
Chapter 503 - Kyrgyzstan’s Choice (2)

Chapter 503: Kyrgyzstan’s Choice (2)

When Uzbek troops withdrew, border guards dispatched as peacekeepers also withdrew from Kyrgyzstan.

The border guard’s vacancy was now replaced by the Royal Armored Division guards.

Unlike the heavily armed border guards, they were able to approach Kyrgyz residents much more smoothly.

They received the attention of Kyrgyz residents because they were dressed differently than ordinary soldiers. They wore a short round cap, red top, and black pants with a white line on each side of the trouser. The stylish and friendly clothes made them look more like a toy soldier than a real one. Moreover, they only had a pistol and club when they were fully armed. So, they did not look as threatening as military soldiers.

Most of their work was service for public welfare, so they were perceived as a friendly force. They were placed in five populous cities, including the capital, Bishkek.

The one who led the guards was Kabak, the commander of the Royal Armored Division.

At Bishkek, a temporary headquarters for the Royal guards was made.

Kabak had been holding the phone for 20 minutes now.

-Your Highness, we need more food supply. The price of grain has soared.

“We’ve been providing enough food for the Kyrgyz government. What do you mean? They should have enough to last me until the summer.”

-The officials in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry sold it to Tajikistan. There’s a demonstration team who is protesting to punish those who are involved in front of the government building now.”

“What does the government say?”

-The government is powerless without any measures. The officials are only asking me if I can’t send more grain.

“First, let the protesters know that the grain will arrive soon so that they can calm down. If not, I’m afraid there might be a civil war.”

-There are signs of that. Even the citizens who followed the instructions well are so upset that they don’t listen to us anymore. I think there should be a special action.”

“The Queen will visit Kyrgyzstan soon. Until then, could you please comfort the people?”

-It’s dangerous for the Queen to come in at this time. I think we’ll have to delay it a little.

“You have to show up at the worst to have the most dramatic effect. They’ll restrain themselves if Fatima shows up.”

-They’re in the mood to overthrow the government right now and launch a new leader and government. It looks like there’s going to be some bloodshed.

“The bloodshed must be stopped no matter what, or they will end up in a civil war.”

Kyrgyzstan, with a population of only 5.4 million, was also made up of about 80 ethnic groups.

There were 66 percent of Kyrgyzs, 14 percent of Uzbeks, 11 percent of Russians, and the rest were ethnic minorities, with hundreds to as many as tens of thousands. Koryoins were about 10,000.

They would not be a problem if they all lived well, but most were just making the ends meet. Now, with the price of grain jumped by several times, they were all mad at the incapable government and officials.

In this situation, if ethnic conflicts arose in the process, Kyrgyzstan would definitely go into civil war.

“Commander Kabak, even if the Royal guards get injured by the protesters, we have to restrain from attacking them back. Hang in there for a few days. We will mobilize any train to send you food supply.”

-Your Highness, the entire guards are young men. It’s hard for me to control them from getting carried away by the atmosphere.

“Tell them that it’s the order from the Duke. Unless people fight the guards with a rifle, they can’t use force.”

It would be hard for the guards, but Youngho had no choice but to ask them to refrain from using force.

The royal guards were prepared with basic protective gear, so they could withstand violent demonstrations to some extent.

-If it becomes too violent, I will evacuate the Royal guards from the scene.

“That’s up to you. Use your proper judgment. Don’t forget to let people know that the Royal guards are on their side.”

Citizens knew that the Royal guards were on their side to help.

However, if the guards tried to stop their protests, they could change violently. This was because when they were carried away by the mob psychology, they could quickly turn into rioters.

When the royal guards pointed their guns to the public, then there would be no chance for a public vote to be merged with Kazakhstan.

To prevent the worst scenario, Youngho had to hurry to send the grain to alleviate the discontent, and to go to Kyrgyzstan with Fatima ahead of schedule. This could divert the attention of citizens.


Fatima was delighted to hear that the royal family would be visiting Kyrgyzstan.

These days, she enjoyed visiting places because she was quite popular among Kazakh people. They always welcomed her with joy and excitement and thought that it was an honorable event to meet her. Even in Xinjiang Uyghur, where she never visited so far, her popularity was increasing day by day.

“Kyrgyzstan is a foreign country, not Kazakhstan. I hope you don’t get disappointed even if people don’t welcome you as people do in our country.”

“Why would they hate me? Unless you did a terrible thing to them, did you by any chance?”

“What are you talking about? I’m feeding them and mediating their border dispute. I even sent royal guards for their security. They won’t hate you. It’s just that they might not welcome you like in Kazakhstan. Just remember that you’re going there to console the royal guards working hard in a foreign land.”

“Okay. When I go to Kyrgyzstan, I’m going to visit the mosque first.”

“You’re a believer of the Serbian church.”

“I was born in Istanbul and never went near the Orthodox Church. And it was for the Serbians that the coronation was organized by the Serbian Orthodox patriarchs. I didn’t sign up for that.”

“What if your visit to the mosque will be criticized by the Serbian Orthodox Church?”

“What did I owe to the Orthodox Church? In fact, the church should rather be thankful for the royal family. If the royal family believes in a certain religion, it will be a problem for national harmony. I don’t really want to be tied down to one religion.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to follow tradition?”

“You and Leon don’t go to church either.”

“I’ve never had a religion anyway. I’ve been to a temple a few times with my mother when I was young. If I and Leon go to church, will you follow tradition?”

“If it’s a real tradition, you don’t really have to force it, do you? I want the royal family to remain as neutral as possible. That way, we can visit a religious place whether it’s the cathedral or the mosque freely.”

“Why did you think so?”

“The Kingdom of Kazakhstan did not succeed in the Serbian Kingdom. It’s a new dynasty you created. I just became the Queen on behalf of you. That’s why we don’t have to follow the Serbian tradition.”

Fatima was not the one who would disrespect a tradition. It seemed that she just wanted to stay neutral for the sake of the Kazakh people’s harmony.

Youngho was very grateful for her heart. She was not an ordinary housewife, but a queen. She knew that the reality of Kazakhstan where it’s surrounded by Russia and China, the country could only survive through uniting ethnic peoples that were as many as sand grains on the beach.

“Your Majesty’s sincerity will be conveyed to the people. Punish me for behaving recklessly, unaware of your intentions.”

“I can’t let it go just because you are the Duke and my husband. Do as I tell you to do today without a word to pay for what you’ve done.”

“I’ll do as you say.”

“Come to bed right in this moment.”

Fatima enjoyed playing the medieval times with Youngho, that she wanted to continue. However, Youngho had a schedule, so he had to stop there.

“Wait! I don’t think I can right now. I’m going to have a beef barbecue and some Soju with Park Jong-il. Do you want to go, too?”


The queen’s visit to Kyrgyzstan was tumultuous from the time she left the palace.

Kazakh’s state-run broadcaster even broadcasted it live on TV. The residents of the royal territory cheered and waved their hands to the plane as she was about to leave.

It’s just a visit to the royal guards, but the reason that they made such a fuss was to attract foreign media. It was to make it seem that Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were quite close.

If the royal guards were deployed to Kyrgyzstan, it was proof that Kyrgyzstan was just like a federal state of Kazakhstan. Although there was a dispute between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the news that it was dramatically settled by Kazakhstan’s mediation had already been delivered to the world.

After two hours of flying, the plane arrived in Bishkek, escorted by a Kazakh Air Force plane.

At Manas International Airport, media companies were busy covering the queen’s arrival.

“Smile brighter and wave more.”

“My facial muscles are stiffening.”

“Leon, why don’t you wave your both hands?”

“My arms are getting tired. I’m just going to go down.”

Then he walked down on the ramp of the plane.

The diplomatic event had not been started, but the six-year-old prince created a ridiculous situation where he left the plane first.

The crew onboard the plane and the people who waited under the ramp were stunned by his action. Under the ramp were a red carpeting and foreign ministers of Kyrgyzstan and ambassadors from all over the world were also lined up.

“Good grief. I should’ve left him in the palace and brought Jelyan or Rena instead.”

“Phew, please stop. This is rather natural. I’ll take Leon with me if there’s an event like this from now on. The atmosphere is lifted because of him. Look at those people’s faces.”

Youngho could spot Leon running into someone’s arms. It was Commander Kabak, who picked him up. Since Kabak used to work in the royal territory before the revolution, the two were already close.

Although Leon’s protruding behavior ruined the diplomatic event, people had smiles on their faces as the solemnity was broken.

Without showing any signs of panic, the Queen smiled.

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