
Chapter 1713 A Big Change!

She was like a Superman cleaner with how swiftly she did the job. 

She finished 3 minutes before the doorbell at the gates rang. 

Rushing to the device at the entrance hallways into her homes she quickly pressed one of the buttons and spoke into the device.

"Hello? Dad? Brother? Is that you? Press the first button to respond."


Outside, many people were taken aback after hearing the voice echo from the gates. 

What is this?

Many people had sweaty hands, feeling very anxious to touch the buttons. What if they touch the wrong one?

It took a lot of courage for Earl Clifford to press the button with shaky hands. 

"Yes, yes... it\'s us."

[Alright. I\'ll be letting you in now. When you hear the buzzing noise, open the side door and enter.]


A loud buzzing noise went off as Raven said, and all 11 people rushed into the house, afraid that once the buzzing noise stopped, they won\'t be allowed to enter anymore.

Who can blame them for thinking so? No one has ever seen such technology in their lives!

As for Raven, the device on the wall was pretty convenient for her. 

She felt this was one of the best things to ever exist since it made letting in her guests a piece of cake even if she was in the shower.

Raven and many people in Baymard thought this technology was amazing and the best of its kind.

But how could they know that what they had was just the beginning of Landon\'s goal for the ultimate home security?

If they were already so excited about this, Landon began wondering how they would react when they get Gate cameras that allow them to see their guests.

Either way, Raven felt it a breeze to use such technology. 

Additionally, there were several bonus points for it too, like the fact that if someone tried to move the outside device box without all 3 passwords only she knew, it would instantly send a signal to the company that makes these items, who in turn will contact the police of a possible robbery.

Don\'t even think of dismantling it because the police response time was also insanely good. 

It was like calling 911. 

They will appear before your doorstep with backup and weapons to check if the situation is good on your end. 

What\'s more, the small answering and listening device outside the home was built into the wall. 

All you need to do is press the buttons that extend out of the wall. 

There are no keypads or anything like that, just a buzzer button to alert the owner of one\'s arrival and another button to reply when they hear Raven\'s voice. 


"Dad! Little Gugu! Uncles!"

Raven welcomed everyone in, despite their shocked expressions when seeing her acknowledge the bodyguards. 

\'At happened to my daughter while staying here?\'

\'What happened to my sister? Usually, she is very mean and rude.\'

\'Is the little miss sick? Or else why would she bother talking to us?\'


Words couldn\'t describe how shocked they were. 

Could this be the effect that many claimed Baymard had on others? 

Earl Clifford was a little uncomfortable with such a daughter. 

Don\'t blame him for being so since she has always been haughty for as long as he could remember.

She used to break things just to get slaves punished.

At times he did worry about her but felt she had every right to be mean and could do whatever she wanted since she had a powerful backer by her side, him, her father.

It was only after she grew past the age of 10 that his worries grew increasingly by the day. 

If she developed a purely vicious nature, who would marry her? 

A man needs a virtuous and understanding wife to help him run the family while he is away doing war duties, risking his life to ensure they have food on their plates.

Even if that man isn\'t a knight but a merchant, store owner Scholar, or any other prestigious worker, a good woman is necessary to keep their sanity in check. 

Everyone knows there is no such thing as a \'good woman,\' but at least, they wanted one close to the bargain. 

All noblemen were also once young boys who grew up in the courtyards of their mothers, while their fathers had many wives. 

No matter how they pretend to be clueless, all men knew the truth and cruelty of women in their harem.

Occasionally, they did see some women who seemed so innocent they could be pure white sheep. 

This made them blindly protect the woman against the others in the backyard, only to find out decades later that the so-called innocent woman was pretending all along. 

But although men have fallen into this trap several times, they still continue to fall into it willingly.

Once you understand that there is no such thing as a good woman, it becomes an obsession to have such a unique woman, so much that they are willing to be deceived just for it.

Earl Clifford was panicked that with how blatant his daughter was, no man with clear intentions would want to marry her. 

His daughter was so ignorant that she didn\'t even learn how to hide her true nature before guests and outsiders.

This much as a father, worries him. 

In his case, Clifford has always been blessed with having sons.

He had 9 sons before Raven\'s birth. So imagine how thrilled he was to have a daughter. 

Many thought he was insane for praying for a daughter so much but he just wanted one. 

He wanted a cute girl he could carry about and tease. 

Don\'t think boys are all great!

He used to think so too, until he had too many of them.

That\'s right, he Earl Clifford felt boys were just too much trouble!


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