
Chapter 451 - The Martial Law (3)

Chapter 451: The Martial Law (3)

The meeting with young officers lasted for a long time.

Youngho had a lot to say, but they also had a lot of questions about Youngho.

They wondered why he was spending a huge amount of money into increasing the force and what he hoped for it to be. Similar questions were repeated during the meeting, but the important point was like this.

“What is the ultimate purpose of your preparation for force?”

“Kazakhstan’s neighboring countries are Russia and China. Do you think they’ll stay still when Kazakhstan wobbles? Please be reminded that China has caused a border dispute not long ago. If Kazakhstan collapses, the Arirang Autonomous State cannot survive. You can’t just walk away, can you?”

“I’ll just ask you a question. You have paid such a large sum for the well-being of the autonomous state and Kazakhstan, but don’t you think of a benefit in return? If Kazakhstan is worth it, isn’t there something you want?”

The officer, who was present for the first time today, wanted to know what Youngho was thinking cautiously. It was perhaps natural for a young officer to question.

It was impossible for a stranger to use astronomical amounts of money to protect Kazakhstan.

“As you know, I am from Korea. The reason why I settled down here and made the autonomous state is because of the Koryoin people here. Eighty years ago, when Koreans who were forcibly deported from what is now Vladivostok arrived in Central Asia, they were either starving or on the verge of freezing to death. Then your ancestors gave a warm helping hand to the people of Korea. Even today, the Koryoin people have a strong relationship with Kazakh people regardless of race or religion. I would like to thank you on behalf of them. Does this explain you?”


All the participants seemed to be impressed at this point.

“I can’t say I don’t have any personal greed. I also want to see the Arirang Autonomous State stand tall in the world alongside Kazakhstan. Shouldn’t Kazakhstan be strong enough to do that?”

“In the long run, do you think of the independence of Arirang?”

“I haven’t thought about that yet. I just hope that the prosperity of Arirang will lead to the development of Kazakhstan.”

“We’re embarrassed to see you, duke. We feel like we haven’t been taking care of our country enough.”

“The soldiers are there for the nation and for the people. However, if your country fails to take the right path, the government fails to do its part, and other countries try to cross your territory, you should not be held captive by the status of soldiers. You should gather your thoughts and strength. When the political situation becomes stable and people are able to focus on their livelihoods, then that’s the time you should go back to your normal military routines.”

“It’s not all of the officers who are here today, but we’re qualified to represent them all. You have confirmed your concern for Kazakhstan, so I will not hesitate further. I’d like to join you, even if we’ll walk on a thorny path. Please lead us.”

If young officers in the military decided to move around the Arirang state, Youngho had successfully turned their minds. But there was something they needed to do first. It was to press hard on the Russian border. Shaking Russia would be the only way to put a brake on the movement of the northern cities. Even if the political situation faltered, the military needed to show itself that it was firmly guarding the border. If left neglected, Kazakhstan would lose its key economic blocs.

“We can’t let the people of the northern city keep acting like that... but I can’t think of a solution.”

Youngho was subtly pressuring the officers.

If he told them to start a border conflict first, he could be seen as someone who did not care about the sacrifice of soldiers. Everyone looked heavy-minded at Youngho’s remark.

“I think there should be some conflict on the Russian border. Only then, those who insist on independence will change their mind.”

On behalf of the crowd, Lieutenant Colonel Kabak made concluding remarks. He said something that Youngho wanted to hear, but Youngho pretended that he had not thought about it.

“If there was a fight, only innocent soldiers will be hurt.”

“That’s a sacrifice we have to endure. Should we be afraid of protecting our country? Aren’t we all here because we are determined to endure any pain?”

Then, all agreed that there was no other option but a border dispute.

Believing that they would have to do anything, even if they might lose the northern region in the future, they all came to the conclusion.


On television, each news channel was busy broadcasting about the high tension in the border area. As agreed with Youngho, the young officers made disputes in the border. A military commander even declared that he would not allow any region to claim independence.

The military leadership was also dumbfounded as young officer groups acted out alone. However, the Kazakh public supported the young soldiers trying to protect their country.

As Kazakh soldiers began the border dispute, Russia reinforced the military power around the border and placed armored vehicles. However, when the Russian troop movements were reported to Western journalists in real-time, Russia was embarrassed. It was ignoring Kazakhstan’s intelligence, but the news was spreading too fast. It was all due to the British intelligence’s military satellite. It was providing freelance journalists with the Russian military’s movement in real-time.

“Man, now we’ve set up the whole stage, all there’s left to do is to start our big act.”

“All we need is a big stir up at the border area for a climax. That’s how we’re doing the right counterattack to the president. I don’t think we need to make a bold move to ourselves this time. Those officers who visited our state were pretty determined. Maybe they’ll strike Russia first.”

Park Jong-il seemed to be getting fidgety that he was sad that Youngho and he did not get to go to the border this time. No one would ever dream of Kazakhstan’s military provoking the Russian military first since its military power was no match to Russia’s military force.

“Only young soldiers will get hurt. Would it be nice for an old man to come down on his own?”

“Would an old politician easily give up his seat? The guys next to you will whisper and they’ll hold on to you. The president is their best bet.”

“The eldest daughter left her job as deputy prime minister. What do you think that means?”

“Well, her father’s position is in danger now. How dare can she think of taking over the president’s position next generation? She must be busy going around looking for a place to run away.”

“I hope we didn’t make a bad decision.”

“Even if we made a bad judgment, the president’s corruption does not go anywhere. If he doesn’t give up his position, we’ll have to force him to come down from there.”

“What if the government still holds the election regardless of the border situation?”

“We should stop them from voting.”

As soon as the president and the ruling party are re-elected, the Arirang Autonomous State would become the public enemy. There had been too many things that the state had done ignoring the central government or the president. How would you explain about the arbitrary entry of the fighter jets and missile ships into the county without consulting the central government or the defense ministry and the fact that the site of building a tank assembly plant had been changed without any report?

Besides, Youngho had sought to do an event that was equally intense as a coup with young officers, and now he had no place to back down. He had to overthrow the government without fail.

This was less likely, but if the election was pushed ahead, he would have no choice but to take an extraordinary measure. It was for the entire world to see the news that the president had an accident. He did not want to go that far with the man whom he once was close with, but it was an inevitable step for a good cause.


“Man, their firepower is way behind. Will they be able to secure the border?”

“The moment Russia enter our border, the United Nations Security Council will be held. After that, economic sanctions will be imposed from each country. Will it ever cross the border in the already difficult economic situation? No matter how much Putin wants our land, he will never do such a reckless thing.”

“But Russia took over the Crimea.”

“That’s a strategic place to take under any sanctions. Russia needed a port to target the whole of Europe, so it still took it despite any possible disadvantage. Even if I were in Putin’s shoes, I would have pushed for Crimea.”

“Our Kazakh soldiers are getting behind. Why don’t we go and help them out?”

“Let’s be patient. I’ve got something in my mind.”

The two military forces, which had been engaged in a war of nerves on the border, were finally fighting a battle, and the Kazakh military was badly behind.

It was noisy because they did not directly fire at the opponent’s tanks, but they were only pouring fire into its surroundings. However, it was hard for the military to withstand it. There was a kind of DMZ-like place at the Russian border, and satellite images clearly showed that the Kazakh military had never been close to the area since it was only full of Russian troops.

Park Jong-il, who was frustrated by the situation, was urging Youngho to go help the military force. The two could defeat the Russian military, but Youngho did not want to step in every time something happened. It was unfortunate that soldiers were hurt and even killed, but he could not be hung up on peripheral tasks. If the military was in charge of it, it was time for him to wait and see.

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