
Chapter 1025 - Petty Distractions

Chapter 1025 - Petty Distractions

"Hahahhahahah! I told you.

They should be scared silly now!"


In this way, we can finally get out of here.

It’s just that something doesn’t feel right.

I still have this uncomfortable feeling in my heart."

"Well, it’s normal for them to still think of a way to take us down.

So of course you’d feel like that.

Provided we still have the black powder with us, they won’t be able to do much.

Trust me. When have I ever been wrong?"


Both Primates spoke calmly while still vigilantly keeping their eyes on their surroundings.

Presented, they were halfway out of the formation as their sh.i.p.s sailed through the paths created for them.

They who were at the center, had to move past the already infiltrated perimeters of the formation.

One could imagine their formation as an 8-layer ring... With the 8th layer being the innermost layer.

Presently, those on the 5th to 8th had created a straight path, with everyone trying to flee from there.

And, as they fled, the Baymardians on the 1st to 4th line infiltrated Dragia sh.i.p.s, watching them leave carefully... Or at least that’s what the Primates and the rest thought.

While some of the Marines distracted them by gritting their teeth and pointing their weapons at them viciously, other Marines slowly submerged from the water and began combing the dragia sh.i.p.s.

They dared not climb any centre sh.i.p.s for fear of being discovered.

With the Navy watching everything, they repeatedly got instructions on where to go.

And coupled with the marines on the other enemy sh.i.p.s who controlled and distracted, no dragias were looking down.

They hadn’t seen any Baymardians jump in and swim towards them.

So how could that be possible?

"Damn you, Dragia sc.u.m!

How is this fair?

You come over here, bully us and what to leave?

If you have the guts, stay where you are!!"

"How did you all get so much black powder?

Why did you all bring so much here?"

"It’s not fair! Are we just going to watch them leave?"

"Sigh... What else can we do?

Can’t you see that they have such godly weapons with them?"

"Why do they always want to bully our poor empire?

What did we ever do to them?!"

"Dammit! Now that I look at them, they seem very terrifying.

And coupled with their weapons and strength, how are we supposed to win?

Could it be that their God truly is powerful?"

The marines continued to act weak and gritted their teeth unwillingly, making the Dragias even more confident in their escape.

Son marines even acted vulgar as if they couldn’t take this blow.


I knew it! Even with their big sh.i.p.s, they are nothing more than that.

Those sh.i.p.s are only big for the purpose of transportation.

So we have nothing to fear!"

"Just look at them? Truly rubbish!

Now, I don’t even know why we were terrified in the first place."


It even looks like they don’t dare release those beasts anymore."

"Heh. With the amount of black powder we have, those mysterious creatures would be blown away in a heartbeat."

"That’s right! Dragmus is always with us. So what do we have to fear?"


As usual, the Dragias were at it again, praying Dragmus for his protection.

They had given their full attention to the Baymardians currently pointing those black sticks called tasers at them.

They dared not take their eyes off these people, or else they could end up miserable without knowing it.

But they failed to notice that just below them, several Baymardians were climbing up from the corners of their sh.i.p.s.


Down below at the front of the enemy ship leading the formation away, Jishi, who was on his first mission, couldn’t help trembling while climbing upwards.

’I can do this... I can do this... I can do this...’

Jishi continuously gave himself pep talks while slowly advancing behind a few veterans.

The gang climbed up amidst the crazy commotion made by their comrades.

And soon, they were almost at the top.

They instantly froze, waiting for the signal.

Meanwhile, a few hidden marines on the enemy sh.i.p.s quickly communicated a few words to the Navy.

And when all climbers had been reported to have reached certain positions, all battlesh.i.p.s fired pink smoke bombs high in the sky at once.



What was all this?

The dragias subconsciously looked up at the pink smoke in confusion and anxiousness.

And in these split seconds of confusion, the marines on the sidelines calmly shot at these dragias.

"It was a trap! It was a trap. Take cover!!"

The moment the dragias at the edge of the sh.i.p.s backed away, the climbers revealed themselves and got onto the decks.


The dragias looked at these people like ghosts.

When did they get here?


They had been fooled!

"Kill them! Kill these sons of b**ches!"

~Peeup! Peeup! Peeup!~


The climbers used their silencers to do the job, killing quietly.

In the meantime, those who were just previously watching from the sidelines all jumped in, joining the action.

And because the situation was urgent, they started throwing the barrels of black powder onto the waters.

~Plop. Plop. Plop.~

In they went.

These things were just time bombs waiting to go off.

So they had to diffuse the issue fast!


Jishi joined the veterans, carefully taking his time and making his first kills.

But when he finally got to the last level where the slaves were, he was met with a very tricky situation.

The veterans, although taking the matter seriously, stepped back a bit, giving him a few other rookies the opportunity to handle the matter.

Of course, the veterans were already coming out with countermeasures and would never let things go wrong.

Jishi’s hands trembled slightly as sweat quickly filled his palms.

What should he do now?

He gritted his teeth and coldly looked at the enemies before him.

"Let go of the hostages now!"

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