
Chapter 208

The Man-at-Arms and the local residents fought bravely against the demonic and anti-horse units that attacked.

The priests of Goddess Demera who use the Holy Law and the scarecrows who protect farmland with the blessing of the goddess were mass-produced by fanatical followers to the point of being useless.

The Frostman is dying!

The demons didn\'t specifically come to rob crops but at their point the demons were already frostmen who came to rob precious crops.

Besides power isn\'t just a scarecrow.

Chunshik what!


The serfs who remained in the pantheon. They were forcibly charged by the highest-ranking Demera priest Choi.

Shackled by Tatar the god of heaven and judgment they cannot disobey the orders of their senior commanding authority. That is what makes them display semi-compulsory bravery. Above all-

[Grail Knight Gratas\' ‘How to catch a giant with serfs\' grants a buff to serfs.]

- Increases ATK against half horses by 157.777%.

-Attack against demons increases by 101.666%.

The Holy Grail Knight Lord Gratas\'s Bible kept in the Pantheon. ‘How to catch a giant with a serf\' spreads an attack power up buff to all serfs in the field.

1576660 people to hunt half horses.

1017770 people to hunt demons.

A bible that has been handed down from generation to generation since the Grail Knight Sir Gratas and has shared the history of consumption of serfs in Lionheart Kingdom such as the Serf Festival.

Its sacred and lofty power makes the worm meat shield serfs active as quite useful one-hit attackers.

I\'m going to give each one a shot! You worms demon seeds! When you die give me permission and kill you! Otherwise I\'ll kill you prematurely!

Hehehehe...! They\'re more like devils than these devils!

The serfs howled and charged at their own people.

As they died from the swords of their half-horses they left a desperate will.

Never...! Never! Don\'t get caught by them!

Ugh ugh...!

Even though the half-horses slaughtered the serfs they could not abandon their feelings of shame and regret. But that\'s just a very fragmented part.

- Aaaaaaaaaagh!

-stop! sorry! let me go!

-no! No eh eh eh!!

At the same time as their deaths their souls were taken away from their bodies emitting a clear light that could be seen with the naked eye.

The sight of him struggling and struggling not to be dragged away seemed so desperate.

-Three my God...

-What is that.

-Is the soul... sucked in?


But it wasn\'t enough for them to imagine their worst.

Ugh ugh...

Moral bread that occurs in real time. They were plunged into chaos fear and confusion.

If it had been this far they would still have been able to try a tight power battle with Man-at-Arms.

But the bottom of the deep Pacific Ocean. Communication was restored and Yapi who noticed the situation in South Korea reacted immediately.

-At risk. emergency response kit. Call compatible pilots.

-Kick! Giggles (McDelof Hashimura Ohgent\'s response!)

-Kick! Giggles (Glaster Basilisk All-For-One Response!)

The very few knight-level Kikkiruks who still remained in South Korea.

When they responded serving Yacht Spinner as a savior and his faithful subordinates Yapi immediately ejected weapons from the Stealth Strategic Satellite the Space Integrated Arms Platform.

It rushed into the atmosphere in an instant and immediately arrived in front of the two warriors of the Kirk clan——

- Support for Count-level war armament for Yacht Spinner. Pilot No. 13 McDeloff Pilot No. 19 Glaster confirmed.

This is a custom equipment developed for bondi yakt spinners.

Although it is not the largest decisive battle weapon of the Marquis class since compatibility was the focus reinforcements other than Yapi were also considered.


-Kick look!

The latest star iron armament that can be installed in an instant. At the same time unmanned weapons launched together follow the two pilots.

-2 squads of baron class support sub escorts. It goes under the command of the pilot.

An all-around combat escort the baron class followed the two warriors equipped with the war armament of the count class. In an instant they confirmed the anti-horse corps fighting in front of the pantheon.

-Kick! (Initiate maximum firepower projection)

-Kiruruk! (overwhelm)

Baron-class unmanned robots unleashed firepower all at once.

A star iron warhead processed from star iron. and a star iron grenade launcher. Borrowing some of Yapi\'s cutting-edge strong artificial intelligence computing power the Baron-class linked operation demonstrates knight-class potential.


overwhelmed by the pouring firepower. Half-horses who have not even become demons cannot stand in front of this Holy Grenade.

- Aaah! age! My flesh is melting!

-Your soul burns! Who who me...!

A terrible scream echoes among the banmans. But no one can preserve their souls.

Death of the soul that is the most basic punishment the Holy Corps offers to evil.

These guys...!

Hellheart the High Demon of Wisdom and Search gnashed his teeth at the annoying enemy\'s high-tech weapon.

Familiar high-level scientific weapons. If only that it would have been just a little annoying toy.

For them whose very existence is magical high-tech weapons are not compatible.

However most of the corps here are anti-horses with enemies in the body and the weapons they are using are not just high-tech weapons.

Combining hateful sacred technology with troublesome scientific power...!

Because he had destroyed many worlds with high-level scientific civilizations in the past he knew how annoying this combination could be.

But the output is weak! You\'re not even a high-ranking knight do you think you can properly handle that kind of sergeant!

Yes. Unlike the Baron class which is an unmanned aerial vehicle and the Viscount class which is an elite aircraft for special operations the Count class is a war weapon for Yacht spinners.

The energy source for those formidable armaments comes from the Holy Grail Knight Yapi\'s sacred reactor.

Without such an energy source for the Pilot Kikkiruk warriors the Count class could not produce the highest level of potential.

-Kick! (launch heto anchor)

A beam of light pouring from the Count-class aircraft. It was unexpectedly stuck to the serfs in the middle of the battlefield.


“What is this?”

A beam of light suddenly connected to their nape. The serfs\' anxiety was justified.

These Lionhearts are like angels who can\'t help but dismantle the serfs and recycle the iron powder.

- Giggles! (Temporary energy source requisition)

At the same time as he said that something was quickly absorbed from the serf soldiers connected to the beam of light.



Pikpik the serfs who fall down. As if the soul had disappeared from the body...

-Kiruuk! (Soul drain transmission operating. 1.5% temporary power supply)

“······ Eh?”

It purifies evil and uses it as energy. This itself was a method often used in Lionheart.

It\'s because the efficiency is terribly inefficient.

of course.

The serf system itself did not think about efficiency.

If efficiency was considered the serfs would have been given proper armor and weapons. I didn\'t bother to get naked and charge with a dagger.

This a bastard more devilish than this devil...!

“What color is your blood!!”

The serfs screamed and were enraged at the Count-class aircraft that took their souls. But they couldn\'t escape.

Attention Chunshik! Quietly dedicate your soul! Execute!

Under Choi\'s instruction the serfs could not escape and had to suck their souls.

The pilots who stopped the high-ranking demons with baron-class unmanned combat robots entered the battle when they met the appropriate energy.

-Kiruruk! (Energy meets 2.7%.)

-Siege cannon star iron bullet SET.

What was fired at the same time as the set was a pure star iron bullet. A so-called super young and rich bullet for sniping high-ranking demons.

The Count class takes damage just by firing this one shot.

- Kwak!

Siege artillery fire from the air. The high-ranking devil reacted when the Count-class unable to fix the fuselage was shot with a tremendous recoil to the point of being thrown out of the sky.

‘High speed siege gun?!\'

Indeed if it were an ordinary high-ranking demon it would have turned into mush in one shot. But... if you\'re a demon of wisdom and exploration especially if you\'re a candidate for the next great devil-

Numerous protective spells block the front of siege shells. At that moment the souls of a thousand half-horses of the Legion were chosen to use such protective magic but Helheart didn\'t care at all.

- Kaang!

Bouncing siege shells. It was when Helheart smiled in victory.

-puck! Puffer Puck!

The dull crashing sound of something dissolving the six punches. By the time Hellheart noticed it was already too late.

-Kick! Kikkiroouk!

(Plasma Crab Holycutter consumes the souls of 87 serfs to operate)


-My I disappear!

Huge robot claws that look like the iconic claws of the Kkikkiruk tribe. He was holding on to Helheart\'s waist shining with the screams of serf soldiers.

Hey wait a minute—

- Snip!

Hellheart\'s corpse was cut in half and a terrible scream of soul annihilation rang out as he died instantly with star-iron armaments.

The screams and cries of the High Demon were enough to plant moral bread in the entire half-horse army.

-Hey Hellheart is dead!

-Hey the soul... The soul is screaming!

immortality. Seeing the demon the target of all half-horses longing for vanish so easily they no longer had the strength to continue fighting.

- Ha surrender!

- Surrender!

Looking at them Choi and the residents smiled twistedly.

New Chunsik is always welcome!

* * * *

At the end of the battle in Naju there was a mysterious man escaping the pantheon.

As soon as the battle started he escaped from among the tourists who had been pushed into the pantheon to protect civilians.

“The Pantheon has created an amazing weapon.”

[Veteran knight level who can deal with high-ranking demons! If the numbers come together it should be worth dealing with even the Great Devil.]

Is that enough...?

[If there are at least two more machines like that you won\'t be able to compete!]

The man who heard Bo-ok\'s voice... the archmage Raynald Shellman couldn\'t believe it at all.

Even if it\'s just that much it\'s a considerable skill in the human world. Among the demons he is a magical darling that even a few high-ranking demons cannot rub against.

How many mass-produced weapons would he be defeated?

Seriously everything in the Pantheon is amazing.

[More than those things the real thing is the Holy Grail Knight. I never want to face those monsters!]

“I agree with you.”

Raynald hoped that the day he would face off against the Holy Grail Knight would never come. That\'s why he accepted the request from ‘Chaos\' at the moment when the Lion King and the Holy Grail Knights were gone.

Is this... really helpful? It\'s like a simple piece of wood isn\'t it?

Raynald looked at the ‘Gunlar\'s Seedling\' of the pantheon stored in the subspace inventory.

The goal of this pantheon attack. Thousands of half-horse legions and high demons were just bait for this.

[Keukkeukuu... The history of the war between us and Lionheart is deeper than you can imagine.]

And this was the hidden peace that drove Lionheart infested with monster scabs to the brink of destruction.

[Lion Heart King also intended to use this to annihilate us... but I wouldn\'t have known if the new Lord of Chaos hadn\'t taken over the same land as Lion Heart King!]

Certainly the Lord of Chaos of this generation is bold. The reason for choosing the North Korean land that is easy to be discovered at any time was the logic that if this side is easy to attack on the contrary it is quicker to attack first.

But... I\'m fine? Lion Heart King seems to have regained most of his main powers although not as much as he did in his heyday...

Raynald knew the history of the Lion Heart King from the Jewel of Wisdom.

Isn\'t that the monster that killed three monarchs? Among them was the former Lord of Chaos.

It seems that the big supply demon is not even an opponent in terms of force but can you deal with the lion heart king just because the rank goes up one level?

Besides weren\'t there already three monstrous Grail Knights beneath him?

[This is stupid. You can say that because you haven\'t witnessed the power of the monarch.]

They mean evil. cluster of malignancies. It is not a being that can be countered with imperfect power.

Being a demon lord is the pinnacle of pinnacles of holding and shaking the fate of the stars. Beyond the Jewel of Wisdom the Great Demon of Wisdom was convinced that the Fallen Lion Heart King was not an existence that could be matched.

Then... are you going to join them and fight together as they requested? This time a great being will come directly...

I\'m crazy! I\'m not going?!


It was a very consistent demon.

* * * *

A whopping 13 million.

A large-scale raid that raided over 130000 monsters the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Manshinjeon building began to be organized starting with Vulcanus which fell in Seoul.

I am...! I am Vulcanus!!

A gigantic flame wielded by the Holy Grail Knight of Monstrous Strength. Monsters and demon followers are just crumbs swept away by natural disasters.

Vulcanus and the warlords of Yapi who made an emergency sortie were swept away and the knights of the Pantheon who appeared riding a Dominator-class aircraft carrier landed and the remaining troops were quickly organized.

However even after arranging the remaining troops the war clouds within Korea did not disappear.

The defection and death of a large number of North Korean pilots. Terrorism and raids hit the country.

This is because it has become clear that the devil and North Korea are behind the assassination of the president as well as the downing of an air force plane boarded by Mansinjeon.

Although the damage was minimized with a quick subjugation numerous property damage and deaths occurred one after another and the size was too large to pass this as a simple provocation.

The South Korean government immediately retaliated against North Korea with Air Force fighter jets and Army artillery units and President Andong-gil immediately appeared in front of reporters and declared.

December 28 2032 which will be remembered as a day of terrible national mourning. The Republic of Korea was attacked in a despicable surprise by the Democratic People\'s Republic of Korea.

The president listened to several stories and explained how unfair North Korea\'s attack was and how brutal they had been.

And at the end the most terrible thing remained.

They committed the most terrible and inhumane betrayal of attacking their fellow countrymen by joining hands with the devil. This must be a betrayal and deception of all mankind.

We must never allow this. Just as the blood of so many good people was shed for their preemptive strike 82 years ago blood has been shed again for their outrageous acts today.

We believe that we must not only do our best to defend ourselves but also make them pay for their inhumane acts.

And at the end of President Andong-gil\'s gaze there was Leon. A very strong and reliable ally. Korea will be with Lionheart until the end.

Our army and our people with a determined will will inevitably achieve victory! May the gods protect us!

December 29 2032 with applause. Before the new year dawned an official declaration of war was declared.

It was the beginning of the Second Korean War.

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