
Chapter 1761 A Stupidly Strange World

Chapter 1761  A Stupidly Strange World

They are really cutting it close by going out now.

But what can they do?

According to His Majesty\'s secret Spies, they must leave immediately or else a catastrophe will befall the people of Mirvanna.

The more they listened to his majesty Landon, the more shocked they were at the existence of such a small mysterious continent protected by nature against outsiders.

Have you forgotten what the sailors call the space between the calm waters and the turbulent Mirvanna waters?

Death Line!

That\'s the name.

From their estimation, this Death Line spans miles and miles across the ocean.

There, the waters can split a human in half from impact alone.

The waters could crush ships, and even metal ships like theirs would get deformed and mercilessly spat out should they dare venture in.

Again, Landon had to ask what the God or Goddess of this world was thinking.

Why create so many strange things and places?

In Zalipnia Romian, there\'s a waterfall that flows backward, defying gravity.

In Land of the Hills, Gregory\'s home in Zohl, there are hills that switch locations, as though one was moving a dial.

The hills move on their own, causing many outsiders and tourists to get lost.

Just marking such places won\'t take you anywhere.

In Soma, Omania, there are strange and deadly winds that chase one with spite. These tornado winds that are fueled by the excessive heat and nature\'s bizarre likeness, cause troubles wherever they go.

In Czar, Romain, and other Romain territories, the winters are also north winter tornadoes that carry away livestock and people for miles and miles before dumping them somewhere.

On the streets, there are sturdy trees, chest-high fences and blunt-edged poles strategically placed so everyone can strap themselves if a winter tornado is on its way.

The people there walk with ropes during winter as though ropes were smartphones.

Even the noble ladies and men had ropes of their own though they were made to look more stylish.

Carriages in these places were designed uniquely, and their wagons had special features to aid their cause.

But don\'t think the outside world is the only place where one can find strange phenomenons.

Pyno had its own quirkiness too.

In Carona, there is a peculiar lake that spits out bubbles that taste like candy during Fall.

Don\'t think he hasn\'t tried looking for some scientific explanation to understand it.

Sadly, there isn\'t.

It is too unconventional and unbelievable!

In Yodan, there is a cliffside that has peculiar cave openings high up in the air.

One would of course need to scale and rock climb the haggard straight cliff to reach these caves.

But here was the thing.

The cave openings are only visible during the pique periods of summer.

It\'s as though these openings close on their own, refusing to reveal themselves any other time.


Weird, weird, weird…

Landon has given up on relying solely on science.


Do you think it\'s normal for people to have visions about him?

Do you think it\'s normal for something like the Holy Core to exist?

Do you think a place like Death Line is scientific at all?

More importantly, do you think his existence in this world alone made sense?

There were too many miraculous sites located around the world.

And Landon was sure that even in Veinitta, Tenola, Morgany, Dania and Lampe, there should also be crazy phenomenons no one can explain.

His focus now was on Mirvanna, this mysterious small continent.

It might be small, but according to the information given by the system, it was the richest in the world in terms of resources.

It seems that when the Gods chose to enclose them, they ensured these people had all the resources they needed.

Landon was just glad that he was the one to make first contact with these people.

Imagine if the Morgs reached them first?

Say no more!

Once it\'s clear how rich their lands were and how small in size their continent was, these Morgs, like colonialists, would enslave them all without mercy.

Never doubt the genius of man and the intelligence of Medieval people.

Truthfully, Landon felt that the reason planes and other flying devices had not been created yet was because no one saw the real benefits of it.

What do humans do? They solve problems.

To the Morgs, once they know Mirvanna does exist, the Death Line itself would be seen as a true major problem.

From there, don\'t you think they will search the world for talents who can brainstorm and create a flying device of their own?

Sure, it might take decades and even a century for the prototype to ever come into existence.

Once they understand the principles of flight, you best believe they would drop in their knights and warriors like crazy.

To be honest, Landon was a little scared of how insanely intelligent these medieval people were.


Back in modern times, if you teach a child something, they will forget within a week if they don\'t read it again.

But have you ever visited the classrooms in Baymard? Most students there have near-eidetic memory abilities.

That is… the people of this era have trained their brains so hard from birth that they can recall a conversation word for word like scouts and assassins reporting to their masters.

They can recall everything they see, explaining it in detail like artists painting a flower.

Quite frankly, it was intimidating.

This was why the failure rate was very low for many after the first year in school when they finally adjusted.

Even those who have Pyron as their second language, come here and excel like crazy.

Again, Landon had to wonder what made modern people dumber.

Is it because everything is handed to them that they\'re stupider?

Is that it?

Because babies in modern Nursery schools take time to learn their ABCs and other words in coloring books.

But Landon found that even children born within these years in his Baymard could learn super fast and had already understood and finished their yearly school programs and courses by half a semester.

That is… before the next semester, they were already done.

Some even questioned if people that used 2 semesters to finish it all were retarded.

It was because of their shrapnel brains that honestly, Landon had to start teaching Roma and other languages in nursery school.

Sometimes, he also introduced pottery classes and other useful skill classes just to keep them occupied with their brains active.

No joke, these children were scary.

And Landon noticed that even if he used modern planning and teaching, he had to readjust everything knowing that the people in this era were like sponges sucking in information.



Landon felt everyone in modern times would be ashamed if they knew.


Even he felt ashamed of his former self.

The people in this world were smart but needed the right sort of motivation (problem).

As he said, they might be able to one day create sustainable flying devices of their own should they know that Mirvanna exists.

They need a problem for a solution to erupt.

Before his metal ship, many were okay with the current ship technology, which he felt they shouldn\'t be.

They haven\'t even created a ship\'s steering wheel, so why get comfortable?

To be honest, Landon felt their technological slowness came from the fact that there were too many.

Peculiar monsters, as well as the many Mythical and unexplainable things in this world.

Do you know that till today, a large chunk of Morgany\'s research money is spent on Boggle elimination?

As people who rule the seas, their problems come from the giant creatures roaming the place.

These whales (boggles) aren\'t the same as those back on Earth.

They were tougher and had many unique features too, like the 2-horned boggle that can destroy a ship from below

Morgany has lost too many ships and resources in the hands of these boggles. So excuse them for not having the time to research other things when a major problem was still staring them in the face.

This world had many strange and peculiar sites and beings that helped slow down technology\'s growth.

Why do you think he was sent here?

According to the system, this planet, Hertfilia, was way behind the technology tree.

They should already be in the interstellar era according to how it was planned.

But they were still here stuck in Medieval times, fighting all sorts of creatures and themselves.

The gods might have realized how much they messed up things by creating so many giant predatory creatures and peculiar sites that made humans focus more on hunting and survival than technology.

For tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of years, the cycle repaired itself.

Understand that these people stayed within the caveman era for 50 times longer than intended.

It\'s TRUE.

It seems that the Holy Core might not be the only help given to them over the era.

After initially waiting for heaven knows how long, the gods gave visions to humans on how to freaking move into the next stage and how to at least keep their population alive from the many giants.

They did do so for another insanely long period.

Then the Gods couldn\'t stand it any longer, choosing to send the Holy Core down.

Don\'t think the battle was immediate.

It took several more years for humanity to squash a majority of giant monsters.

From there, they focused on technology.

But do you know that millions of years have gone by before they had their peace?

This was why he, Landon, was here.

To freaking speed things up!

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