
Chapter 137: The Final Battle (1)

Here, closest to the sky in the city, dozens of sages trudged by.

“Sages of the Forest the extraction ritual is ready.”

High Priestess Anak greets the Forest Sages while Yappy places a goblet in front of her.

It resembles the Holy Grail but it was forged by Holy Knight Antoine to the last moment of his life.

“The Holy Knight got it right.”

One of the sages of the forest marvels at the chalice forged from the shards of the moon and Gunnar nods in agreement.

“My friend worked iron better than anyone. Now that he has done his part, it is our turn.”

“I know, young tree.”

“We will do our part.”

“Now let those who remain do their part.”

The gazes of the forest sages fell upon Beatrice and Yappy. Then, one by one, they stare at the group.

Beatrice spoke first.

“Lord Yappy and I will support the front lines and stall as long as we can, while Miss Han Ha-ri and the rest of you….”

“I’ll take over the succession of holy objects, and…….”

-rallied to the point of commitment. The main force will join after securing the Moon Grail containing the essence.

Their role is not to change the history of this gate and lead it to victory.

That is a task that no being could accomplish, and they are a supporting cast, not a starring role.

“We shall retire now, Mother Anak…….”

Under Beatrice’s gaze, Anak responded with a benevolent smile.

“May the gods bless you.”

With that, Gunnar turned to watch them leave the temple.

“High Priestess, you know, when we’re done with everything…….”

“We’ll need a divine descent to finalize the essence for the new Grail.”

“Leon has to command the front lines so it will have to be you.”

Anak smiles at Gunnar’s words.

“As the High Priestess of Light and Justice, it’s only fitting. If I can prepare for the future in this small way… it’s worth it.”

Holy Mother Anak Protecia has not lived a life of glorious battles and honorable chivalry like many knights.

She has long lived in the shrine, reading scripture and teaching the Code, even after the Great War with the Demons began.

All she ever did was pray and wait for the bodies of the fallen.

She grieved for the many lives that had been shattered and realized that she could not do as much as her knights but she is relieved to know that she has a role to play in this final war.

She is glad that she can take the place of the Lionheart King for once.

“May the blessings of light and justice be with him.”

The saint prayed for the King who will now throw himself into a harsh fight.

* * * *

It was an endless army of destruction, an endless legion of evil that filled the horizon and beyond.

They built their despicable shrines on the ashes of the burned, and desecrated the last vestiges of civilization.

Empires have crumbled and kingdoms have fallen before them.

Even the land of the Guardians of the Lionheart was down to its last bastion.

Leon watched helplessly as the world threatened to tear apart like a bag of tattered wine.

“Your Majesty.”

“Lord Aren.”

The young knight approached, the son of a friend who had just returned from a mission, faithful to his duty even after hearing of his father’s death, there is a hint of his youthful adversary in him.

“Be proud, Aren. Your father has died an honorable death and gone to the feast of the gods.”


Beatrice and Yakt Spinner, Han Ha-ri and Han Soo-ho, Kim Jae-hyuk and Chun So-yeon.

The past, which could never be reversed, heralded the end of the world, the end of an era of glory and honor.

The inevitable end would be replayed.

With a heavy heart, Leon stared at the assembled soldiers.

The thudding of the enemy’s marching feet filled their ears, and a mixture of emotions filled their eyes.

Horror, fear, helplessness, and despair.

Alas, Goddess.

Master of the Grail, who has given this insignificant creature the Lionheart, who has set the holy sword ablaze.

Here are thy lambs trembling with fear.

Women soothe their weeping children and swallow their tears,

and young men clutch the dying embers of war in their hands,

and knights try to leave seeds of hope in the blood-soaked wilderness.

But you, lord of the holy sword, lance, and chalice.

I know that your first knight will not be able to stop the evil that stretches beyond the horizon.


My Goddess. What shall this foolish knight do?

“Do as thou wilt.”


“My knight. My dear, honorable knight. Your goddess be with you to the end.”

Leon steeled himself.

At the age of twenty, he died and was reincarnated in the other world.

For more than a hundred years, he lived as a knight and a king.

His life was filled with honor and glory, even as it came to an end.

This life was not meaningless.

“Hear, all honorable men.”

In the stifling silence, all eyes in the fortress focused.

Men of kingdoms and empires, elves, dwarves, lizardmen with reptilian scales, tree men entwined with tree trunks, and even fairies who could barely lift a knife.

For this moment, this one moment only, they stared at the Lionheart King in silence.


But the longer the silence lingered, the more the rumbling of the earth pounded loud and clear in his ears, reminding him of an evil army that counting was pointless.

Knowing the terror among them, Leon waited for them to fully recognize it, for they must choose between fear and terror.

“Do you see it?”

His voice was hoarse, as if he’d been shouting for a while, but there was no one who couldn’t hear him.

“Yes, we see it.”

What they see is despair.

The inevitable end, a chaos that knows no bounds, a doom that will bring all things to their knees.

They are mocked as the evil does not cease to humiliate, not even over the ashes that remain after it has killed, destroyed, and burned.

The rumbling of the earth from the untold number of evils that stretched beyond the horizon drowned out Leon’s voice.

The moment they had despaired enough Leon mounted his horse and turned to face his men.

“Do you hear the sound of those wretches who seek to destroy us all?”

He turned to the young knight and shouted.


“Your Majesty…….”

“Rage! Knight Aren, son of Antoine, the glorious Holy Knight of Iron, the honorable knight who slayed the great horned giant of the Darkwood Forest!”


“Warnight Gildus, hero of the Plains of Pelor, and his son Galleon, rage!”

“Gifts of the Empire who defended your citizens from the endless armies of evil! Rage!”

“Noble elven rangers of the Oak Forest! Rage!”

“Armor-breakers of Iron Mountain against fire-breathing dragons! Rage!”

“All honorable men of this age! Why do you not rage, why do you accept insults!”


Leon didn’t bother to stifle the chuckle and scornful sneer that escaped his lips.

“Look at those disorganized beings of chaos!”

“Rage as they deserve, those arrogant ignoramuses with the illusion of victory! Be infinitely angry!”

“They fear us.”

“They fear our spears.”

“They fear our steadfast will.”

“Behold the men of honor gathered upon these walls!!!”

Soldiers and knights stood on the wall. All the survivors looked at each other.

Those who had known each other only by word of mouth across the border realize that they are united under the banner of the Lionheart King.

“They have a false faith. ”

“That our courage will be diminished, that we will betray our brothers, that our dignity will be violated.”

“Weary with fear, we will despair, gripped with terror, waiting for the beast of these men.”

“But my brothers and sisters. Shall we submit to the ordeal today?”

“Life may abandon us, but will we destroy our dignity?”

“Though the seekers of evil may cry doom, shall our honor fall!?”

“No, never!”

“Our purity will not be tainted by their lust, and our honor overwhelms their infamy!”

Leon drew his sword with his right hand and held the Holy Grail in his left.

The Holy Grail was a relic of the goddess who had been with Lionheart since its earliest founders. The brilliant light from the great relic enveloped them, warm as a fire in a fireplace.

“Who am I!”

Dozens blurted out. Tens of thousands remained silent. Leon’s booming voice echoed through the crowd, drowning out their voices.

“Gillingham…! Who am I!”

Gillingham, Holy Knight of Sky and Thunder, answered.

“You’re the living demigod who represents the will of the All-Seeing Eye, and the guardian of the Grail!”

” Loxley…! Who am I!”

Loxley, Holy Knight of the Sun and Judgment, answered.

” You’re the Lionheart King who beheaded the Lord of Chaos, Malus!”

“I am the First Knight of the Goddess, the Lionheart’s Lionheart, and your brother in the last bastion of humanity!”

The terror in the crowd’s eyes began to dissipate as the Grail Keeper did not lose momentum.

“Winter is coming, brothers.”

“But do not tremble, and face the last winter with dignity.”

“For our swords and shields are the cinders of a harsh winter.”

“Burn endlessly until the last ember is extinguished. Burn the last spark!”

“Today we fight here.”

“This shall be their grave, and upon their grave we shall erect our monument.”

“No honor or glory can compare to this!”

“I call my brothers and sisters. Will you join me?”

The shouts of the soldiers rivaled the rumbling of the earth but Leon was not satisfied.

“Will you fight with me?”




A thunderous roar overwhelmed the din.

“Heroes of the world!”

“Have each other’s backs!”

“Tread the path of honor!”

“I, Leon Dragonia Lionheart, will be your sword and shield!”

“I command you to fight to the death, honorable knights!”

“”King Lionheart! King Lionheart!!””

Mankind’s last stand has begun.

[Quest: Survive the The Final Battle]

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