
Chapter 472 Code Name: H.W.H.A.P 2

Chapter 472 Code Name: H.W.H.A.P 2

Listening to the events that took place, Lucius was utterly disappointed in it all.

Because it was clear as day that the traitor who had given the man those incriminating documents.... was from the army.

Wasn’t that his main sector?

As a leader, he felt responsible for it all.

He clenched his hands tightly in rage when he thought about how letting such information go out could cause damage to the Baymardians.

Even though it was just information about the list of weapons available, as well as how to prepare the weapons for use before a battle..... it would still take away the element of surprise, as their enemies would now prepare themselves fully before coming at them.


Everyone would know their power eventually, but they wanted that to happen naturally.

Lucius couldn’t wait to find the traitor and skin him alive with his bare hands.

After all the efforts that they had made to come so far, how dare anyone try to sabotage it all?

Greenish veins had already popped on Lucius’ face, as he envisioned himself cutting the culprit into pieces a thousand times.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one who thought this as well.

When both soldiers in the car first got wind of the situation, they truly felt like stumping on the son of a b**ch responsible for the whole situation.

What a Bastard!


As they retold the incident, they felt their bodies get hotter and hotter from rage.... but tried to calm themselves down, so as to get to the crux of the matter.

The Captains also passed several documents to Landon and Lucius, which showed the ’reason’ why the man had come to Baymard.

It started that he had come here for touristic reasons... Which was perfectly okay.

Landon read through everything and went through the entire event again.

"What’s the man’s nationality"

"King-Father Army General Lucius, he’s from the empire of Terique." One of the soldiers replied.


Maybe Nopline is the mastermind then."

"Hmm...maybe Nopline, or other nobles who want power.

Who knows... Maybe this man isn’t even working for anyone in Terique." Landon added.

"True..... Maybe he’s working for another empire even though he’s from Terique."

"That might be the case..... But we’ll only know for sure after further investigations.

Captains!....did he confess to who the traitor in our midst was?"

"No your majesty.

He did not.

Because if he did... I might’ve first killed the traitor before heading towards you both, your majesty."



"Alright... everyone should calm down.

When you tried to interrogate him, did he say anything at all?"

"No your majesty... He kept his mouth shut the entire time while we were there."

"Hmmm... Alright...

How many people actually know the truth of what really happened?"

"Just 9 people.... which includes you both your majesty.

Those who witnessed the scene of the guards taking the man away..... haven’t been told anything yet, so they can only speculate on what really happened there."


Follow all procedures for handling this matter.

I expect the whole issue to be covered up, so as not to alert the traitor."

"But your majesty.... what do we tell the news reporter and the press who are already all over this?"

"Tell them that the man had previously attacked someone and was trying to escape the law in Baymard before getting caught."

"In addition to what his majesty has said, make sure to keep the man’s real identity private too.

Make up a fake name, as well as nationality too." Lucius added.

"King-Father Army General Lucius, then can we use Carona?"


We have a treaty with them and can’t hurt our friendship over this."

In short, since the man is from Terique... and we can’t use Baymard or Carona as a nationality... then we’re only left with Deiferis and Arcadina."

"Well, I prefer that we go with Arcadina as the man’s nationality."

"But your majesty... we say that the man was from Arcadina, wouldn’t there be a fatal flaw in the story?"

We caught the man in the Coastal port, and not in the Landport that leads to Arcadina."

"It wouldn’t matter... because at the end of the day, we have said that the man was trying to escape after harming someone.

So we could also assume that the man was afraid that we would catch up to him once he left Baymard.

So he wanted to get on a ship and make sure that he would be long gone before we realized his crime."

"Ahh.... that makes sense, your majesty."


Also, the press had only flooded the scene after the man had been taken away.

So they only know what the man looked like, based on the information from the observers.

So take advantage of this, and spread out fake information about the man’s looks too.

At this point, no one would really know anything about the man’s looks.... and so if we tell the reporters that the man had blue eyes, of course it would be so.

But for hair colour, since everyone had seen it, then just let it be.

And remember, no one.... not even your girlfriends, wives or best friends should know about it.

Is that understood?’

"Yes, your majesty!!!"


"Anything to add King-Father Army General Lucius?"

"Well, you’ve said it all.

But in addition to that, since we’re trying to interrogate him..... doing so in the port will only raise more suspicions to the matter.

So we need to secretly transfer him to the palace’s dungeons without anyone knowing.

It’s better tranquilize him quietly and take him out.

Remember, the traitor(s) are still within the military.

And since we don’t want the press to know the exact identity and looks of the man, we have to hide him away from the public’s eyes." Lucius said while stroking his beard.

If they wanted to get down to the bottom of this, they needed to do things as stealthily as possible.

Landon also thought that Lucius’ idea made a lot of sense too.

And for the first time, he was truly happy that the cathode ray cameras hadn’t come out yet.

Or else the man’s picture might’ve been taken and placed on the front cover of tomorrow’s newspapers.

Over the years, the reporters had become hunters of news.

It was as if they could sniff out anything newsworthy information from a mile away.


Luckily, the man had already been arrested a couple of minutes prior to the reporters’ grand entrance in the port.



They drove while recounting their next step.... and soon, they had finally arrived at the Coastal Port.

Now, it was time to find out who the traitor was.

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