
Chapter 427: Bloody Excited

She thought she would be relieved when he stops hugging her, but as soon as their bodies separate, Daisy feels an intense sensation of loss. Lucien\'s fragrant natural scent continues all over her body, making her miss his body even more.

"I... I\'m so sorry that I can\'t help more..." She feels so weak as she can\'t really help Lucien and begins to crave more power.

But Lucien tenderly smiles at her. "You were great, Daisy. I couldn\'t do this without you."

Those words make her feel better and worse at the same time. Daisy is thrilled to be helping Lucien, but she wants more; she really wants to fight alongside him as partners.

Lucien looks at the spear angel again. "I\'m going to finish this quickly."

Then he summons the golden naginata in his hand. Its golden glow looks brighter than ever, and everyone in the angel group and Lucien\'s group sees that splendid light, making them feel similar to how they felt seeing the light of Pride\'s aura.

The golden naginata seems to be alive and wanting to put on a show as it continues to shine brightly regardless of Lucien\'s will, also making the glow of that angel\'s spear look like trash.

The spear angel feels a dense aura over his body, making it difficult even for him to breathe. An instinctive fear begins to grow inside his soul while he can see that naginata is an incredible weapon and compared to the eight Legendary Weapons of the superior worlds.

And in fact, it is. Aylin\'s golden naginata is second in the rank of the eight Legendary Weapons. And even without knowing that, the spear angel wants it more than anything he\'s ever wanted before.

"This spear... I like it. I\'ll get it from your corpse!" The spear angel speaks before flying towards Lucien.


Lucien smiles and flies forward with no intention of dodging spear angel\'s attacks. The angel swings his spear down from right to left, while Lucien swings the golden naginata up from left to right, and both weapons\' blades collide in front of them.


An explosive wave of force is generated by that collision, followed by a loud metallic sound. However, Lucien and the spear angel do not move an inch as they continue to force their weapons forward.

"It is not a spear," Lucien comments while not realizing that he is smiling, excited by the combat.

The spear angel is even more furious because Lucien is blocking his attack even though he is using all his strength and because he is doing it while smiling.

"I\'ll kill you!!!" The spear angel cries and forces his spear even further.

Lucien is using his demonic energies to the fullest, which quickly consumes his energies mixes, so he knows he can\'t keep competing in force with that angel.

Then he starts to retreat while sliding his naginata to the side. The spear angel thinks he\'s breaking Lucien\'s defenses, but by the time he realizes his mistake, it\'s already too late.

As the spear angel is pushing all his forces forward, as soon as Lucien slides his naginata, his spear moves keep forward, and he tries to cut his body. But Lucien flaps his wings and rotates his body in the air.

The spear angel thinks Lucien will try to escape, but he spins quickly and hits Its pommel on the angel\'s face.


That angel\'s blood and teeth fly while another wave of force is generated by that brutal attack. He doesn\'t feel pain due to the pill he took, but his body is thrown back while he gets even angrier.

Lucien sees the opportunity to end that fight by attacking quickly now as his speed is still higher than that of the spear angel. But he doesn\'t attack because he doesn\'t want to end that exciting fight so fast.

Then he spins the golden naginata in his hand while looking at that angel with a provocative smile. "Do you need a break?"

"HAAAAA!!!!" The angel cries and flies towards Lucien, swinging his spear furiously.

*Bam* *Clang* *Bam* *Clang* *Bam* *Clang* *Bam* *Clang*

Lucien does not avoid but deflects the blows with his naginata, generating a series of loud metallic sounds as he is pushed back by the massive force of that angel.

But he keeps smiling as he moves his naginata at incredible speed, making slight cuts on the spear angel\'s body each time he deflect one of his strikes.

However, the spear angel doesn\'t seem to care about those cuts even when his clothes and wings start to turn red with his blood. He continues to madly attack Lucien as they both begin to fly faster and faster.


Lucien makes another incredibly fast move and kicks the spear angel in the belly after dodging one of his attacks. The angel is thrown back several meters but quickly attacks Lucien again, ignoring any pain or injury.

This time, Lucien not only deflects the angel\'s blows but also counterattacks with his naginata. He and the angel start exchanging strikes faster and faster, and not even Daisy can see the blades of their weapons anymore but just hear the metallic sounds that echo across the battlefield.

The spear angel still has a strength advantage over Lucien, but he starts to fly faster and faster, which makes that advantage not so significant. On the contrary, while they exchange blows flying, Lucien has more advantage due to his superior agility.

In fact, every time Lucien exchanges a blow with the spear angel using his naginata, he feels more powerful, faster, and more excited. Also, he feels the connection with the naginata and the golden gates in his soul improving.

As they continue to exchange blows, Lucien begins to fly down, taking the spear angel to fight above the battle that is taking place on the ground.

While Lucien\'s troops and wives fight the angel army, they hear the metallic sounds closer and see Lucien and the Spear angel fly very close to the ground. The waves of force generated by their attacks make other people tremble, and everyone gets fascinated.

Lucien flies across the whole battlefield while fighting the spear angel. He hasn\'t suffered any injuries yet but has already hit dozens of attacks on the angel, who continues to ignore any pain and injury.

While fighting, Lucien also pays attention to his girls fighting. His troops are trying their best to fight in sync, and they seem to be easily slaughtering the Mortal Realm angels while none of them have suffered severe injuries yet.

Aria, Ella, Astrid, and Daisy also begin to fight the other angels as he fights the spear angel. Everyone is fighting while only three people watch the fight from afar: Genevieve, Helena, and the terrified Agapius.

The spear angel notes that Lucien is checking his troops while fighting him, which makes him even angrier, but no matter what he does, his spear never touches Lucien\'s body.

He tries light attacks of various types, but Lucien seems to predict his movements, and even when he blocks his attacks, he can\'t get through that incredible naginata.

He starts to try less predictable movements; that is, he starts to move even more madly, which opens his guard more and more.

Lucien does not miss any opportunity and hits the spear angel in the belly with his naginata\'s blade, piercing his body and making his guts fall from the sky.

"Heh..." Lucien makes a mocking sound and then pushes his naginata aside, further opening the cut in the spear angel\'s belly. Then he quickly spins the naginata and hits Its pommel on the angel\'s head, throwing him towards the ground.

*Whooosh* *Boooooom*

The spear angel falls in the middle of the battlefield, creating a crater on the ground and a cloud of dust. That scares the other angels and makes Lucien\'s troops, just like Donna, smile.

Still, even severely wounded, the spear angel seems to feel no pain and quickly tries to get up and fly towards Lucien.

*Whoosh* *BAM*

But Lucien descends from the sky like a shooting star and stomps on the spear angel\'s belly, pushing his body further into the earth and increasing that crater.

While the dust prevents everyone from seeing clearly, the spear angel sees a golden light approaching his face. He tries to raise his spear to defend himself, but Lucien is stepping on it.

[Am I dead???] The spear angel wonders, but then a wave of wind hurts his face and drives that dust away from his body, allowing him to see the blade of the golden naginata spiked on the ground, at less than an inch of his head.

Despite being able to ignore the pain in his body, the spear angel can no longer bear the pain in his heart due to the humiliations he is suffering. And seeing the provocative smile on Lucien\'s face, the spear angel feels his heart bleed.

"If you beg, I can spare you," Lucien speaks in a mocking tone.

[DEVIL!!!] The spear angel thinks, as do all the other angels watching that scene.

But Lucien\'s troops are unable to contain their proud and excited smiles as they watch their beloved master destroy that strong angel.

Sophia, Amelia, Sloth, and Envy also smile as they look at Lucien with loving expressions. Wrath and Donna even stop fighting to watch that scene.

Eve smiles too, while inside her soul, Pride feels like laughing. Lucien is not only beating the shit out of that angel but destroying any self-respect he and the other angels have, which makes her very pleased.

But the spear angel is not yet defeated. Even while his blood leaks from dozens of wounds in his body and there are more of his guts on the ground than inside his belly, he still tries to fight.

"YOU-" He tries to say something.


But Lucien steps on his face, brutally pressing his head into the ground. He spent more than half of his demonic energies since the beginning of that battle, but he has already regenerated most of that amount due to how pleasurable it is for him.

"What did you say?" Lucien speaks as he smiles at his girls. "I didn\'t hear you; can you speak that again?"

While Genevieve and Helena feel sorry for the spear angel, the other angels are furious with Lucien. Most of them are also very afraid, but some of them, the strongest of the Earth Realm, fly towards him.

Lucien notices ten Earth Realm angels approaching him at the same time. Lust quickly tells him that they are between the seventh and ninth layers of Earth Realm; that is, they are not weak.

But at that moment, while Lucien focuses his senses to the fullest, he holds the golden naginata tightly and feels more powerful than ever.

For him, time seems to be in slow motion. He sees the Earth Realm angels a few feet away from him, and then he swings the golden naginata, starting a horizontal cut.

He starts the strike using one hand and then holds the naginata\'s shaft with both hands and focuses on it as much demonic energy as he can, using all his forces.


The naginata\'s blade cuts through the wind and even small grains of sand in the air before reaching the first Earth Realm angel. Then that sharp blade cuts through that angel\'s skin, flesh, bones, organs, and guts, splitting his body in half while his blood splashes out off him.

Still, the naginata doesn\'t stop, and after using less than a second to cut that angel in two halves, Lucien destroys another angel and then another, cutting those ten angels in one single movement before either of them hits an attack on him.


When the blood and guts of the first angel reach the ground, the naginata crosses the tenth one, and then Lucien gets completely covered in angel blood.

"Hmm..." He licks the blood on his lips, and the golden naginata shine brightly as blood drips over Its blade.

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