the Land of the Ice Frost has to offer!”

Wizard Julian was really starting to regret having given Abel the attitude just then. His mission might just fail because of this. The Land of Ice Frost never looked at how things were done. They were a very result-oriented group. If he didn’t get things done this time, it was going to be a strike to his record and a minus to the points of his group.

Even after the two wizards left, Abel still had a very sour look on his face. It had been a while since he faced this much pressure on the Holy Continent. He was starting to think that it was a bad idea to stay at Annual City. Because of what he was doing here, other organizations already came to him because they thought that he hadn’t joined any organizations. More importantly, what he was doing was sending out the false message that he had no background. His status as a subcontinent wizard also made him appear inferior to the wizards of the central continent. It would be more helpful if his wizard crest could show his grandmaster blacksmith’s status. Maybe he would be treated differently if that was the case.

All the mistakes came from one unconscious bad decision, so it seemed. When he decided to stay at Annual City, these things were just bound to happen.

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