
Chapter 1463 Fishing Them Out

Chapter 1463 Fishing Them Out

Make camp!

Very quickly, Henry\'s men found a suitable location, and without delay, they cued over while eliminating their tracks.

Carriage tracks weren\'t easy to eliminate, though they would take some time to fade out.

If this were a muddy or cold period, doing this would be easy. But in this dry heat, their tracks were bolder on the forest floors and grass.

~Clang. Clang.

The wagon constantly clashed with the floor, creating a subtle silence within the carriage.

No one said a thing, waiting until they found a good campsite.

But even though their mouths were sealed, their minds were quick at work.

Mad people!

Why were their actions so different all of a sudden?

Henry frowned. \'Are they finally ready to come out of the shadows and reveal themselves to the peasants? Could this be a sign that they are about to start phase 2 of their Crusade?\'

Henry had a bad feeling churning in his gut.

Based on their initial and, they were to split up not too far away from here, with some heading towards a certain corner on the far left of the city, while the other group would enter Whitepold city under the guise of doing a routine check.

Dan\'s face was purple from rage. "Your majesty, we can no longer send our men in. It would be suicide!"


Every now and then, his majesty would always send his people to do routine checks in all cities, towns, and villages. So it was normal and not out of the ordinary for Henry\'s men to enter the city.

And based on the way the enemy had always acted, they should indeed continue their pretense, operating in the shadows.

But now, things have changed!

It was more evident that a traitor was in the midst, seeing as the note said the guards in the city had doubled and the enemy was planning to execute them the moment they stepped into the city publicly.

So how can Dan not panic?

Cold sweat formed on Dan\'s forehead.

The enemy had truly caught them on guard. Luckily, it wasn\'t too late to make things right.

Again, the place where the first group planned to camp would also be a massacre sight if they dared to step in.

Fortunately, their scouts had passed the message before they could enter dangerous waters in this vast forest.

So far, they hadn\'t seen any enemy scouts because they were still too far off.

All in all, fate was on their sides, or else wouldn\'t his majesty Henry die too young and too fast?

Maybe the realism why the enemy was ready to go all out was because they heard Henry was here.

Such a temptation was enough to pull them out of the shadows.

With Henry dead, not only would the throne be available for grabs, but the rules and laws in Deiferus could be switched back to the old ways.

Women controlled and kept in their places, devil children thrown away before they grew up onto disasters, peasants kept in their place, slave trading brought to life, human rights bullish** coming to an end... All these would take place.

And they, the noble council members and forces, would once again reach their high stage where they initially belonged.

What were they fighting for if not for these all?

Their cause was just and noble.

And they wouldn\'t believe it any other way!


Like so, Henry and his forces deviated from their original path, making a U-turn for a long while before branching into the Campsite found far away from the forest trails.

One by one, they guarded their campsite.

Some climbed the bushy trees with arrows in their hands, while others headed out to hunt, gather water, and do the other necessary deeds.

Of course, there were also a selected few that went back towards the roads and the far distance ahead as scouts.

If anyone should attempt to infiltrate the camp, their task was to spot them from a distance and report the matter A.S.A.P!

But for these tasks, only Henry\'s most trusted, who had been with him from the start, could do them.

Stepping off the carriage, Henry narrowed his eyes at the many men dangerously.

For this matter, he wasn\'t here alone.

Accompanying him were 5 commanders and a few of their forces too.

It can be said that within the next 2 weeks, more people from everyone\'s forces would keep on pouring in as the battle progressed.

A real battle could take up to a year if need be.

But in a standard place, to lay siege on this massive city, Henry had estimated 2 weeks at most, given the many generals and legions under each commander.

However, with the enemy seemingly knowing of their arrival, the battle might drag on for 2~3 months if the enemy also had forces pouring in from all winds of direction too.

Henry\'s eyes moved dangerously.

The possibility of having the traitor under his camp was slim. It\'s most likely that one or even more of his dear commanders were traitors.

But seeing that the traitor hasn\'t acted meant they are currently outnumbered by Henry and his men.

Thus, they dared not act yet.

To be sure, he only trusted those in his team who had been with him from the very start.


In a flash, the tents were set up, and all leaders headed towards Henry\'s tent.

"Your majesty, what\'s going on?"

Everyone already had a hunch but wanted to get a confirmation on matters.

Henry didn\'t act suspiciously, calmly sitting cross-legged on the ground.


His voice was calm and surprisingly mighty.

Sure enough, he was a different person from the weakling he started as.

Since when did his majesty become this intimidating?

You look at me; I look at you.

The Commanders and their aides all followed his actions, also looking very majestic.


Henry inwardly smiled with a strange degree of cruelty at heart.

His commanders better pray they weren\'t linked to this matter, or... Heh...

Henry\'s anger was no longer quenchable!

Elroy and Dan were also taken aback, realizing how dangerous Henry\'s voice was.

This was the first time they had seen him like this.

The duo looked at each other beautifully with smiles in their eyes.

How would their young monarch handle these old goonies?


It was time to fish out the traitor!

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