
Chapter 966 - Missing Captain

Chapter 966 - Missing Captain

Four-Fingers clenched his fists in anger as he quickly organized the people before him.

With the Captain gone, their entire lives would change either for the better or worse.

Their captain, Quick Eyes, was indeed a cruel demon feared by all.

Some of them had never heard him speak in their lives.

He only spoke to the First mate and the rest of his most trusted aides.

And they, in turn, would get things done.

In fact, only when necessary would he speak to the crew members... And that was about 3 or 4 times a year.

Of course, just like the situation now, many people were typically out on missions, at the base or even in headquarters when he spoke.

So some had never heard his voice.

Nonetheless, they had heard that it was terrifying.

Their Captain was a man who never yelled, but somehow always spoke calmly in his rage, giving off a very domineering aura that made the crew shiver from fright.

Their Captain was amongst the top 10 pirates, who has worked his way to the top, slaughtering, stealing and kidnapping and doing missions for the Organization when necessary.

Not to mention that the number of people he had killed, as well as his legend, was enough to make others respect them.

That’s right

With his reputation, no one dared to go against their crew members when they saw their famous Sh.i.p.s that all had images of snowy mountain lions carved into its front.


One should know that in the organization, all pirate sh.i.p.s had the same flag.

It was black with 3 skulls on it, arranged in a triangular manner.

Travellers that saw the flag instantly knew what it meant.

Of course, if anyone ever impersonated a pirate, they would just be digging their graves because when they meet the countless pirates stationed around the waters, their fake identities would also be revealed.

All pirates had their approved doc.u.ments that proved that they were pirates.

Again, one shouldn’t forget that all pirate Captains typically got ranked bi-yearly.

Without a doubt, the ranking used their pirate names rather than their real names.

And even though the organization hid their real names, the ranking list was never hidden since headquarters circulated them out to different empires and continents.

They did so to instill fear in others, as well as to tell many that if they dared to move any of the pirates, they would end up at the bottom of the sea.

That’s why even though many might not have seen the faces of these pirates, they knew their names right off the bat.

People knew of Whitebeard and all his glory, but not his real name or his origin.

The same could be said for every other Pirate Captain on the list.

This list ranked ALL pirate captains, whether they just became Captains or had been one for decades.


Additionally, there was another list that ranked the most powerful and promising subordinates.

Of course, this list didn’t have all pirate subordinates since there were thousands and thousands of them.

Only the most formidable, feared and deadliest were ranked on the list.

And just like the case with the pirate Captains, to make that list meant that one had too many accomplishments under their belt, and their strength was phenomenal.

Some newbies of just a few years in a crew surprisingly made the rankings, which typically showed just how promising they are.

The rankings were done bi-yearly.

So people have enough time to build up their strength.

In short, the pirates were fully covered by the organization.

This was also why they could take over some islands close to some Continents without ever getting attacked over the years.

Who would dare?

Wasn’t that just asking for trouble?

The Organization would undoubtedly hunt the culprit to the end of time.

Plus, the culprits would always be in danger of getting exposed while on land because once the pirates spread the word out, even those on land would be aware of what happened.

There were rewards for anyone who could give left information about the matter.

So without knowing it, many starving or hungry people on hand had become spies who wouldn’t hesitate to give out anything they find and get their rewards.


Anyway, from the pirate organization flags to each pirate having their own registered identities, to the bi-yearly rankings and protection from the organization... Many wouldn’t dare go against the pirates or even impersonate them.

Of course, with every pirate crew having the same general flag, the thing that differentiated them was their seal carved onto the heads of their sh.i.p.s.

Some had images of mermaids, sea creatures, land creatures, and many other things carved on the front of all of their sh.i.p.s.

Those who had ever had a run-in with these pirate sh.i.p.s, would definitely remember who they belonged to.

How could they not?

Four-Fingers ran his hands across his hair with a hint of anxiousness about their current predicament.

One should know that with their Captain’s prestige, they had offended other pirates as well, who were waiting for them to fall.

Yes, it was against the rules for pirates to kill each other.

But the rule immediately becomes void if there’s enough evidence to prove that the pirate being put to death was either a traitor or wanted another person’s life due to some internal conflicts or jealousy.

That rule was all fine and good.

However, that didn’t mean that others haven’t schemed and succeeded.

This is what fears Four-Fingers the most.

What if he got sent to an enemy crew after getting reassigned?

Please... They would undoubtedly make him a slave and might even kill him when the entire crew was facing other enemies, battling massive octopuses and so on.


They might even try to push him overboard when facing very stormy and deadly weather out in the open waters.

So how could he let this happen?


He had to do something, and Fast!

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